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Business & Community Briefs Feb. 11, 2019

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Hernado County Retired Educators

Hernando County Retired Educators Association
Please join us if you are a former employee of any district school.
We meet the first Tuesday of every other month-Feb.,Apr.,June, Aug.,Oct.,Dec.at 10:00 am in the Medical Arts Enrichment Center,  next to the Bayfront Health Brooksville hospital on Cortez Blvd. We have interesting  meetings with speakers on a variety of topics. We go on fun field trips,  (like the Dali museum), during months in which we do not meet. 
We monitor our FRS pension and support scholarships. 
http://www.frea.org.   Diane: 352-628-4681


The Area 13 Family Care Council will meet Monday Morning, February 11th  from 10am – 12pm at the Wildwood Agency for Persons with Disabilities office, 901 Industrial Drive Suite 100, Wildwood, FL 34785.  All persons interested in issues of those with Developmental Disabilities and their families are encouraged to attend. SEEKING NEW MEMBERS.
For more information contact  SECRETARY  at:  
[email protected]
Area 13 covers Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties. There are 15 Family Care Councils across the State, with Governor appointed volunteer members, who are individuals with a developmental disability or are a family member.  Developmental Disabilities are defined as Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Phelan-McDermid Syndrome, Prader-Willi Syndrome, Spina Bifida and Intellectual Disabilities.

Staying Alive at 55+
The group is comprised of energetic people who are not generally “sit home and watch time pass by” types.
“The group was initially formed on the east coast of Florida and we had over 80 group activities, many of which were well attended,” explained co-organizer Laplatney.
Organizers ensure that members have a most pleasurable experience by often “checking out” local restaurants and activities and events before scheduling an activity.
Membership to “alive at 55+” is always open and there are no membership fees to join. Even though the group is called “Alive at 55+” the organizers accept those couples whereas at least one member is age 50 and above. For more information about “Alive at 55+” you may call 772-919-2838 or visit either of the group’s website at: http://www.aliveat55.net.

Freshwater Systems Module

The Florida Master Naturalist Program is offering its freshwater systems module this spring starting March 6. The Florida Master Naturalist Program (FMNP) is a University of Florida/IFAS Extension environmental education program that provides training for anyone interested in learning more about Florida ecosystems. 

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What topics are covered?

The Freshwater Systems module provides instruction on the general ecology, habitats, vegetation types, wildlife, and conservation issues of Freshwater Systems in Florida – Marshes, Swamps, and Permanent Wetlands (Lakes, Rivers, Etc.).

What does the program include?

Registration includes detailed course manuals, classroom instruction, field trips, videos, final student project, FMNP patch and pin, FMNP certificate and a listing in the FMNP student database.  Students who choose to complete all three modules become Florida Master Naturalists and receive a plaque, FMNP pin and a listing in the Honor Roll database.

What is the cost and how do I register?  Registration Fees

$275 Attendee Fee with Color Manual

Register online and view the detailed agenda: https://conference.ifas.ufl.edu/fmnp/fs19-04.html

Class Facility Information
UF/IFAS Extension Sumter County 
7620 SR 471 Suite 2, Bushnell, FL 33513-8716


For more information on the Florida Master Naturalist Program, go to:


Scholarships Available Through the Florida State
Association of Supervisor of Elections

Shirley Anderson, Hernando County Supervisor of Elections is pleased to announce the opportunity for local college or university students to apply for a $1,200 scholarship through the Florida State Association of Supervisors of Elections (FSASE).
FSASE will award three $1,200 scholarships this year to Political Science/Public or Business
Administration or Journalism/Mass Communication majors who have completed two years of junior college or undergraduate work. Applicants must be enrolled or accepted as full-time students in a senior college or university in Florida.
Completed FSASE scholarship applications along with two letters of recommendation must be submitted no later than March 29, 2019 to the Supervisor of Elections office in which the applicant is registered to vote. For further information, please visit www.hernandovotes.com or contact the Hernando County Supervisor of Elections office @ (352) 754-4125.

