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Dec. 11, 2018 BOCC Run Down

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Presentation by Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc., of 2018 Capital Credit Refund totalling $149,517.35


Requesting compensation

Joe Bruno of Spring Hill addressed the board for the second time in recent meetings.  Bruno said his property sustained damages in excess of $65,000 when a sewer backup occurred on his street.  According to Bruno, the county at the time took responsibility, however he never received reimbursement.
A lawsuit was filed in January 2018, but was dismissed due to procedural defects. 
Bruno’s Neighbor,Tina Congleton witnessed the event and told the board how she heard a county representative admit, “We flooded (Bruno) out.” 
Bruno’s HOA President, Richard Krause also recounted the events, and corroborated Bruno’s and Congleton’s accounts.
Double billing garbage service

Double billing garbage bill?

Ann Krause – Keenan addressed the board about double-billing of her garbage bill between October 1 and December 31, 2018. 

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1500% tax increase

Joe Matthews spoke about a property tax increase on a property he bought in April of this year. According to Matthews, the tax has increased by 1,500% on the 125-acre property. 

High Point Emergency Medical Responders Requesting fee reduction

Hernando High Point Emergency Medical Responders addressed the board to request fees be reduced.   The $6000 annual fee is assessed by the county who provides the team with radios and instant text-messaging service. 
Hernando High Point Emergency Medical Responders is an organized group of first responders, former nurses and emergency medical technicians providing services in High Point.

Give up a half acre parcel?

Pepper Greenwell of Tropic Shores Realty with her client Judith Hargrove asked the board to intervene in a tax sale and zoning issue. Hargrove owns an 11.5 acre property located at 4000 Burwell Road in the Ridge Manor area. After handing out detailed data to the board, Greenwell told the board that her client was given bad advice in 1998 and the county illegally divided the property.  Today, the property carries a ‘red flag’ and Hargrove was told by the zoning department that she was supposed to give a one-half acre portion of the parcel in order to form a complete 1-acre parcel, along with the one-half acre sold at a tax sale.   Greenwell asked the board that the flag be removed, and Hargrove not be required to give up the one-half-acre parcel.  She also asked the the property be given a Class-C classification.

Kettering Road Paving

Bill Loomis asked County Administrator Len Sossamon directly if he received emails dated March 29, 2017 from Brian Malmberg regarding Kettering Road paving.


High Point Emergency Medical Responders Requesting fee reduction

To Hernando High Point Emergency Medical Responders, the board discussion raised a few more questions than answers.  A meeting was scheduled at High Point the following day (December 12, 2018), which Hernando County Sheriff Al Nienhuis was expected to attend.  County Administrator Len Sossamon also suggested that the item be put on the January 15, 2019 agenda, which will allow time for a solution to be found at the High Point meeting, and to explore grants and other options.

Give up a half acre parcel?

To Pepper Greenwell,  BOCC Chairman Steve Champion  stated that Hargrove and Greenwell visited him about this matter.  “I was floored …  This is the United States of America, we don’t make anyone give their land away.  If we screwed up, we deal with it.”  

Zoning Supervisor Chris Linsbeck who just learned of the issue during Greenwell’s presentation, and Rebecca Garrett from the Zoning Department provided better insight as to the history of Hargrove’s property.  According to Garrett, there was a disconnect in the legal description, which was still accepted by the Clerk of Court, because the Clerk’s office is unable to refuse paperwork submitted.

Deputy Attorney Jon Jouben said that this disconnect is frequently found with property records, but the acceptance of documents is governed by state law, which the county cannot override. 

Garrett also stated that the transfer of the one-half acre parcel to a family member in the nineties was not on record as approved by the county.  More research will need to be done by the owner and realtor, and Garrett suggested that the Zoning Department will assist.  

Garrett went on to say that she wasn’t sure why Hargrove was told she would need to forfeit land she legally owns in order to “complete” the parcel that previously sold in a tax sale, albeit at an improper size.  The main question is how subdividing the 11.5-acre property will be affected in the future due to past mistakes in record-keeping.  

Also at issue is future development of the one-half acre parcel, since it doesn’t meet the lot acreage size requirement currently in the county ordinances.     

