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HomeUncategorizedFeb. 5, 2019 Hernando School Board meeting rundown

Feb. 5, 2019 Hernando School Board meeting rundown

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Compiled by Julie B. Maglio

A.  3574 : Approval to Adopt the Agenda Dated February 5, 2019 Approved [Unanimous]


B.  3575 : Student Representative, Ryan Bradley of Springstead High School, shared an Update of School Related Activities and Events with the Board:

Student Delegate meetings to take place Feb 13th and March 28th.  

Elementary Schools

Westside: Literacy Week Book Parade

Moton: Barnhill Preserve brought in animals to show the children 

JD Floyd: The school read over 1666 words for Literacy Week

Middle Schools

Parrott: Leading Ladies Club had their second meeting, discussing the topic of respect
High Schools

Springstead Spanish Club had a fundraiser at Sam’s Club to raise money for an annual Spanish competition in Orlando. 

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Roslyn Franken spoke to students for Holocaust Remembrance Day. (See article in The Hernando Sun) 


C. 3532 : Recognition of Teen Leadership Hernando Program at Fox Chapel Middle School (FCMS)

Teen Leadership Hernando is a program through the Greater Hernando County Chamber of Commerce.  Students chosen for Teen Leadership Hernando participate in special programs throughout the year like Team Building Day, Health Day, Education Day, Government Day, ‘SIMSOC,’ Agriculture Day, Criminal Justice Day and Naturally Hernando/ Inspiration Day.  There is a graduation for students who completed the program on May 9th at Fox Chapel Middle School

D.  3534 : Approve Proclamation No. P19-003 – Black History Month 2019 Approved [Unanimous]

E.  3560 : Presentation by the Hernando County Education Foundation
HCEF presented their budget worksheet


F.  3530 : Approval of Donation of Washer & Dryer to Central High School (CHS) Environmental Services Department Approved [Unanimous] Comment

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES from the January 22, 2019 Informal, Workshop and Regular Meetings

G. Minutes of Jan 22, 2019 11:00 AM Accepted By Consent Vote [Unanimous]
H. Minutes of Jan 22, 2019 2:00 PM Accepted By Consent Vote [Unanimous]
I. Minutes of Jan 22, 2019 6:00 PM Accepted By Consent Vote [Unanimous]


J.  3533 : Public Hearing and Final Approval of NEOLA Policy Updates and Changes (Vol. 19 No.1). This Item Received Tentative Approval at the 01/08/19 Workshop. Approved [Unanimous] 

Received no green forms for Citizen Input


Personnel Recommendations

1. 3540 : Approval of Personnel Recommendations Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous]

All Other Academic Services Division Agenda Items

2.  3488 : Approve the Cooperative Agreement Between Hernando County Sheriff Office and the Hernando County School Board Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous]

This agreement is for a Criminal Justice Internship program for Nature Coast Technical High School senior students enrolled in the NCTHS Criminal Justice program.  HCSO agrees to provide facilities and accept appropriate students as determined by HCSO.  

3.  3531 : Approve the Student/Employee Calendar for the Center for Success and Independence (CSI) Brooksville Academy (DJJ Program) Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] (Formerly run by the Eckerd Foundation)

4.  3544 : Approval of JR ROTC Field Trip to California Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous]

“Master Gunnery Sergeant, Teacher at Central High School, on behalf of the Superintendent of Schools, hereby requests approval of a JR ROTC field trip to Vasquez Rock, Orange County, California for ROTC Orienteering Competition.”

5.  3545 : Approval of JR ROTC Field Trip to CMP South Competitions Nationals Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 

“Master Gunnery Sergeant Michael Arnett, on behalf of the Superintendent of Schools, hereby requests the approval of a JR ROTC field trip to CMP South Competition Center Air Rifle Nationals in Oxford Alabama.”

All Other Support Operations Division Agenda Items

7.  3537 : Approve the Recycling of School District Property of Obsolete and Broken Electronics through STS Electronic Recycling for the Approved Per Unit or Container Price Paid to the District Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous]
The sale of the items totaled $5,952.00 in revenues for the general fund.

