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HomeUncategorizedFeb. 12, 2019 Hernando BOCC meeting run down

Feb. 12, 2019 Hernando BOCC meeting run down

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Lucille Morano addressed the Board of County Commissioners about garbage collection problems she’s been experiencing for the past six years.   Republic’s new automated collection has not remedied Morano’s issues.
Mary Ellen Urban presented a safety map for Ft. Dade Ave and Citrus Way, thanking Scott Herring for his response to her earlier request.  Urban also asked about red flags in the right-of-way along Ft. Dade Avenue. 

Susan Wysong reported having a difficult time at the Probate Office following the death of her mother. The county is listed as having an interest in the property, and Wysong asked for direction in navigating the process and paperwork. 

David Philipsen reported to the board his findings on the 501(C3) Mid-Florida Transport.  According to Philipsen, that line of transportation operates within a 2-hour window, which is inadequate for his needs, and others’. He also stated that the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) bus does not service the area in which he lives. 

Diane Greenwell revisited the issue of forgotten bike-lane demarcation when Shoal Line Boulevard was repaved.  Greenwell also brought up the subject of garbage collection, and how much time the Board of County Commissioners has spent on the subject.   In Hernando Beach, Greenwell reports that the new “blue containers are out constantly because no one knows when they’re going to get a pick-up, and yard waste is not being picked up.”

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Richard Ross addressed the board about the acreage required for parking per boat ramp.  According to Ross, since Hernando Beach only has two boat ramps, they’re only required to provide two acres for parking, not four.  Ross stated that the property being considered for expansion at $400,000 would be well-served by a parcel estimated to cost $100,000.

Charles D. Greenwell  circled back to speak about impact fees from the last meeting.  Greenwell passed out case law to the board of Florida Supreme court case Volusia vs. Aberdeen (2000).  According to Greenwell, this case “rejected the county-wide standard for applying the Dual-Rational Nexus Test.”  (This test was used determine need to acquire property for boat trailer parking through the expenditure of impact fees.)

Bill Loomis continued with the next installment of his email queries to the board. 


Interim County Administrator Jeff Rogers asked Morano to provide her address. 

Commissioner Steve Champion advised Susan Wysong to consult a Title Attorney to properly research liens and debts attached to the property in question.  County Attorney Garth Coller cautioned Wysong that the attorney of another family member may not have Wysong’s interests in mind, and that she should have her own attorney. 

Commissioner John Allocco expressed frustration over the situation with Republic Services, and is urging more to be done to bring them into compliance with their obligations. 

Commissioner Wayne Dukes addressed the topic of parking capacities at the Hernando Beach boat ramps.  Dukes again mentioned the sheer number of boaters in the area, some of which come from outside Hernando county, posing a travel hazard along the roadways.   Concerned also about access for emergency and rescue vehicles, Dukes maintains it’s important that parking be expanded to keep the roads clear.  

BOCC Chairman Jeff Holcomb reported that regular attendee Anthony Palmieri has been absent due to recent hospitalization, and has returned home. 

Interim County Administrator Jeff Rogers acknowledged each citizen who presented a comment, and promised follow-up where necessary.  Rogers stated that the level of service with Republic services is being addressed, as it is currently not acceptable to the county.

County Attorney Garth Coller advised Charles Greenwell that the case law he presented at this meeting was reviewed before the Dual-Rational Nexus Test, and the decision was sound.

All commissioners discussed the situation with Republic Services, acknowledging that it had only been one week at the time of this meeting, that the new automatic service began.   BOCC Chairman Jeff Holcomb added that citizens should not rely on social media when communicating difficulties, rather to get in touch with the county directly.


1. Annual Report of Local Mitigation Strategy Committee for Submittal to State Division of Emergency Management
2. Appointment of Yann Milcendeau to Tourist Development Council Until December 31, 2022
3. Budget Resolution Recognizing FY 2017 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program Funding Awarded to Sheriff’s Office
4. Budget Resolution Recognizing State Department of Health Funds for Mosquito Control Expenses Associated With Public Health Emergency Preparedness
5. Notification of Properties Placed on List of Lands Available for Taxes and Available for Purchase by County

6. Promotional Outreach Transportation Services Provided by The Hernando Express Bus for 2019 Swamp Festival

Chuck Morton, representing Swampfest requested use of the bus as in prior years.  Morton also thanked the commission for their previous assistance in providing transportation to the attendees.  Commissioner Wayne Dukes thanked Morton for relocating Swampfest back to Linda Pedersen Park. 