Requesting compensation

Of Joe Bruno’s request, Deputy County Attorney Jon Jouben stated, “Mr. Bruno sued the county, the county prevailed in that litigation.  If the concern is about what his lawyer did or did not do, that’s between (Bruno), his lawyer, and the lawyer’s malpractice carrier.  The county has no further interest in this matter.”

Commissioner John Mitten asked Jouben if Bruno’s case was found in favor of the county due to a technicality, such as a misfiled document, and had concerns whether or not the county actually did cause harm to Bruno.  Mitten posed the question, “Is this the county’s lift station that mechanically faulted,

then caused damage to a resident, that was not their fault.  Irrespective of whatever legal paperwork was not filed properly, I think it’s incumbent upon us to try and help this resident if truly, it was our lift station that broke.  If we’re at fault, we need to try to make amends.”

Sossamon said that if this is the board’s position, then the matter should be scheduled for a future meeting, and ultimately a vote to approve reimbursement to Bruno.  Bruno was directed to submit paperwork to the county’s Risk Management Department to bring the matter back to the board.

Double billing garbage service

County Utilities Director Gordon Onderdonk explained the billing anomaly encountered by Ann Krause – Keenan.  The Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) will not be assessed until January 2019, and at that time, the utilities department will cease collecting for garbage collection.

1500% Tax increase

Of Joe Matthews’ tremendous property tax increase, Sossamon acknowledged early stage development or improvements to the property could trigger notice from the Property Appraiser’s  Office, and see the development as added value.  Matthews was directed to the Value Adjustment Board (VAB), which has jurisdiction to correct this matter.

Kettering Road Paving

Replying to Bill Loomis’ query, Sossamon acknowledged many sent and received emails and said, “If you could be more clear in what you’re trying to achieve, I’d like to help you get there.” 

No items were pulled or added to this week’s consent agenda.

1. Amendment to Client Agreement With ComPsych Corporation for Enhanced Employee Assistance Program Services
2. Annual Mosquito Control Contractual Services Agreement and Certified 
Budget With State Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Related to FY 2018-19 Funding Request for Mosquito Control Operations
3. Appointment of Lynn Gruber – White to Planning and Zoning Commission Until December 31, 2022
4. Construction Drawings for Cortez Oaks Phase 1A Section 2
5.Construction Drawings for Cortez Oaks Phase 2A
6. Interlocal Agreement With Hillsborough County for Temporary Use of Portable Modular Fire Station for Fire Rescue Station No. 4
7. Letters to Department of State, Bureau of Historic Preservation Regarding Environmental Review for Small Cities Community Development Block Grant From State Department of Economic Opportunity for Housing Rehabilitation Funding
8.Professional Services Agreement With Unique Connect Consultants, Inc., to Provide Forensic Fit for Duty Services for Fire Rescue District Staff
9.Request Submitted by Brooksville Main Street Program for Use of Main Library Parking Lot to Facilitate Carriage Rides on December 12, 2018, December 13, 2018, December 19, 2018, and December 20, 2018
10. Transmittal of List of Accounts Payable Disbursements for Weeks Ended November 16, 2018, and November 23, 2018
11.Approval of Minutes for Regular Meeting November 27, 2018


1. Letter From Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller Announcing Return of Excess Fees for FY 2017-18

Letter from Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller announcing the return of excess fees from Fiscal Year 2017-18. Pursuant to Florida Statute 218.36, the Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller transmitted excess fees in the amount of $297,036.32 to the Board of County Commissioners for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2018.

2.Letter From State Department of Economic Opportunity Regarding Review of Comprehensive Plan Amendment Adopted by Ordinance No. 2018-16 on September 25, 2018

Received the attached letter from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) advising that they have completed their review of the comprehensive plan amendment for Hernando County adopted by Ordinance No. 2018-16 on September 25, 2018 (Amendment No. 18-02ER), which was received and determined complete on October 3, 2018. The DEO reviewed the amendment in accordance with the state coordinated review process set forth in Sections 163.3184(2) and (4), Florida Statutes (F.S), and determined the adopted amendment meets the requirements of Chapter 163, Part II, F.S., for compliance, as defined in Section 163.3184(1)(b), F.S. The DEO issued a Notice of Intent to find the comprehensive plan amendment “In Compliance.”
A copy of the Notice of Intent is enclosed and was to be posted on the DEO’s website.
The DEO’s Notice of Intent to find a plan amendment “In Compliance” is deemed to be a final order if no timely petition challenging the amendment has been filed. If the plan amendment was challenged by an affected person, the amendment would not become effective until the DEO or the Administration Commission enters a final order determining the amendment to be “In Compliance.”
3. Letter From Tax Collector Announcing Return of Excess Funds for FY 2017-2018