8.  3538 : Approve the Purchase of Curriculum and Certification Exams from Certification Partners, LLC and Issuance of Purchase Order for an Estimated Amount of $1250.00. Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous]

“The Supervisor of Secondary Programs, on behalf of the Superintendent of Schools, hereby requests the Board approval to purchase online curriculum and industry certification assessment materials. The materials will be used to prepare students for industry certification exams. Florida Statute 1003.4203 requires school districts make available CAPE industry certification materials available to students. Certification Partners, LLC is a sole source provider.”

All Other School Board Agenda Items

10.  3569 : Approve Salary Schedule Change for the Position of Secretary to the School Board and General Counsel Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous]

This includes an increase in salary of the Board Secretary of $10,786.00 annually ($9,163.20 salary + $1,622.80 fringe)


3566 : Approval for F.W. Springstead High School to Participate in the College Board AP Capstone Diploma Program Approved [Unanimous]

Mr. Carmine Rufa, Principal of F.W. Springstead High School, on Behalf of the Superintendent of Schools, Hereby Requests Board Approval for F.W. Springstead High School to Participate in
the College Board AP Capstone Diploma Program.

The AP Capstone Diploma Program offers students recognition for successfully completing 2 Advanced Placement courses: AP Seminar and AP Research.  AP Seminar is a prerequisite to AP research.

3556 : Approve the Purchase of Additional Software from Zspace Curriculum to Supplement Current Zspace Curriculum for $710.00. Approved [Unanimous]

BethAnn Brooks, Allied Health Teacher at Central High School, on behalf of the Superintendent of Schools, hereby requests the purchase of Additional Software from Zspace Curriculum to supplement Current Zspace Curriculum for $710.00. Zspace is the sole source provider. Zspace bills itself as “The ultimate virtual reality learning experience.”


Vince LaBorante (Hernando Classroom Teachers Association President) : Attended the Florida Education Association Governance meeting where presidents from around the state get together for a single event.  He said that Mr. Richard Corcoran, our Commissioner of Education spoke at the event. Mr. LaBorante cited several points made by Corcoran.



Dennis Alfonso brought up an item he has been working on regarding charter schools and SRO requirements.  He said that one charter school has been willing to work with the district’s  template for an agreement with the Sheriff’s Office, but another has been more reticent. “If we don’t get some compelling guidance from the state that says otherwise, I might be back here probably by the next meeting saying there has to be some appropriate action taken. If that action is a significant determination then I will have to work with the Superintendent’s Office to see if we can get a notice letter to proceed with the termination of their charter contract.”


Gus Guadagnino:  School Related Employee of the Year Champagne Brunch at Silverthorn. Twenty-seven district employees were recognized for their outstanding service. There were 300 people in attendance. Brandy Figueroa was named school-related employee of the year and she will represent the district at State.  The Hernando County Education Foundation kicked off their campaign to raise $100,000 and is organizing Battle of the Bands.

Jimmy Lodato: Thanked everyone for coming out to the meeting as well as teachers, parents and students for all the work they do.  Recently he was invited to go to “the Y” (YMCA). He remarked that it is an incredible facility.  He asked why they don’t have a Y on the east side of town too.  They told him that they’d love to put something together on the east side. 

Kay Hatch: Echoed Gus Guadagnino’s comments on district employees. Had an opportunity to participate in Literacy Week.  She was invited to read to first graders at West Side Elementary. The theme was “under the sea” and she said she learned a lot about sharks that live in the waters off our coast. 

Linda Prescott: Congratulated all school employee winners and thanked Silverthorn for a phenomenal job. Participated in Literacy Week, visiting Traci Athanason’s 4th grade class at Spring Hill Elementary (Athanson was last year’s teacher of the year).  “My topic was dog vs. cat. The students were great and it was a fun event.” Ms. Prescott also attended Roslyn Franken’s presentation.

Superintendent Stratton:  Recognized Student Services week and thanked the staff who provide the valuable and necessary student services.   Parent Academy Team at Fox Chapel recently put on a series of seminars for grandparents raising grandchildren which was highly successful.  Mr. Stratton thoroughly enjoyed all of the activities for Literacy Week.



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