7. Resolution Proclaiming February 2019 as Black History Month 
8. Resolution Repealing Resolution 2018-28 Requiring Constitutional Officers to Submit Tentative Budgets on May 1 Each Year 
9. Revisions to Drug Free Workplace Policy
10. Second Amendment to Development Agreement With Suncoast Investment Group of Hernando County, LLC
11. Settlement in Case of Joseph Bruno vs. Hernando County
Commissioner Wayne Dukes said he was pleased with the way this case was handled, especially since the county “had failed” Mr. Bruno four years ago.
12. Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation Site Specific Environmental Review
13. Transmittal of List of Accounts Payable Disbursements for Weeks Ended January 25, 2019, and February 1, 2019
14. Various Code Enforcement Public Nuisance Abatement Special Assessment Liens 
15. Various Discharges of Order and Satisfactions of Code Enforcement Special Master Liens
16. Various Satisfactions of Code Enforcement Public Nuisance Abatement Special Assessment Liens
17. Approval of Minutes for Regular Meeting January 15, 2019
18. Approval of Minutes for Budget Meeting January 22, 2019


1. Annual Progress Report of Local Mitigation Strategy Committee for Submittal to State Division of Emergency Management

Florida Administrative Code 9G-22.005 requires a Local Mitigation Progress report be
submitted to the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and accepted as
public record. This progress report includes, but is not limited to, activities of local
government and private organizations that promote hazard mitigation, a statement of
goals and recommendations on meeting those goals, and a list of approved projects in
order of priority.

2. Correspondence From Fifth Judicial Circuit Chief Judge S. Sue Robbins Regarding Hernando County Court Facility Construction Project

This letter was printed in our Feb. 8, 2019 issue.

3. Memorandum From Department of Public Works Regarding Traffic Safety Study of Fort Dade Avenue and Citrus Way Intersection

At the June 12th, 2018 Commission Meeting, Ms. Mary Ellen Urban requested that a safety study be performed at the intersection of Ft. Dade Ave. and Citrus Way. The request was made during the Citizen’s Comments portion of the meeting. Staff was directed to perform the study and report the findings back to the Commission.

Staff has completed the report and a copy is attached. The report does not include the individual accident reports, but those can be provided upon request.

The report indicates that there are not any current safety issues at this intersection. There were only five crashes in the time frame of January 2009 through November 2018.
Analysis of the accidents did not indicate any safety issues. A sight distance evaluation was also done, and no issues were identified.

Another concern that Ms. Urban identified as part of her comments on June 12th, was congestion and truck traffic that may occur as the mining operations change in this area. Staff informed Ms. Urban that staff will analyze these issues as the project moves forward.

4. Quarterly Investment Report for Quarter Ended December 31, 2018 

This is a summary of investments for Hernando County Board of County Commissioners for the quarter ending December 31, 2018. This report provides a summary of the composition of investments and their performance.

5. Transmittal of Minutes From Spring Ridge Community Development District Board of  Supervisors Meeting of November 14, 2018

Received the attached approved meeting minutes and associated backup materials for the Spring Ridge Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 14, 2018.

6. Unaudited Quarterly Financial Report for Quarter Ended December 31, 2018

The report is a summary of un-audited financial information from selected items cumulative through the first quarter ending December 31, 2018 of the fiscal year.
This report does not include adjustments which are only recorded at year end in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as determined by the Government Accounting Standards Board.


1. Rezoning Petition Submitted by Hernando County Board of County Commissioners (H1836)
The request is for rezoning from R1-C/(Residential) to C-1/(General Commercial) of the property located at the Northeast corner of SR 50 and Blackbird Street..  The county-owned property was zoned Residential, surrounded Commercial.  The rezoning “just makes sense” according to Commissioner John Allocco so the county can sell the land. 

Approved 5-0.

2. Rezoning Petition Submitted by Maher Chakra (H1835)
This request is for rezoning from R-1C/(Residential) to AR/(Agricultural/Residential), the property located at the Eastern terminus of Gypsy Avenue, approximately 705’ from Nightingale Road.  The petitioner was present, and stated the petition was to accommodate her two horses.

Approved 5-0

3. Rezoning Petition Submitted by Timber Pines Community Association, Inc., and Timber Pines Centre Property Owner’s Association, Inc. (H1834)
This request is for rezoning from PDP(GHC)/Planned Development Project (General Highway
Commercial) to PDP(REC)/Planned Development Project (Recreation) with deviations.  The property is located on the East side of Forest Road, approximately 400’ south of Pine Forest Drive.   The property is intended to become recreational facilities for the Timber Pines subdivision. 

Approved 5-0.