Per Florida Statute 218.36, excess funds are to be proportionately returned to each governmental unit. For fiscal year ended September 30, 2018, Sally L. Daniel, Hernando County Tax Collector, will return $1,899,801.89 to the Board of County Commissioners.

4.Notice of Purchasing Policy Exceptions for October 2018

From Animal Services, “Four unpaid invoices from FY 2017: 08-27-17 $40.54, 09-15-17 $208.65, 09-19-17 $1218.78, 09-28-17 $202.50. Total $1670.47 Unpaid invoices were just recently brought to the attention of HCAS.”  

Animal Services Manager James Terry explained further, “I have not been able to determine the exact reason that the invoices were unpaid. During this time, the procedure was that invoices were placed in a folder at animal services the contents of which were picked up weekly by staff from Hernando County Fire Rescue for processing. That process has since changed as I assumed the role of processing payments on October 1, 2017. I did note that these invoices are from the time of Hurricane Irma, when animal services was completely overwhelmed with responsibilities for the event. Although I cannot directly determine where the breakdown occurred, I find it very likely that it was influenced by the Chaos of the hurricane, combined with end of year transitioning.

From Airport Operations, “The security card reader system at the Air Traffic Control Tower malfunctioned. As ACSI installed the system, we contacted them to repair without delay. We failed to confirm acceptance of credit card as payment method prior to repair being performed.”

5.Transmittal by City of Brooksville of Resolution No. 2018-19 Renaming Portion of North Avenue East to Ernie Chatman Run

Correspondence from the City of Brooksville confirming action taken on November 5, 2018. The City Council has determined to rename a portion of North Avenue E. from its intersection with Howell Avenue to the east side of its intersection with Bell Avenue, to Ernie Chatman Run, to honor Mr. William “Ernie” Chatman and his legacy as a long-time educator, successful coach and friend of Hernando High School and the community.


1. Rezoning Petition Submitted by Ace Cortez Land, LLC (H1828)

This request is to rezone from R1C (Residential) to Planned Development Project / General Commercial.  The property is located at the south side of NoddyTern, 460 feet north of Ovenbird road. Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) voted 4-0 to recommend approval for Planned Development Project / Office Professional with modified performance conditions.  This parcel is planned to be a retention pond.  The board approved 5-0.

2. Rezoning Petition Submitted by Gold Star Equity, LLC (H1830)

This request is to rezone from C1 (Commercial) and R1A (Residential) to Planned Development Project / General Commercial, with a specific C2 use for automobile service establishment, and an automotive dealer establishment.  The property is located on the east side of Commercial way, approximately 620 feet south of Longlake Avenue.  P&Z voted 5-0 to recommend approval.  The board approved 5-0.

3. Rezoning Petition Submitted by Benn of Spring Hill, Inc. (H1831)

This request is to rezone from Planned Development Project / General Highway / Commercial to Planned Development Project / Commercial, with a specific C2 use for for automobile service establishment, .   The property is located at the northwest side of Commercial Way, approximately 740 feet southwest of Pacific Avenue.  P&Z voted 5-0 to recommend approval.  

 4: Rezoning Petition Submitted by Ronald Birren (H1813)
Please follow this link for article on the above item:



Ordinance Creating Hurricane Drive Road Paving Municipal Service Benefit Unit

Pursuant to FL statute 125.01 and 197.36(32), an application was received for the creation of an Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) to pave Hurricane Drive.  Herring reported that the received votes do meet the minimum requirement per Policy 16.1, which is 51% of affected property owners’ signatures. The full cost of the project is estimated at $315,854.  Projected construction cost is $279,176.  The county’s one-third share for construction is $93,059, and the cost for residents is $222,795.

