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HomeUncategorizedFeb. 26, 2019 Hernando School Board meeting run down

Feb. 26, 2019 Hernando School Board meeting run down

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compiled by JULIE B. MAGLIO


A. 3606 : Approval to Adopt the Agenda Dated February 26, 2019 Approved [Unanimous] 


B. 3607 : Student Representative, Ryan Bradley of Springstead High School, to Share an Update of School Related Activities and Events with the Board

Bradley mentioned the Hernando High School pit crew program where students who display leadership qualities and good character help those students who are in need of developing those qualities.  Members of the pit crew spoke to the school board during the workshop earlier in the day to explain how the program works.
She provided school updates from the last student delegate meeting.  Elementary schools have a 4th and 5th grade delegate, Middle Schools have a 7th and 8th grade delegate and High Schools have Junior and Senior Delegates.
“All of us get together and we discuss what’s going on at our schools.”

– Deltona Elementary had a Valentines Day Dance fundraiser for their PBS program.  They recently used Jeopardy to review for upcoming tests and had a Harvest Festival.

– Moton Elementary also had a Valentines Day Dance and had a field trip to the Bowling Alley.

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– Chocachatti Elementary participated in a hurricane collection and sent all the goods they collected to Panama City to help those affected by hurricane Michael.  During Literacy Week, they had a ‘Drop everything and Read’ program where during the last 20 minutes of school the students took out their books and read together.  They said they looked forward to that time all day. 

– JD Floyd Elementary: Yoga program to reduce,  stress, Student Council Snowball Dance, 
Talent Show

– Brooksville Elementary- 5th graders were able to read to 2nd graders during Literacy Week

Middle Schools

– Powell: Band and Chorus are going to the county competition. Band, Dance and Chorus are preparing for the Spring Concert.

– Fox Chapel is planning their 8th grade trip to Universal.

Bradley remarked that the Student Delegate meeting allows the student delegates to build their leadership skills.  They give a two minute presentation on what’s happening at their school.  

“I’ve seen so much improvement in our delegates from our first meeting until now. They are getting more confident speaking in front of their peers,” said Bradley.

The school updates allow ideas to be shared with other schools.  Bradley explained that Hernando High School gave a presentation at the first delegate meeting on Student Council Lunch Tables.  The student council members look for students in the cafeteria who are eating alone and they invite them to eat with them at the student council table.  Two more schools have now started this practice with more on the way.

“They are exchanging these ideas and building upon them to have these great things in our schools that are student led, initiated and monitored,” Bradley remarked.

She spoke about the suggestion box idea where many of the schools brought their suggestions received from the suggestion box to share with the group.  This project will be ongoing.

Topics of discussion at the student delegate meeting included kindness, incentives, reward systems and ‘what makes a good leader?’”  The next student delegate meeting is March 28 at Parrott Middle School.


C. 3587 : Recognition of Elementary Science Fair Class Projects First Place 

First Place: WES – Jennifer Lane
First Grade
First Place: CK8 – Bonnie Brockhof
Second Grade
First Place: CK8 – Megan Liberty & Jennifer Butler
Third Grade:
First Place: CK8 – Angelina Hernandez & Nicole Rundell
Fourth Grade
First Place: BES – Laura Long
Fifth Grade
First Place: FES – Bienvenido Gonzalez & Margaret Brooks

D. 3605 : Update on the Half Cent Sales Tax Accountability Committee

Gregg Laskoski presented the update on the Half Cent Sales Tax Accountability Committee. He said that the minutes of the Feb. 6 meeting have not yet been published, but will be available on the school district website hernandoschools.org under Facilities Operations. The current half cent accountability report includes a summary of spending and revenue for end of year 2018.  “We are happy to report that 100% of the sales tax revenue has been spent on projects earmarked and identified for voters in 2015,” Mr. Laskoski said.  Kendra Sittig and the committee confirmed that the first six months in the FY 2018-2019, $3.1 million was collected.  A credit of $1.1 million resulted in adjusting the fiscal year end accrual required by the auditors.  The total interest earned for the last 6 months is $46,353.  The total half cent sales tax revenue collected since its inception in 2016 is $29.9 million.  Purchase orders that have been issued and closed amount to $25.1 million leaving cash on hand at $4.8 million.