4. Master Plan Revision Petition Submitted by David Lyle and Lisa Lyle (H1829)
This request is for a Master Plan Revision on property zoned PDP(RUR)/Planned Development Project (Rural) with specific Agricultural uses. This property is located on the East side of McKethan Road and Ranch Road.  Alan Garman represented the petitioners.

Approved 5-0.  

1. Appointment of Alternate Director to Represent Board on Gulf Consortium Relative to Implementation of Federal RESTORE Act

The board approved 5-0 Rogers’ recommendation that Aquatics Director Keith Kolasa replace Len Sossamon, who was the Alternate Director. Commissioner Wayne Dukes will continue to serve in his capacity as Director to the Gulf Consortium to act as a representative for the Board.

 2. Appointment of Members to Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport Advisory Committee Until December 31, 2022

Each commissioner selects one applicant, and the County Administrator chooses two.   Commissioner John Mitten was absent from the February 12, 2019 meeting, and has submitted his choice of Dr. Timothy Beard beforehand.  The remaining applicants were chosen as follows:

Commissioner Steve Champion:  Tyler Stapleton
Commissioner John Allocco: Frank Morsani
Chairman Jeff Holcomb:  Joel Fritton
Commissioner Wayne Dukes: Paul Douglas
Interim County Administrator Jeff Rogers chose Zoe Lorca and Ray Fuqua

The Aviation Advisory Committee will meet in the BOCC Chambers six times per year, with the first being held on March 19, 2019.

3. Discussion Regarding Scheduling of Planning Workshop 

Previously, Commissioner John Allocco recommended that regular planning meetings to consider future agenda items.  Expected to be held in the Utilities Building Conference room, the meetings will be open to the public, but will not hear public comment.   Meetings may be recorded in audio format only, however it has not been determined.  County Attorney Garth Coller advised that the only legal requirements are audio recordings and written minutes taken.  Video recording is not required. 


License Agreement With Tampa Bay Extreme Adventure Course, LLP, for
Property Located at 6440 Cedar Lane

Full article: 



1. Approval of Purchase Order to Integrated Environmental Technology, LLC, for Repair of Fire Damage at Landfill

Commissioner John Allocco asked that Acting County Administrator Jeff Rogers explain the item, being that the language may seem extreme.   Rogers explained that waste inside a cell became very hot and was smouldering.   The material was removed and the problem corrected without further incident. 

2. Purchase of Barracuda Essentials One-Year License Renewal From Interdev, LLC, for County Technology Services Web Filter Software (Cost: $40,575.00)

3. Ranking Order and Contract Negotiations With Highest-Ranked Firm for Utility Rate Consultant (RFP No. 19-R00002/PH)

The board approved items #2 and #3 without further discussion.


Unsolicited Purchase Offer Submitted by Panther I, LLC, for County Owned Property Located on Blackbird Avenue.

This was the first item on the Public Hearing agenda earlier in the meeting.  According to  Mollé, he had an appraisal performed on the property while it was zoned Residential.  The appraisal then was $485,000.    Mollé said he did not want to order another appraisal, and instead calculated price per acre based on surrounding properties with similar features. 
A bid on the property in 2018 was turned down, as it was very low.

Two current unsolicited bids are from a medical doctor who plans to use the property for a medical center, and the other from Panther I, which is owned by Real Estate Broker Gary Schraut. 

County Attorney Garth Coller advised that under Florida law, even when offers are submitted when unsolicited, notice needs to be given to the general public to allow them to make offers as well.   The commission voted 5-0 to decline the offer as shown. Panther I, LLC offered $325,000 for the property.


1. Budget Amendment Realigning Funds Within Department of Public Works Operating Accounts and Reserves to Cover Fleet Equipment Leases for FY 2019

Approved 5-0.

2. Contribution From Culver’s Restaurant a/k/a S&L Properties Brooksville, LLC, for Traffic Signal at SR50/Cortez Boulevard and Evergreen Woods Trail

This is an unsolicited contribution from Culvers ($50,000) for a traffic signal at SR50 and Evergreen Woods Trail.  Herring stated that this is the first time in thirty years, that he’s seen such a contribution offered.

The board approved 5-0.

3. Local Agency Program Agreement With Department of Transportation for Deltona Boulevard Sidewalk Project From Spring Hill Drive to Begonia Street and Associated Resolutions

“The project includes construction and Construction Engineering Inspection Services for a five-foot sidewalk along the west side of Deltona Blvd from Spring Hill Drive to the entrance of Deltona Elementary School as well as a five-foot sidewalk on the east side of Deltona Boulevard from Spring Hill Drive to Amy Circle. The project will also include the construction of a five-foot sidewalk on the south side of Founder Road from Deltona Boulevard to Meadow Lark Road and a five-foot sidewalk on the west side of Meadow Lark Road from Founder Road to Begonia Street. Pursuant to the agreement, the FDOT will reimburse the County for construction ($426,687) and CEI activities ($32,002) for a total of up to $458,689.00.”