Property owners have the option of paying a one-time up-front assessment fee, or over a ten-year period at a rate of 5 percent.  The up-front assessment fee will be $5,570, and the annual fee will be $851 per unit.

A second public hearing will be held after the completion of the project to adopt a resolution setting the final budget and assessment rate.
No residents appeared for comment, and the Ordinance passed unanimously via a roll-call vote.

Ordinance Creating Johnathan Drive Road Paving Municipal Service Benefit Unit

87 percent  of property owners signed to approve in accordance with Policy 16.1 to pave Johnathan Drive.  Full cost of the project is estimated at $56,353, with construction costs of $46,740.  The county’s one-third share is estimated at $15,585, leaving $40,773 to be assessed to property owners.
Property owners have the option of paying a one-time up-front assessment fee will be $2,913, and the annual fee will be $580 per unit.
No residents appeared for comment, and the Ordinance passed unanimously via a roll-call vote.

Ordinance Creating Michigan Avenue Road Paving Municipal Service Benefit Unit

57 percent of property owners signed to approve in accordance with Policy 16.1 to pave Johnathan Drive.  Full cost of the project is estimated at $250,783, with construction costs of $220,929.  The county’s one-third share is estimated at $73,643, leaving $177,140 to be assessed to property owners.

Property owners have the option of paying a one-time up-front assessment fee will be $3,543, and the annual fee will be $551 per unit.
Michigan Avenue resident Andi Haye spoke in opposition of the paving, concerned that it will increase traffic on Michigan Avenue.  Haye stated she is also concerned about the environmental impact of increased heat being generated from a black top road.

Joel May, a resident since 1989 said, “This is a rural neighborhood.  The character of the neighborhood calls for lime rock.  We don’t need that road paved.”  May added that some residents in the area are already having trouble paying their property taxes.  “You’re going to double their taxes, you’re going to make people lose their houses.”

May also added that new residents to the neighborhood deciding the road should be paved “just isn’t right.  Why move into a neighborhood with lime rock roads if you don’t want lime rock roads?”

Amanda Ellis moved to Michigan Avenue almost two years ago told the board that she just applied for Homestead Exemption, and the passage of this ordinance will have no net reduction in her property taxes.  Ellis also said that speeding on Michigan is expected to worsen with the paving of the road.  
Charles Greenwell spoke to the board regarding “The way (staff) counts the votes and the way they figure the percentages. We used to be able to see the total number of people who lived in the area that were being affected, and we would get a count of how many actually voted or responded to the poll … the people who did not respond who, in many cases are opposed to it don’t understand that they have to vote one way or the other to be counted.  So, the 57 percent that you’re hearing, I wonder if that is of the people who responded, or is that 57% of the people who live on this road?”  Greenwell went on to say that there could be property owners that are unaware that this project is even being considered, but still be required to pay, and thinks the procedure should be reviewed.

Chairman Steve Champion drew a comparison to voters in elections, as when only 30% of voters vote, the majority vote is counted among those who voted, not among the total population of voters.

Commissioner Wayne Dukes commented that this subject comes up occasionally, where people who like dirt roads maintain that they shouldn’t have to pay to live on a paved road.  “Unfortunately (the BOCC) has an obligation to the county … that is called ‘progress … you do the best we can, and that is why we do it by vote.’”

Commissioner John Allocco agreed with Greenwell’s comment, and said that he would like to see more complete numbers again, including the total population of affected homeowners.  Allocco went on to say that at this time, the ordinance meets all the current rules in place. 

The ordinance passed unanimously via a roll-call vote.

Commissioner Jeff Holcomb added after the vote that if there is a problem with speeding, that any Commissioner or the Sheriff’s Office can be contacted directly.

Ordinance Creating Pheasant Area Road Paving Municipal Service Benefit Unit

This ordinance includes Pheasant Avenue, Masked Duck Lane, Limpkin Road, Poorwill Avenue, Petrel Avenue and Flock Avenue from Marsten Road to Cockatoo Avenue

54 percent of affected  property owners signed to approve in accordance with Policy 16.1.  The boundaries consist of 161 parcels abutting the roads.  The preliminary budget is based on an equal per-lot assessment, with corner lots paying half-assessments for each unimproved road. Full cost of the project is estimated at $783,032, with construction costs of $662,744  The county’s one-third share is estimated at $220,915, leaving $517,117 to be assessed to property owners.

