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Dec. 18, 2018 BOCC run down

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On Shoal Line Blvd. Property Acquisition

Jodie Pillarella addressed the board about an agenda item that “was listed, but not really listed.”   Palarella said that the specifics of Len Sossamon’s agenda topic of acquiring land for additional boat trailer parking (agenda item I.1, which reads, “Request to Use Impact Fees to Acquire and Develop Property Located on Shoal Line Boulevard for Additional Boat Trailer Parking at Hernando Beach Boat Ramp to Accommodate Population Growth) is “misleading and vague.”  
Diane Greenwell also spoke about the agenda item, and asked the board to pull it from the agenda.

Education items by Jimmy Lodato

Jimmy Lodato introduced himself as the School Board’s new liaison with the Board of County Commissioners.  Lodato began by thanking the board for their cooperation with providing extra School Resource Officers (SROs) in area elementary schools, as well as extra crossing guards.

“During my election, my agenda was to expand vocational programs.  As you know, we have a major problem where we’re not able to fill jobs that are available, so we need to move in a different way.  In 2006, we had a (vocational / technical) school … which we eliminated, we went back to a regular school.

 It is time now for us to come forward with a vocational school.  We’re putting a study together right now when we have the legislative meeting … we’re putting a program together to present to Senator Wilton Simpson.”

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“Right now, we’re graduating 1500 students.  500 are not going to college.  This is a terrible situation to be in.  We need to educate our kids, starting in the 9th grade, all the way through the 12th, and get them certifications so they can have jobs, and it ties right into the programs (the county) has for economic development.  These are students that would be able to be used in our community, with very viable jobs, without having a tremendous debt to pay back for college. 

Lodato added, “Also, about the busing issue we’re going to be moving forward with trying to get this (two-mile radius restriction) eliminated.”  Lodato said the school board is trying to remove the restriction for elementary school students in the short term. He also added that parents who need to transport multiple children to different schools might be in the workforce otherwise.

“I would like for you to put together a program (that was held in the two years ago) … a meeting where we gathered all of our groups … the legislature, the county commission, the school district, the Chamber (of commerce) … all of the people who are stakeholders in the community, so that we can plan the future of the county together.

Sunrise Development

Bill Loomis displayed an email dated Feb. 10, 2015 from Doris Cupeles, Administrative Assistant for the Division of Environmental Services, which reads, “A water & sewer agreement for the Sunrise Development was not created.  Hernando County and the developer did not get to this phase of the proposed project.”
Loomis read several other pieces of correspondence between himself and Hernando county staff.

Mass Transit

David Philipsen addressed the board about mass transit and town hall meetings.  “Town halls are needed, Lynn Gruber-White thinks so as well, for the elderly.  It would probably be at the Press Box down in Spring Hill.  Has anybody looked at the impact of Lyft, Uber, ride-sharing on the mass-transit in the county?  Has it taken away ridership, or something to that effect … I don’t think that was ever tracked.  
I’m going to do a request for ridership numbers probably in the new year.
The other thing I would like to talk about is flyers for NAMI. These are updated, I’m going to try to get these to the library so they can be distributed.  
Commissioner Wayne Dukes – “Thanks for all you do with mass-transit, we appreciate your efforts.   
Commissioner Jeff Holcomb asked Philipsen if he had an announcement about NAMI.  Philipsen said, “There’s bowling every Sunday from 2:30 pm at Spring Hill Lanes.  There is a Facebook page  search for “NAMI Bowling.” 

Repaving Osowaw

Dr. John Paul Reeves  – questions about repaving Osowaw.  Reeves reported a worsening state of the road since last year.

Law Enforcement on the  Weeki Wachee / Increased Park Fees

Jim “Sarge” Dendy – “I’m going to ask this question until I get the answer that I want to hear.  I would like to know what the status is of the deputy that’s supposed to be on the river.  I asked John (Mitten? Allocco?) that, he gave me an answer a week ago. Next BOCC meeting, I’ll ask again if you don’t have an answer.  Because at the current time, there are only deputies on the weekend.”

Sarge prepared his presentation while saying, “At the current time, we’re trying to get a river crime-watch started, and there’s no need of having people out on the river if there’s not a deputy on the river, because all you can do then is call the dispatch, and it will take two hours for dispatch to get somebody there.  So the people that’s doing the violation will be gone.  