Approved 5-0.

4. Shoal Line Boulevard From Calienta Street to Cortez Boulevard Resurfacing Project

“Due to the length of Shoal Line Blvd., staff recommends that this resurfacing take place in two (2) phases. Phasing of this project will limit inconveniences to the traveling public and soften the financial burden of paying for a large project all at once. The first phase will be to resurface Shoal Line Blvd. from Calienta St. to the Weeki Wachee River Bridge for a length of 3.01 miles. The second phase will be to resurface Shoal Line Blvd. from the Weeki Wachee River Bridge to Cortez Blvd. for a length of 1.41 miles. The total cost to repave Shoal Line Blvd. from Calienta St. to Cortez Blvd. is estimated to be $1,470,000. Phase 1 is estimated to cost approximately $1,000,000. Phase 2 is estimated to cost approximately $470,000.”

Approved 5-0.


Budget Amendment Transferring Funds From Budget Reserves for Contingency Within Solid Waste Department Budget for Lease of Equipment Through Fleet Replacement Program.

Approved 5-0.


Discussion Regarding General Fund Budget

Richard Ross addressed the board and showed correspondence from May 22, 2018 advising the board of a $13-million deficit.  Ross said, “The board is 100% responsible for this deficit.  Money doesn’t get spent without the board.”

Ross went on to say, “The state of Florida recommended pay for County Commissioners is a  base salary of $12,000 (per year).  It has been elevated to $67,000 plus.  Starting immediately, until there is no longer a budget deficit, Hernando County Commissioners should be paid $1000 per month, or $12,000 per year, plus $50 per advertised scheduled meeting, allowing for four workshops, 24 Commission meetings.”

Ross stated that the salary reduction would return more than $300,000 to the budget.
BOCC Chairman Jeff Holcomb referred to an upcoming workshop, but wanted to mention three items regarding the general fund budget.  First, Holcomb stated that at the last workshop, the board asked for an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding), which has yet to be received by the board.  

A second issue that Holcomb mentioned is areas of surplus properties that “could be turned into good money.”

The third topic Holcomb brought up was the possibility of repealing a 1 mill tax cut as something to think about for the next workshop and budget meetings going forward.  

Commissioner Steve Champion reported that he could see an almost immediate $7-million recovery because he expects more than the originally stated 95% of property owners to pay taxes. “I believe it’s going to be closer to 98%.”  If correct, this could bring in $3-million.

The other $4-million could come from an expedited repayment of a loan made to Hernando County Fire / Rescue (HCFR).   “(HCFR) is in better shape now, and I know Jeff Rogers and Chief (Scott) Hechler are looking into that.”

Champion suggested also relocating the Utilities Department and use the current building for Constitutional Officers.  Champion stated this could probably cut the budget significantly. 
Acting County Administrator Jeff Rogers reported that cutting services and county expenses are still being considered as well.  


1. Commissioner Steve Champion
“I only have one item, and it’s kind of a celebration … The reason I’m (on the County Commission) is because a bank picked on my business, and now they’re no longer to be.  They’re gone.  They’ve been bought by another company and their name is gone. 
There are a lot of local banks that I deal with… support small business and small local banks that actually know you by name.” Champion also recommended to the board that fees charged by large and regional banks should be assessed going forward. 

2. Commissioner John Mitten
Was absent from the meeting.

3. Commissioner Wayne Dukes
Asked that engineering contracts be placed on a future agenda.

4. Commissioner John Allocco
Had no further comments.

5. Chairman Jeff Holcomb
“If you live in New York, and you’re a Republican, Independent or common-sense Democrat … we welcome you to Florida.  Your state representatives have made atrocious decisions with their legislation.  Your US Representatives want a ‘Green New Deal’ that will bankrupt this country.   Your budget for the state of New York is $168-billion.   The reason Florida is now the third-largest state in this country is because ours is only $88-89-billion. Your policies are failing, and I would welcome you to come to Florida … the state of New York is going backwards.”
Holcomb added, “In two weeks’ time, I’ve seen an increased level of communication that I’ve enjoyed.  I feel like I’m more up-to-date on issues, and kept up with things, especially in the area of budget.” 

6. Acting County Administrator Jeffrey Rogers
“(My) first meeting as Acting County Administrator, there was a transition period that occurred… the citizens probably didn’t notice… the employees continue to do their jobs every day, so I want to appreciate all the county employees.”   

7. County Attorney Garth Coller
Had no additional comment. 


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