Property owners have the option of paying a one-time up-front assessment fee will be $2,930, and the annual fee will be $431 per unit.

Commissioner Allocco asked Herring to expound on the methodology in determining proponents since the roads planned are incongruent.  MSBU Coordinator Brian Bickhardt said that originally there was a single applicant who he believes reached out on Facebook to the Royal Highlands area and asked for people to join in the application process.

Frederick DeLoach of Pheasant Avenue said, “Unfortunately we were like to back when we bought the property (12 years ago), because we said ‘When are the roads going to be paved?’ and they said ‘Within the next three years.’  DeLoach asked the board, “When we built our house in 2005, we had to pay impact fees.  I understood then impact fees were to pay for roads,sewer, water … Since we paid, shouldn’t it come out of that, instead of having to pay again?”

Jon Jouben answered DeLoach’s question, “You can’t use impact fees for a road-paving purpose.  This is a constitutional gas tax fund, and this is where the (Florida) statute says the money has to come from.”  Jouben explained further that impact fees are applied throughout the county for roads, and this is a specific segment.

Commissioner Holcomb gave further examples of where impact fee funds go, such as traffic lights and existing intersection expansion.

Mark Lee of Flock Avenue spoke to the safety of a paved road versus the limerock road.  Lee had personal experience with “fishtailing” of his vehicle when he would speed around corners in his youth. 

Lee also believes the paved road will save property owners money.  Lee has twice repaired his driveway after it cracked following the washing away of supporting roadway after heavy rains.  

The ordinance passed unanimously via a roll-call vote.


12. Ordinance Imposing Interim Southwest Hernando Refuse Collection Non-Ad Valorem Collection Assessments
This ordinance is to collect 

13. Resolution Adopting Uniform Method for Levy, Collection, and Enforcement of Interim Southwest Hernando Refuse Collection Non-Ad Valorem Assessment


1.  Job Creation Incentives Agreement and Permit/Impact Fee Mitigation Agreement With Jaguar Coffee

Valerie Pianta with the Office of Economic Development introduced the proposed agreement in which Jaguar Coffee, which seeks expansion.  
A local company located on Linden Drive in Spring Hill,  Jaguar employs 18 local residents and provides commercial espresso machines and coffee roasters both in various Florida markets as well as other states. They have machines in Starbucks, Target and several large hotels. Jaguar also has coffee available to local markets.

President Don Etchison plans to expand to a 10,000 square foot location on Technology Drive, as well as hire twelve additional employees. Pianta reported that Jaguar is eligible for job creation incentives and impact fee and building permit fee mitigation, as average salaries are 115% of Hernando county’s average wage. Etchison plans to invest $1-million for this expansion.

The expansion is expected to be complete at the end of 2019, with incentive payments beginning in 2020, and completing in 2026. The estimated amounts are $36,000 for the job creation and another $16,249 for the impact fee and building permit fee mitigation. 

Also included in the agreement is a standard land lease for 1.36 acres with two 10-year renewals.

The board approved unanimously.

Following the vote, Commissioner John Allocco said,  “I just want this board to start paying attention to where (the county) is going to be as far as all of these incentives. We’re getting to the point where obviously, there isn’t going to be the funding (available), and we have to decide as a board — is this what we intend to continue doing.” 

2. Request to Reopen Advertisement for Application to Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport Advisory Committee

After advertising, the board received twelve applications before the original deadline of November 2, 2018.  According to County Administrator Len Sossamon, since that time some of the commissioners received applications directly and after the deadline.  In order to consider these late applicants would be for the board to waive their policy, or re-open the advertisement timeframe.

Commissioners Champion and Dukes are opposed to this approach, Dukes explained that it gives the public perception of extending the time to favor a particular candidate.

Due to the delays in choosing the board, the first meeting which was supposed to be held in January, will need to be moved, and that topic appears on the December 18, 2018 agenda.

Commissioner Jeff Holcomb moved to extend the application acceptance for ten days, which was seconded by  Commissioner John Mitten.  The motion carried 3-2 with Champion and Dukes voting no.