Showing the recent changes in Parking Fees, Dendy said, “We increased the yearly cost for a boat trailer … some of the other yearlies are the same.  But you didn’t increase the daily fee.”  He went on to illustrate that the old fee included tax, while the new fee does not, which raises some fees by $10.  Dendy also stated that there are fees at Jenkins’ Creek fishing dock, but not Bayport.  Among Dendy’s ending points was the suggestion for a workshop to eliminate such inconsistencies.

Budget Reserves

Charles D. Greenwell spoke about his concerns to the commission about reduction in reserves.  “I hope that you will consider dealing with our budget issues before we ever address another issue to draw down on reserves.”  Greenwell added that he was concerned about the order of the agenda.

Alcohol Possession on the  Weeki Wachee / Ordinance 79-5

Shannon Turbeville brought to the board the “opportunity to fix what you probably don’t know is broken.”  Turbeville explained that the current Ordinance 79-5 that prohibits possession of alcohol on the Weeki Wachee River sets up local residents for a misdemeanor charge while transporting alcoholic beverages to their homes in their boats, or out to the Gulf of Mexico, where such prohibition of possessing or consuming does not exist.

“It’s interesting that the State Park sells alcohol,” Turbeville said, “At a Tiki Bar on Buccaneer Bay Beach… As of Sunday there’s not one posted sign at Buc Bay prohibiting patrons from possessing or consuming alcohol upon or in these same waters that (Ordinance 79-5) applies to.”
Turbeville reported that only 17 citations for alcohol violations have been issued by Hernando County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) on the  Weeki Wachee from May 1 through September 22, 2018.  “Local advocacy groups have collected thousands of pounds of trash on the  Weeki Wachee in a few months, with 98% of bottles and cans being alcohol containers, according to (the groups).”

Regarding the level of violation, Turbeville suggested that if the possession charge is reduced to a civil infraction, deputies may be more willing to enforce the ordinance.  He cited Marion county’s non-disposable non-compliance cases increasing after the penalty was changed from a criminal misdemeanor to a civil infraction.

Turbeville also reported that according to the outgoing Clerk of Court, Don Barbee, only two kinds of cases make money for the court system, which are civil traffic and foreclosures.  He also suggested that the reduction in penalty level will consume less court resources and generate more revenue.

Overall, Turbeville requested that the board look into an overhaul of Ordinance 79-5 and consider a civil infraction penalty be assessed when an individual is observed to have empty disposable containers on the  Weeki Wachee.  “It’s not perfect,” he admits, and would like to see residents and stakeholders involved in the discussion.  


Shoal Line Agenda Item I.1

BOCC Chairman Steve Champion spoke first about property for the intended boat ramp expansion.  “About six months ago, I was made aware that this property was for sale, and I approached (County Administrator Len Sossamon), because seeing firsthand during the summer, there is a lack of parking  … to make any progress in this parking situation, you first have to have property.  We can’t do nothing unless this board votes on getting the property. It doesn’t mean that it would happen overnight … We partnered with (the Legal department), and they looked at boat registrations, etcetera, and there definitely is a need.”  Champion added that the the amount of boat registrations has doubled over the past few years.”

Regarding funding, Champion said,  “The statements made that we would draw out of our reserves are inaccurate.  The impact fee money that is available would be used to pay for the land.”  He added that, “Our Administrator was unfairly attacked, saying he had some special agenda.  If it’s any special agenda, it came from me saying that there’s no parking out there during the summer…”

Commissioner Wayne Dukes said, “Going back almost six years ago, when the Restore Act first came about, the rumor was that they were going to write each county a check, and Hernando was going to get about $14-million. So (Len Sossamon) and I, and … the director of Department of Public Works at the time went down, looking at a way to do two things; one was expand the parking, and its general area, but the main thing was to get boats and trailers off Calienta (Street). It’s dangerous.  If you live in Eagle’s Nest, on a Saturday, I’ve seen it where the boats and trailers are backed up clear to the intersection, so to go home, you have to drive down the wrong side of the road.  

Dukes surmised conversations that were held six years ago, and then said, “All we want to do today is move forward with looking at ways to make it so we can get it off Calienta and provide (parking) in the safest way we can in the future.  That’s why it needs to be discussed, because there are some differences in opinions, and I think that we as a board, in the sunshine can discuss it, and give staff some direction.  At this point, we gave no direction whatsoever.  We have an engineer who looked at this, and this was his idea — to put the road off Shoal Line Boulevard, which I agree with.  But, this is an important discussion we need to do here, so everyone can see what we’re talking about and what the end result is.”

Sunrise Development

In reference to a water and sewer agreement, Gordon Onderdonk stated that there will be public meetings in the future, and “a lot of things to hash out …  Right now, it’s premature to have an agreement.”

