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HomeUncategorizedDec. 17, 2018 Brooksville City Council meeting run down

Dec. 17, 2018 Brooksville City Council meeting run down

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Invocation and Opening

Mayor Bill Kemerer invited Pastor Paul Meseke of Christ Lutheran Church to give the invocation before the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council members stated they had no changes to make. Robert Battista moved to approve the agenda and Vice-Mayor Joe Bernardini seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.

Citizen Input
No one in the audience approached the council with comments.
The presentation for former mayor Betty Erhard was postponed until the next council meeting. 

There were two categories of the holiday light winners: residential and commercial. Erhard, the liaison between the Beautification Board and the City Council, and Roger Sherman, Vice Chair of the Beautification Board, presented the awards to the winners. 

1st Place – Gilbert and Geraldine Vasquez
2nd Place – Pat and Deeann Madden
3rd Place – Roger and Violet Langieri

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Also recognized were William and Robin Bishop and Betty Escamilla. Sherman stated the Continuing Excellence award was designed for citizens who maintain their yard consistently. They could easily win first place, but after a few years, they are given the honor of the Continuing Excellence award. James Brown was recognized as having the Most Festive display.

1st Place – Edward Jones
2nd Place – Rising Sun Bistro
3rd Place – Treasures From The Heart

The Continuing Excellence Award was given to the Hernando County Government for the Courthouse display, and to CDB at the entrance to Southern Hills. The Most Festive commercial display was awarded to Brooksville Healthcare Center.

Consent Agenda

There were no items pulled from the consent agenda for discussion. Bernardini moved to accept the consent agenda and Erhard seconded. The motion carried 5-0. 

Items on the consent agenda included the Nov. 5 and 19, 2018 minutes as well as advisory board appointments.

Public Hearing – Second Reading of Ordinance 898 (Small Cell Communication Facilities)

The intent of the ordinance is to completely repeal all language pertaining to the red light cameras and create the necessary language to regulate the small cell and micro communication facilities as well as any supports or hardware that will be in the city limits and the rights of way. 

Kemerer gave the floor to Nancy Stuparich, representing the City Attorney. Stuparich asked for the hearing to be postponed to the next meeting in January or even pushed back to February. She stated a wireless provider contacted her office with concerns and she would like time to meet with them. 

Brayton moved to postpone the discussion until the 01/07/19 meeting. Erhard seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. The council opened the floor to the public to express any comments or concerns, but no one approached. 

Regular Agenda – Appointment to Council to Outside Boards/Agencies for 2019

The council members participate in boards or organizations outside the city council to provide input on behalf of the City of Brooksville. With the resignation of council member Natalie Kahler and the election of Pat Brayton, there were some changes to the assignments.

William Kemerer – Withlacoochee Regional Water Supply Authority, (Alternate) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
Robert Battista – Metropolitan Planning Organization (no change), Good Neighbor Trail Advisory Committee
Joe Bernardini – Tourist Development council, Brooksville Cemetery Advisory Board, Parks and Recreation Board
Betty Erhard – Beautification Board, Take Stock in Children
Pat Brayton – Hernando County Anti-Drug Coalition, Youth and Family Alternatives

Bernardini moved to approve the revised list of assignments. Battista seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.

Citizen Input
No one came forward to speak to the council about any item on the agenda or any concerns.

Items by City Attorney
City Attorney Nancy Stuparich had nothing she wished to bring forward for discussion. 

Items by City Manager
City Manager Mark Kutney stated there were only four items to discuss. 

1. Email from Chris Rowe about the fire assessment. There are two phases, Kutney said. If the council agrees to move forward, the first phase would end in March and the second would end in July. 

2. Information provided by Bill Geiger about the federal opportunity zones which were authorized last year and established over the summer. These are economically distressed areas which the federal government has designated for private and public investment purposes. Kutney stated staff would look at it closely. Geiger stated that Hernando County nominated several census tracts (Kass Circle, for example) which were sent to the governor’s office. These were forwarded to the Treasury Department and approved. Looking to expand these opportunities, investors can use capital gains to reinvest into some of these more economically depressed areas. At this time, there is nothing for local governments to manage or oversee, Geiger said, except for marketing and making investors aware of the opportunities. 

3. Referring to security concerns at city parks, Kutney stated that Lt. McMurdo from Hernando County Sheriff’s Office agreed to continue the security checks they have done. Property owners or those with keys will be notified if there are unlocked doors. Between 12/01 to 12/16, there were more than 500 security checks. 

4. Concerning the city’s liability at the quarry site, Kutney and Parks and Recreation Director Mike Walker followed the council’s direction and spoke to a loss prevention specialist with the city’s insurance company, PRM. While the insurance company did not complete a risk assessment, the representative recommended the city follow its codes as well as coordinate with law enforcement. A six foot tall chain link fence is recommended, at least around the ravine area, Kutney said. “No Trespassing” signs would also be appropriate. With these measures in place, the representative said risk would be mitigated. Kutney stated he and Walker will follow the recommendations and provide a report to the council.  

Richard Radacky- Water Reuse Discussion

Read article here: https://www.hernandosun.com/article/discussion-continues-requiring-new-developments-use-citys-reclaimed-water

Items by Council

Read article here: https://www.hernandosun.com/article/items-council-2018-accomplishments-and-2019-goals


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