Third Amendment to Fixed Base Operation Lease Agreement With American Aviation, Inc., for Corporate Hangars Located on Flight Path Drive in Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport

American Aviation is requesting an additional 1.2 acres which is contiguous to their existing property.  They are also requesting one year of rent abatement, which is standard until they receive their CO (Certificate of Occupancy) for their new facility.  Once American Aviation begins paying rent, the airport revenue will increase by $4,515 annually.

Commissioner John Mitten asked Daugherty about encroachment of the expansion onto an existing shade hangar.  Daugherty explained that the Airport has received a grant to redesign a new shade hangar and later addressed the encroachment issue.
The amendment was approved 5-0.


1. Approval of Purchase at Public Sale of Personal and Intangible Property Owned by CSC Holding Group, LLC, and ADVX, LLC, d/b/a TreeUmph! Adventure Course Located at 6440 Cedar Lane and Associated Budget Amendment (Total Cost: $166,420.00)
This article was published in the December 21, 2018 edition of The Hernando Sun.

2.  Approve Ranking Order and Contract Negotiations With Highest-Ranked Firms for Airport Engineering Services (RFQ 18-RG0128/PH).  

Staff recommends the board approve the PSRC’s (Professional Services Review Committee) ranking order, and authorize negotiations with two highest ranked firms, Avcon Inc and Michael Baker International for a three year period of engineering services, with two one-year renewals. The final contracts will be brought back to the board for approval. 

Cliff Manuel of Coastal Engineering spoke to the board, explaining his thoughts on the ranking criteria.  Manuel’s firm was ranked in the #4 position by the PSRC, whose members include Kevin Daugherty, Airport Manager; Ron Pianta, Planning and Zoning Director; Clay Black, P.E., Stormwater Engineer; and Raymond Clark, FDOT District 7 Aviation Administrator.  

Because the contracts in question don’t pertain to a particular project, Manuel suggested that location should be considered as part of the ranking system, especially since all of the projects will be at the airport.  He mentioned similar contracts with the Utilities and Public Works departments that use location as a ranking criteria. 

Manuel stressed that he was not asking the board to change anything with regard to the current decision, and commended the staff on their integrity and professionalism. He added, “However I would like to ask the board to allow the four (respondents to the RFQ) to make presentations to the board for this final RFQ.”

His explanation for coming to the board at this time is that rules are in place that while responses to RFQs are being ranked, there is a “Cone of Silence” where any objections to the process must be brought to the BOCC after the process has completed.  

Wunderle answered the local preference posed by saying, “In the case of the airport (the PSRC) was seeking the most qualified proposers that had business dealing with an airport scenario.”

Commissioner John Allocco was the first commissioner to address the request, expressing discomfort with going against a decision made by industry experts.  Manuel reiterated that he was not seeking a change in decision, only a requirement for the board to hear oral presentations in the cases of ongoing “Continuing Services” contracts for which projects have yet to be assigned.

Commissioners Dukes and Champion approve of Manuel’s request, stating much respect for Coastal Engineering, and their continued work with the county.  Dukes went on to say that this is not an usual request, and that the board has heard similar requests in his eight year tenure. 

After some discussion among the board members, the motion to hear oral arguments from the responding contractors was made by Dukes, and seconded by  Commissioner John Mitten.  The motion passed 4-1, with Commissioner John Allocco opposing.  

The primary item up for vote, to approve the ranking order and contract negotiations to move forward was not voted on at this meeting.

3. Award of Contract No. 18-CG0168/DK to Cross Construction Services, Inc., for T-Hangar Demolition and Materials Recycling to Revenue (Cost: $218,000.00)

Approved unanimously 

4. Award of Contract No. 18-C00152/BH to D.A.B. Constructors, Inc., for Spring Hill Drive/Saint Ives Boulevard to Suncoast Parkway Resurfacing Project (Cost: $314,444.44)

This also comes with the realignment of $35,000 from reserves to cover overall project increase.

Approved unanimously.

5.  Award of Term Contract No. 18-T00127/DK to Bill2Pay, LLC, for Remittance Processing Services (Cost: $88,485.00)

Approved unanimously.