Mass Transit

County Administrator Len Sossamon said that other cities are being studied, and that ideas for transit come from a large city.  “If you’re talking about rail vs. rubber tire … I doubt it’s going to happen in my lifetime.  It’s too expensive.  I don’t think this county or Pasco can afford it.”  Sossamon also mentioned Hillsborough and Pinellas counties falling short, considering that just installing rails is over $1-million per mile. 

He agreed that property values do increase with the addition of railways. 

Sossamon responded that he and staff will need some time to determine what, if any effect rideshare companies such as Uber and Lyft have on mass transit. 
Commissioner Jeff Holcomb added that he learned several years ago that even in a large city, mass transit loses money.  “They all do.”  It would take years of traffic pain for the public to consider mass transit, and Hernando county isn’t there yet. 

Commissioner John Mitten had knowledge of a regional plan involving Pasco, Pinellas and Hillsborough counties, with three rail segments valued at over $1-billion per segment.  Regarding access to transportation, Mitten said that the county is required by law to provide access to transportation, and could provide that information to Philipsen if needed. 

Shoal Line Boulevard Paving

Scott Herring reported that an agenda item is planned for January for repairing Shoal Line Boulevard and consideration of any impact on other projects. Herring reported that no outside consultants will be needed.

Weeki Wachee Law Enforcement

Deputy County Administrator Jeff Rogers stated that Guest Services, d/b/a Boating in Florida was unable to contract directly with the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO).  The BOCC has been working on a contract for Boating in Florida to pay the county directly.  The approval of that contract will be on a January agenda.

Budget Reserves

Commissioner John Allocco wants to plan a discussion session to carefully consider budget matters.

Education / Jimmy Lodato

Allocco addressed Lodato’s report of 500 of 1500 graduates who will not be attending college, “I don’t see that as a problem.  I see that as an opportunity.  Too many people are going to college, and they don’t know what they want to do, and they’re starting off their lives in terrible debt. College isn’t cheap, and all we’re doing is perpetuating an oversized, bloated college environment.”

In addition to a traditional vocational school, Allocco suggested after-school programs for skills acquisition for high school students. 
Regarding busing, Allocco said, “I think if you did a survey, you’d find that parents aren’t driving their kids to school because they’re inside the 2-mile zone.  

There’s some serious issues when it comes to busing kids to school and discipline issues that are not willing to be addressed.  Have a conversation with one of your bus drivers, and you’ll find that out.  I think there quite a few parents that choose not to put their kids in that environment, and that’s one of the main reasons why you have so many cars parked outside of schools.”

Commissioner Wayne Dukes recalled a program from his high school years, where schools partnered with area businesses, and students worked part time at those businesses while training in that industry. Dukes added, “That doesn’t take a lot of administrative cost.  You work with the local businesses … (students) work as a semi-apprentice.  I think that would be the easiest thing to start first. 

County Administrator Len Sossamon added that soft skills such as customer service and other “people skills” are also important.

BOCC Chairman Steve Champion mentioned that he was proud of Lodato for “leading the charge” at a school board meeting to change the language in the local law that resulted in the arrest of Ronald Ralph, a Central High School paraprofessional for possessing a firearm on school property, even though it was locked in his vehicle.  Ralph has since been reinstated, and the charges against him dropped.

Alcohol Possession on the Weeki Wachee / Ordinance 79-5

County Attorney Garth Coller explained that “Possession is the easiest part to prove.”  Regarding the criminal violation described by Turbeville while transporting and not consuming alcohol,  Coller said, “They don’t prosecute people who in the process of lawful transportation.  I would be shocked to find that anybody that has gone to the grocery store, and gone home by boat has ever had a problem with the sheriff’s office.  If there’s not a problem, I wouldn’t fix it.”

Commissioner John Allocco said, “There is a problem.  We have a river that’s full of empty beer cans and bottles.  I would like us to find a way that we can do things, rather than why we can’t.  There is merit to what Shannon said.”   

Allocco said that the prohibition of disposable containers would likely reduce the litter on the  Weeki Wachee, and also people being charged with a misdemeanor for possession, which he would also like to see changed.

Coller said, “I think one of the biggest solutions to that problem is going to be the funding of that Sheriff’s Deputy.”

There was more discussion on how the law is stated, and how alcoholic beverages are transported.  When the discussion turned to open alcohol containers Len Sossamon added the scenario, “You get your 6-pack, you transport it to the Gulf, where it is consumed.  Unless you dump the empty containers in to the Gulf, on your way back, every one of those containers are open.”