Firearms Safety Classes offered at Hernando Sportsman’s Club, Brooksville, FL

The Hernando Sportsman’s Club is offering several firearms safety classes in the coming months:
Next class dates include Feb. 16, and Mar. 6.
A special “ladies only” firearms safety class will be held on Mar. 16.
All classes are scheduled from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.  
Cost: $60.00.
This is an introductory, “First Steps” orientation class for new shooters. All materials and equipment needed for the class and live fire training is provided to students, including the use of a .22 caliber firearm, ammo, earplugs, and eye protection.  
The classes includes classroom instruction, live fire training on the range, and a lunch break. 
The courses cover lessons about the basics of firearms safety around the home and the fundamentals of pistol shooting. 
Note: For experienced shooters who wish to use their own firearm in an advanced class, check out the club’s schedule for the BASIC PISTOL course.
Successful completion of either the class provides the required documentation to apply for a Florida concealed carry permit if desired. 
Pre-registration is required for all classes. Please call 352-597-9931 to pre-register.
All classes held at:
Hernando Sportsman’s Club
16121 Commercial Way, Brooksville, FL 34614

Roller Derby to benefit Pet Peace of Mind

(Pasco County, FL) Revolution Roller Derby, a Flat-track Roller Derby league is hosting a battle between Mom & Pop’s Militia vs. Antique Roll Show, Southeast chapter (Skater’s OVER 40!). 
This bout is on March 3rd at 5:45 pm. This bout will be held at the beautiful SpinNations Skating Center 8345 Congress Street, Port Richey Florida 34668. 
We are featuring Pet Peace of Mind – Gulfside Hospice & Pasco Palliative Care. They are in need of volunteers and monetary donation. Come buy a Beenie baby and support a good cause! 
LINK: https://www.ghppc.org/pet-peace-of-mind.html
Entry is $12.00 at the door. Bring donations and receive $2 off entry! Bring a chair for closer seating. Yummy refreshments will be available at the Spinnz Cafe. Tail-gate party in the parking lot is happening! 
Revolution Roller Derby believes in giving back to the local community, and we CONTINUE to support different local charities with every home bout since 2012.
For even more information and/or how to join, ref or volunteer, please visit http://www.RevolutionRollerDerby.com or email: [email protected]
Phone: 727-280-7981

Hernando tea party 

Keeping an eye on local goverment Meetings are first thursday every month 
At press box cafe 7385 kass cirl spring hill dr Meeting open to moderate republicans, Democrats and NPA voters 
Call 352-6109544 for info

Dream Wedding Offer

Dreaming of a beautiful garden wedding?  February is the month of love and the Nature Coast Botanical Garden in Spring Hill is offering to waive the wedding fee (excluding chair and table rental) to have your February wedding in the gardens.  Our new paved paths lead you to the Rose Garden Gazebo or the Asian Garden for your event.  A picnic area is available for the reception.  
Visit our website for more information about this limited time offer and to submit your wedding request form. (first request priority – limited availability)
www.naturecoastgardens.com, then click on the “your wedding” tab.

Saint Leo University Hosting Admissions Open House on Feb. 16

 ST. LEO, FL – Saint Leo University is hosting an Undergraduate Admissions spring open house on Saturday, February 16.
Students of all ages are welcome to attend with their families and friends, starting at 8 a.m. Guest can explore the campus at 33701 State Road 52, St. Leo, FL 33574, and speak with members of the Saint Leo University community. Prospective students are welcome to tour the campus, learn about the university’s academic offerings, student life, campus involvement, financial aid, and more.
For more information and to register, www.saintleo.edu/visit-campus.
For questions regarding events, or for special accommodations, contact the Saint Leo University Office of Admissions at (352) 588-8283 or by email at [email protected].

Brooksville Garden Club March Meeting

Brooksville Garden Club welcomes Members and Guests to their Meeting, March 13, 2019, at The Country Kitchen Restaurant, 20133 Cortez Blvd, Brooksville. Join us for an “off the menu” lunch at 11:30 OR just come @ 12:30 PM for our Speaker, Cody Trubic, a local beekeeper of Honey With The Bees. Learn why bees are important and how we can help them. Scholarships BGC PLANT & Tag SALE, April 13th (8 AM – 3 PM) @ Tom Varn Park #2 will be discussed.  Meetings are Free and Open to Public. Interested? Call Jan: 352-799-4319 or Cathy, 352-585-6834  

Ronette Snyder, 352-544-5669, Brooksville Garden Club Publicity Volunteer

Picture Perfect

Nature Coast Orchid Society’s Show and Sale, “Picture Perfect”, open to the public. This year featuring two artists! The show will be held March 30 & 31, hours are 10 – 4, entrance fee is $3.00.  Orchid and orchid supply companies will be there to show and sell orchids, orchid supplies and a vendor selling custom made orchid and flower pots.  The show is at the VFW Post 8681 at 18940 Drayton St, (corner of Drayton and County Line Rd.) in Spring Hill.  Entrance fee is $3.00.  This is an AOS sanctioned show, bring your orchid to be judged by an AOS judge, even if you are not a member. See you there!


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