6. Renewal of Virtual Private Cloud Hosting Service ($44,953.80) and Information Technology Disaster Recovery Annualized Service ($60,873.36) With DSM Technology Consultants, LLC (Total: $105,827.16)

Approved unanimously.


1. Cooperative Funding Agreement With Southwest Florida Water Management District for Weeki Wachee Springshed Stormwater Retrofits Project and Associated Budget Resolution

This agreement will retrofit ten existing drainage retention areas and will help with denitrification.  This is a cooperative agreement between Hernando County and Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD).  The county is putting forth $1-million, as is SWFWMD. 

Approved unanimously.

2. Local Agency Program Agreement With Department of Transportation for Powell Road Sidewalk Project and Associated Resolution

This project came in under budget.  Approved unanimously.

3. Locally Funded Agreement and Three Party Escrow Agreement With Department of Transportation for County Line Road From Suncoast Parkway to US 41 at Ayers Road Project (FPN: 257298-5-52-02)

Because the Department of Transportation (DOT) is receiving federal funds for this project, the funds cannot be used for litter removal, mowing or other maintenance activities.  Herring’s department has been working with the DOT to come up with a local funding agreement for their current contractor to do this, rather than bring in another contractor.

Herring also reported working with the DOT on another locally funded agreement for this project, which would provide for the signalization of the Ayers Road extension and Trillium.  A signal warrant study was conducted, and the signalization is warranted at this time.   

The cost is estimated at approximately $670,000.  The funds are currently available in the local-option gas tax.  
This item was approved unanimously. 

4. Request Submitted by Brooksville Raid Reenactment for Annual Mowing of Sand Hill Boy Scout Reservation for Annual Brooksville Raid Event

Approved unanimously.

5.State-Funded Grant Agreement With Department of Transportation for Design of Calienta Street From Shoal Line Boulevard to South of Maplewood Drive Project and Associated Resolutions

Approved unanimously.

6. State-Funded Grant Agreement With Department of Transportation for Design of Cyril Drive Bypass From Kettering Road to Cyril Drive Project and Associated Resolutions

This project will construct roadway bypasses around flooded areas.  The cost is $2-million.  DOT agrees to participate in the project up to $1.3-million, leaving the county share at $700,000, which is currently available.  The county will also be responsible for any costs above $2-million. 
A preliminary design is expected late in 2019. 
Approved unanimously.


Updated Cost Estimate for Utility Work by Highway Contractor Agreement and Three Party Escrow Agreement With Department of Transportation for Utility Line Relocation Associated With County Line Road Development Project

In 2013, and agreement was made between the county, DOT and their contractor for utility line relocation during the County Line road project.  Since then, construction costs have increased from $1,670,787  to $2,890,053. This price shift is also the result of a change in the scope of the project, involving a upgraded sixteen-inch diameter water main over a three-mile section.
Onderdonk added that the original budget estimate was $3,423,000.

Approved unanimously.

Resolution Amending Parks and Recreation Department Fee Schedule

Johnson’s department is raising some fees in order to cover the cost of a software system, called Max Galaxy, which will launch in January that will allow for online registration of facility rentals and programs. 

Johnson reports that a pay meter is planned for Jenkin’s Creek and Linda Pedersen Park parking, which are both currently on an “Honor Box” system. 
Commissioner John Allocco asked how the decisions to raise some fees and decrease others were made.  Allocco questioned the raising fees at Centennial (Dog) Park while reducing fees on the horse trails.  “I’m just trying to see how we came up with the rates,” Allocco said, adding that it costs equal amounts to clean and maintain both.

Johnson answered that the horse trails are not used as frequently as the dog park, and that the honor box for those trails return minimal amounts of revenue.   He added that the Centennial Park fee in the new listing should be $5.00 instead of $4.00, acknowledging that it costs the same amount to maintain Centennial as it does Veterans.

Commissioner Wayne Dukes asked Johnson if it’s possible to have language printed on daily parking passes stating that they are non-transferrable.  Johnson reported that tickets for this year have already been ordered, but he and his department will explore options of alerting the public to the recent ordinance changes. 

The board approved unanimously.


The following article discusses Board Comments during the Dec. 11, 2018 meeting:



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