Deputy County Administrator Jeff Rogers answered that this will be considered as the county works out the language with the non-disposable ordinance.


Presentation by Republic Services Regarding Garbage Collection Services

Kassabaum presented an update regarding the new changes in Republic Services, primarily in the southeastern portion of the county, where residents will or have received trash bins on wheels to be used with automated collection vehicles.  Each household will receive a 95-gallon bin, with the exception of some Homeowners Associations (HOAs), which have opted for 65-gallon bins.  Resident-owned trash cans can be used for yard waste (only) if desired.

According to Kassabaum, first notifications in the form of postcards were sent to the public in September 2018.  Additionally, phone calls were made and 23 communities with HOAs were contacted.  By the end of January, each address for which collection is mandatory will receive a mailing describing days when solid waste, yard waste and recycling will be collected.  Additionally, an informational tri-fold brochure will be attached to each trash bin or “cart” delivered. 
Republic has participated in several events for public outreach, including National Night Out on October 6, 2018, The Seafood Festival on November 3, 2018, Turf Talk! Workshop at Hernando County Utilities on November 9, 2018 and Resident’s Night Out on November 30, 2018.

Some residents have already received their bins, however they are not to be used until February 4, 2019.

Commissioner John Allocco expressed concern that Sterling Hills’ HOA has opted for the 65-gallon bins.  “We’re talking about four and five bedroom houses, mostly families live in there.  Most are (currently) using 50-gallon cans now, and to go to one 65-gallon can … I can see that becoming a disaster.”
Kassabaum reported that she personally spoke with the president of the Sterling Hills HOA, who said that half of the community is comprised of families, and the other half are retirees. The decision was made by the HOA to have 65-gallon bins delivered initially.   After 90 days, a household may opt to have a 95-gallon bin delivered.

Other HOAs that have opted for the smaller 65-gallon cans are; Brookridge, Glen Lakes, High Point, Preston Hollow, Seven Hills, Timber Pines and Wellington.   

As of the December 18th meeting, Republic reported no responses from The Heather, Heather Walk, or The Waters of Weeki Wachee.

Commissioner Wayne Dukes asked if it would be possible to have resident’s old trash cans collected by Republic for recycling, however Deputy County Administrator Jeff Rogers reported that a specific collection project would cost more than the revenue generated on the recycled cans.  It was decided that anyone wishing for their old cans to be picked up for recycling can schedule a bulk pick-up with Republic.  Each household is entitled to four bulk pickups per year.

Taking the trash away will be 16 new automated side-load trucks (14 full-time, and two spares) and 12 rear-load trucks with cart-tippers – the robotic arm that will lift the large cans into the trucks.  Seven other designated trucks will collect recyclables.   This is actually resulting in a reduction of vehicles, from 32 to 26. 16 drivers will be trained on the new automated side-load trucks. 

Kassabaum reported that Republic is currently hiring drivers at $15.00 per hour.

In the mandatory areas, residents will see an additional property tax assessment of $172.00.  Non-mandatory areas will be billed quarterly by Republic directly, at $13.49 per month.

There will be no changes in materials to be recycled;  cans and plastics in one recycle container, paper and cardboard in the other.  Glass is still not recycled curbside.

David Philipsen, a Weeki Wachee resident raised concerns about bin placement and storage, and asked if he could opt-out of using the new bins.   BOCC Chairman Steve Champion answered that if a resident lives in the mandatory zone, there is no way to opt-out of the service.  Champion reassured Philipsen that if bin placement was a problem, the driver would correct the placement, and not just refuse to pick up.


Nothing was pulled from the Consent agenda, however, there were discussions on some of the items

1. Agreement to Terminate Lease and Sublease With Industry Certification Training Centers Governing Board d/b/a American 
Manufacturing Skills Initiative

Economic Development Manager Valerie Pianta reported that  American Manufacturing Skills Initiative, or AmSkills has consolidated and will be moving their operations to the Marchman Center in Pasco County.  They will still continue to serve students and businesses in Hernando County. 
AmSkills has secured a grant which will allow them to provide transportation for Hernando County residents who do not have transportation to Pasco County.  They will also continue to work with the county to continue to provide services to Hernando County residents. 

2. Community Planning Technical Assistance Grant Agreement With State Department of Economic Opportunity for FY 2018-19 Affordable Housing Needs Analysis funding and Associated Budget Resolution

3. Federally-Funded Public Assistance Agreement With State Division of Emergency Management for Expenses Resulting from Hurricane Irma

Commissioner John Allocco expressed concern with the reimbursement amount stated for debris removal.  Cecilia Patella was present to address the question, and stated the amount of $5,198.99 is not the total amount of reimbursement expected.  Patella stated that the expected amount is approximately $3,172,000.  According to Patella, there can be multiple applications submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) which pertain to the same project.
Commissioner John Mitten asked if the FEMA grants required local matches, to which Patella answered, “They do not require a local match, they are a percentage of the expense (paid by the county) … it could be a little as 75% or as much as 100%.”

4. Memorandum of Agreement With State Division of Emergency Management for Storage and Maintenance of Portable Generators

5. Modification of Mortgage for Barbara Jean Brown Through Homeownership Down Payment Assistance Program

6. Reimbursement to Property Owner for Overpayment of Hernando County Fire Rescue Non-Ad Valorem Assessment for 2017

7. Request to Submit Application for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Grants to Expand Substance Abuse Treatment Capacity in Adult and Family Drug Courts

Commissioner Jeff Holcomb asked who will be managing the $400,000 grant.  County Administrator Len Sossamon answered that it will be managed by the County Court, since the funds are to be used for adult and family courts.

8. Submittal of FY 2018-19 State Department of Health Emergency Medical Services Grant Application for Improvement and Expansion of Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Services

9. Subordination Agreement of Mortgage for Glenville E. and Desiree V. Clarke Through Homeownership Down Payment Assistance Program

10. Transmittal of List of Accounts Payable Disbursements for Weeks Ended November 30, 2018, and December 7, 2018

11. Various Discharges of Orders and Satisfactions of Code Enforcement Special Master Liens


1. Notice From County Attorney’s Office Regarding Analysis of Duke Energy Tariffs, Hamilton Solar Power Plant Project, and Citrus County Combined Cycle Power Block Project

A memorandum in the agenda packet from Assistant County Attorney Joe DiNovo is an analysis on the Public Service Commission’s approval of Duke Energy’s tariffs for increased base rates, Hamilton Solar Power Plant Project, and Citrus County Combined Cycle Power Block Project.

2. Notice of Purchasing Policy Exceptions for November 2018:

Corbin’s Custom Design Missed Billing $ 400.00 Department: HCFR 
Associate Consulting Pro Missed Billing $ 1,912.00 Department: Health & Human Srvcs

3. Notice of Special Exception Use Permit Actions Taken by Planning and Zoning Commission on December 10, 2018

Assisted Living Facility:  On August 10, 2015, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved a Special Exception Use Permit for Congregate Care Home, namely an Assisted Living Facility in order for the petitioner to develop the 4.5 acre subject site with two structures and up to an 82 bed assisted living facility. Since the approval, no development has occurred. According to County LDRs, a Special Exception use must initiate the approved use or receive permit approval for vertical construction within two years of approval. Failure to do so will render the Special Exception null and void.
The petitioner’s current request is to re-establish the expired Special Exception Use Permit for Congregate Care Home, namely an Assisted Living Facility in order to develop the 4.5 acre site with a three-phase assisted living facility campus.
The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-0 to approve the petitioner’s request for a  Special Exception Use Permit for Congregate Care Home, namely an Assisted Living Facility, with the unmodified performance conditions listed in the full document. 

Animal Specialty Establishment / Pet Resort:  The petitioner is requesting a Special Exception Use Permit for an Animal Specialty Establishment in order to construct a high-end pet resort with a maximum of ten (10) kennel runs and a grooming salon. The petitioner estimates the maximum number of dogs that will be cared for at one time at the resort is sixteen (16). The “kennel suites” will be equipped with a smart tv, 24-hour access IP camera, a bed and a guillotine style doggie door to an outside run. Separate from the kennel run, there will be a thirty (30) foot by thirty (30) foot play yard with dog-oriented playground equipment. A doggie daycare is not a part of the petitioner’s request.
The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-0 to approve the petitioner’s request for a Special Exception Use Permit for an Animal Specialty Establishment, namely Animal Boarding and Dog Grooming Services, with the unmodified performance conditions listed in the full document.

4. Public Service Announcement Advising of Library Services Department Modified Hours for December 31, 2018, and February 19, 2019

All locations of the Hernando County Public Library System will be closed on Tuesday, February 19, 2019, to allow for annual staff development training.

5. Transmittal of Minutes From Spring Ridge Community Development District Board of Supervisors Meeting of August 8, 2018

6. Transmittal of Withlacoochee Regional Water Supply Authority Special District Public Facilities Report
Chapter 189.08, Florida Statutes, requires special districts such as the Withlacoochee Regional
Water Supply Authority (WRWSA) to file public facilities reports with each local government in
which the special districts are located, and post these reports to their websites.

The Withlacoochee Regional Water Supply Authority Special District Public Facilities Report, dated September 2017 was included in the agenda packet.



Zoning Coordinator Rebecca Garrett

1. Petition Submitted by Robert Higgs and Department of Transportation to Vacate Portion of Ricebird Avenue.

Robert K. Higgs joined by abutting property owner, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), has submitted a petition to vacate that portion of Ricebird Avenue lying East of Carolina Dove Road. The .37-acre portion of right of way is bordered by Mr. Higgs’ parcel, the Suncoast Parkway and Parkway drainage retention area. Mr. Higgs is seeking the vacation to acquire the additional lands to add to his property in order to build a future replacement residence on the parcel. Mr. Higgs will work with the FDOT to acquire the portion of the lands they receive if the vacation is approved. All affected utilities and County departments have indicated no objection to the request. 
The petitioner’s request was approved 5-0.


Utilities Director Gordon Onderdonk

2. Ordinance Amending Reclaimed Water Use Program in Accordance With Reclaimed Water Master Plan Update

The commission voted 5-0 to amend the ordinance.

Hernando County Utilities Department (HCUD) has contracted with the engineering firm  Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. (GPI) to produce a Reclaimed Water Master Plan. Fifty percent of the cost of the project is funded by the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) and fifty percent by HCUD. Multiple alternate uses for reclaimed water were evaluated during development of this Master Plan. The Weeki Wachee Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) requirement that all reclaimed water discharged in the area meet advanced wastewater treatment (AWT) for nitrogen. Therefore, the most beneficial use of this product has been determined to be as aquifer recharge. The attached Reclaimed Water Master Plan gives all options that were evaluated as well as conclusions and recommendations.
This ordinance is the finalization of the matters discussed in a workshop in June of 2018.  Of main focus was the environment, the water supply and keeping water and sewer rates low.  Onderdonk said, “We’re trying to avoid costly capital improvement projects, stretching out into millions of dollars for reclaim pipes and pumps … I think it would be more beneficial to use Aquifer Recharge Basins (ARBs) at our water reclamation facilities to recharge the aquifer there as opposed to spending millions of dollars in infrastructure and thousands of dollars in annual operating costs.”
He explained that using reclaimed water for residential use only counts as a 50% water quality credit as defined in the BMAP because water is lost in evaporation and transport to the treatment plants.  When using aquifer recharge basins at the reclamation facilities results in a credit close to 100%.  Onderdonk said, “So not only are you saving money, you’re doing what’s best for the environment.  
Onderdonk asked the board to amend the ordinance.  The current ordinance requires that developers put in reclaimed water distribution systems, without thresholds for size of the subdivision, no service areas for future use, and no thresholds for availability. It would result in developers putting in reclaimed water distribution systems with no ability to connect to them, and only be a wasted expense.
Commissioner Wayne Dukes asked Onderdonk about the facility on Commercial Way / Highway 19, which Onderdonk stated will be up and running by summer 2019.  Dukes asked if there was a plan to “reach out to Glen Lakes to get them something for their golf course?”  Onderdonk replied that there is already an agreement with Timber Pines for 1.7 million gallons per day, and there will not be enough capacity to serve Glen Lakes as well.
A representative from GPI presented an updated plan with updated routes for the reclaimed water.

Public Works Director/County Engineer Scott Herring

3. Resolution Adopting Uniform Collection Methodology for Road Paving Municipal Service Benefit Unit Non-Ad Valorem Assessments

Herring described this as “a housekeeping item to get MSBUs on the tax bill for 2019.”  The resolution institutes MSBUs for:  Royal Highlands area “L” road paving, Jonathan Drive road paving, Pheasant area road paving, Michigan Avenue road paving and Hurricane Avenue road paving. 
The board approved unanimously.


1. Request to Use Impact Fees to Acquire and Develop Property Located on Shoal Line Boulevard for Additional Boat Trailer Parking at Hernando Beach Boat Ramp to Accommodate Population Growth.

See article:



Termination of Corporate Hangar Lease Agreement and Mutual Release With Hernando Jet Center for Improvements Located at 16316 Flight Path Drive in Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport.
A long-time tenant in good standing wishes to exercise his 60-day “with or without termination clause” for personal and family reasons.  Daughtery is confident in finding a new tenant for approval in January.
The board approved 5-0.


Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant Program Financial Report and Final Program Status Report for Submittal to Department of Children and Families.
The board approved the reports 5-0.
In May 2017, the Board of County Commissioners approved LSF Health Systems to be the lead applicant for the Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant.  “On behalf of the county, we went after a planning grant,” Ramirez said, “The primary goal of that grant was to assess plans for initiatives that increase public safety, avert increased spending on the criminal justice system and improve accessibility and effectiveness of treatment for services to youth.”
The Department of Children and Families (DCF) awarded this $100,000 grant, and Ramirez reported that she had complete financial and status reports.

Ramirez presented the findings of the year-long study.  

– 45% of middle- and high-school students reported feeling depressed in the last year.  
– 26% reported “Life is not worth it.”  
– 24% believe they are a failure.  
– 39% reported believing they’re “no good.”  

 The self-reported study included public, private and homeschool students.


Approval of Revised Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Strategy Associated With Fleet Replacement Program

Browning urged the board to move forward with vehicle replacements, reporting that Fleet is repairing more vehicles than performing preventative maintenance.  “Everything coming in the door has something broke [sic], and that just drives everybody’s cost up.” 

Agenda packet explanation:

“Fleet requests a seven to ten-year line of credit on an as needed basis, not to exceed a maximum of $6,300,000 to supplement the purchase of attached vehicle list. The line of credit would be reimbursed over a seven to ten-year period at approximately 2.5% interest through the Fleet Replacement program.
“Staff has prepared a budget resolution to recognize funds from the line of credit and authorize funds for implementing the first year of replacements/additions. With approval of the attached budget resolution, funds will be recognized in Fleet Replacement – Fleet Cap. 5081-3840006.”

The program was approved 4-1, with Commissioner John Allocco voting no.


Update Regarding General Fund Budget – 

See Julie Maglio’s article in the January 11, 2019 issue of The Hernando Sun.



-Approval of the agenda (4-0)
-Approval  of the minutes from May 8, 2018
– Approval of Kass Circle CRA budget
– Approval of 2019 meeting schedule

Commissioner John Allocco asked about the CRA plan moving forward with respect to taxes.  In light of the budget shortfall, Allocco stated that, “I don’t see this board getting to the point where we actually push the trigger mechanism that starts deferring the ad-valorem taxes into the CRA.  If the CRA itself being in places beneficial to the organization to hopefully get funding and move things forward, that’s fine.  But to get to the point where we start deferring the increases in taxes, and setting them aside to the CRA district … I don’t see where we’re going to be able to defer taxes, and allow them to just be spent specifically in that area.”
Michelle Miller answered,  “Sometime in February when we bring the plan to you, sitting as the CRA board, will be both the actual plan itself, which will include the Capital Improvement strategies as well as the various goals, objectives and policies for the Community Redevelopment Area.  In addition to that we will be proposing a funding structure and implementation funding structure that provides us some guidance either based on the redevelopment fund, which is a dedicated tax fund for Kass Circle.  But otherwise, we can be talking to you about other options as well for the financing of those improvements.  That will be part of the dialog that we will be bringing to you in February.”
Pianta said, “At this time, you have not adopted a tax increment finance district.  You cannot do that until you review and approve the plan, so it’s a two-step process.”  Pianta went on to say that he loss of revenue to the General fund is a concern, so in February, he and Miller will also have financial projections available to present. 
BOCC Chairman Steve Champion adjourned the meeting.


Commissioner Jeff Holcomb advised the Commission that he learned from Sumter County’s Board of County Commissioners that Purchasing and Contracts can be voted upon much like the Consent Agenda, pulling specific items for review, then approving all others in one vote. 
James Wunderle added that he is aware of Hillsborough’s Commission policies being the same. 
After a consensus, Commissioner John Allocco pulled #2, and Commissioner Wayne Dukes pulled #6.  Item number  #4 was pulled as well.
County Attorney Garth Coller explained the new procedure as, “You would waive the new reading of all of the items, other than (the ones pulled), and talk about those individually, vote for them individually, and then go ahead and approve the remainder.
Coller added that the public could also ask that an item be pulled for discussion, “but that would be rare.”

1. Award of Contract No. 18-CG0076/BH to D.A.B. Constructors, Inc., for Osowaw Boulevard Resurfacing Local Agency Program Project (Cost: $554,444.44)

2. Award of Contract No. 18-CG0117/BH to GLF Construction Corporation for Aircraft Self Fueling Facility Project at Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport and Associated Budget Resolution (Cost: $1,255,770.00)

See the corresponding article:


3. Award of Contract No. 18-R00110/BH to Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc., for County 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plans

4. Award of Sole Source Purchase From Beecher Emission Solutions Technology d/b/a Ward Diesel Fuel Systems for NO SMOKE Direct Source Capture Diesel Exhaust Removal Systems and Installation (Cost: $139,824.96)

This item was deferred as explained below:

Fire Chief Scott Hechler spoke to the board, prepared to explain the problem with diesel fumes in fire service. However, Hechler said, “I was listening upstairs about the General Fund.  What I’d like to offer is; let’s hold off on this.  It’s for the health and safety of our firefighters, and we absolutely need this for our firefighters … if it’s the wish of the board, that we’re willing to come back the last quarter of (2019) and see where the General Fund is… and bring it back up then.

Commissioner John Mitten commended Hechler for a gracious offer, and the board agreed to defer this item until Q4.

5. Award of Sole Source Purchase to Physio Control, Inc., for 7 Lifepak Defibrillators Utilizing Grant Funding for Hernando County Fire Rescue District (Estimated Cost: $245,085.46)

6. Award of Sole Source Purchase to Physio Control, Inc., for 11 Lifepak Defibrillators for Hernando County Fire Rescue District (Estimated Cost: $373,350.96)

This item was approved.

Commissioner Wayne Dukes questioned Fire Chief Scott Hechler on the availability of the defibrillators from another vendor.  Operations Chief Jim Malott explained, “The reason we look at the sole source on these, is we’ve already built our structure around what we have, as far as the cardiac monitors go.  We’re not replacing all of them, we’re implementing additional ones to the system which we already have.  If we were to go to other vendors and look at that way, what we would end up happening is two different types of companies out there, and when these medics change trucks, they’re going to be going to a different system which is not going to be very compatible with what we do every day.  It’s going to cause confusion. We’d have two different support systems, two different maintenance systems, and I don’t think it would be cost-effective for us in the long run.”

7. Award of Term Contract No. 18-TF0172/DK to Taddeo Electrical Contractors, Inc., for Electrical Repairs for Facilities Maintenance Department

8. Award of Term Contract No. 18-T00167/DK to Adapco, LLC, Clarke Mosquito Control Products, Inc., and Univar USA for Pesticide Products for Mosquito Control Division

9. Increase in Annual Purchase Amount for Replacement of Computer Hardware Pursuant to Technology Services Hardware Replacement Policy No. 34-01

10. Purchase of Hewlett Packard Laptops and Computer Docking Stations From StrictlyTech (Cost: $43,029.23)

11. Ratification of Change Order No. 4 to Purchase Order No. 18000861 to A.C. Schultes of Florida, Inc., for Replacement of Two Wells at Southwest Water Treatment Facility (Total Cost: $374,515.00)

12. Renewal of Contract With Insight Public Sector, Inc., for Cisco SmartNet Software and Hardware Maintenance (Cost: $264,708.10)


Update Regarding FY 2017-18 Accomplishments of Hernando County Fire Rescue Hazardous Materials Response Team

Frank D. Francesco acquainted the board with the Hernando County Hazardous Materials (Hazmat) Response Team, which are housed at Station 3 on Spring Hill Drive and Station 7 at Mondon Hill Road.   Fifty specially trained technicians receive 1600 hours of initial training, finish a competency task book, and complete a state test to certify.  Following that, training is monthly.
Hazmat participates with various regional and state organizations, including the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC),  State Emergency Response Commission (SERC)
Training Task Force (meets quarterly with monthly conference calls), Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) and the Regional Domestic Security Task Force (RDSTF).
The team has received various grants for training and equipment, including an Electrostatic Decontamination system, which quickly decontaminates equipment following exposure.  Francesco also reported obtaining a device which can identify unknown solids and liquids, meaning exposed individuals can be treated faster.  
Among others, Hernando’s Hazmat team works with Oak Hill Hospital to train and exercise decontamination, the National Guard to train and exercise on emergency response, Duke Energy to assist with evaluating operations during an exercise, and Withlacoochee Electric for electrical training.  There are many more that didn’t make the list.
The team averages about one call per month, mostly for natural gas and propane leaks. Francesco said, “Fortunately, we haven’t had too many calls for really bad chemicals, but … we have an interstate, we have US 19, we have the (Suncoast) parkway, and a lot of chemicals go up and down those highways.  So we train not just for the everyday response, but we train for the bad actor following a transportation accident.”  
County Attorney Garth Coller reminded Francesco and the board that there are two railroads that run through the county as well.


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