For the first three years, revenue has kept pace with spending at roughly $10 million per year.  The same holds true for the current fiscal year.  Laskoski warned, “The referendum allocates $46 million in expenses in year 5 which cannot be covered by the current revenue stream.” 

“My colleague on the committee Bob Whitmore points out that the district’s current 5 year work plan totals are lower than the amounts stated in the referendum due to expenses such as school security hardening costs which were un-forseeable at the time of the referendum as well as multiple funding sources, namely the half cent surtax, PECO (Public Education Capital Outlay) and the capital overlay millage,” stated Mr. Laskoski.

He read a statement from Mr. Whitmore: “As you are aware the half cent sales tax is for capital outlay projects as defined by Florida Statute. We have asked John Martin, Jim Lipski and Shawn Arnold for a reconciliation of the voter referendum with the district’s work plans and they are working on that.”

Mr. Lodato attended the Feb. 6 Half Cent Sales Tax Accountability Committee meeting and suggested that a 10 year extension of the tax is needed.  He’d like to see that referendum on the ballot for the next presidential election.

“Having said that we want everyone to understand that any 10 year extension of the half cent sales tax rests exclusively with the school board and not the accountability committee,” Mr. Laskoski clarified.

“Our committee oversight of the half cent sales tax is limited to the verification of the spending after the fact. However we would be remiss if we didn’t also look at future spending and make recommendations,” he added.

The next Half Cent Surtax Accountability Committee meeting is Wednesday May 8 at 5PM.
8008 Mobley Rd in Brooksville


E. 3565 : Approve Proclamation No. P19-004, Acknowledging March 4-8, 2019 as “Newspapers in Education Week 2019” Approved [Unanimous] 

1. NIE P19-004 Tampa Bay Times

F. 3564 : Approve Proclamation No. P19-005, Acknowledging March 4-8, 2019 as “Newspapers in Education Week 2019” Approved [Unanimous] 

2. NIE P19-005 Hernando Sun

from the February 5, 2019 Informal, Workshop and Regular Meetings
Minutes of Feb 5, 2019 11:00 AM Accepted By Consent Vote [Unanimous]
Minutes of Feb 5, 2019 2:00 PM Accepted By Consent Vote [Unanimous]
Minutes of Feb 5, 2019 6:00 PM Accepted By Consent Vote [Unanimous]




Personnel Recommendations

1. 3580 : Approval of Personnel Recommendations Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] Comment
All Other Academic Services Division Agenda Items

2. 3553 : Approval of the Job Description for Administrative Assistant – Federal Programs Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] Comment

All Other Business Services Division Agenda Items

3. 3570 : Approve Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget Amendment No. 2 for Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 

4. 3571 : Approval of Interim Unaudited Financial Statements for the Month Ending December 30, 2018 Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous]

5. 3585 : Approval of the Step Increase and Market Adjustment for District Administrative Employees for 2018-2019 Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 

“Approximately $32,683.64, general fund costs including salary and benefits Approximately $9,564.71, federal fund costs including salary and benefits Total cost is approximately $42,248.35 The cost for the previous fiscal year was $17,767.78”

6. 3586 : Approval of Performance Pay and Market Adjustment for School-Based Administrative Employees for 2018-2019 Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous]

“Financial Impact Approximately $107,469.64, general fund costs including salary and benefits The cost for the previous fiscal year was $95,656.55”

7. 3588 : Ratify Changes to the Contract Between Hernando County Teachers’ Association (HCTA) and the Hernando County School Board Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous]

“The approximate cost of performance pay and the market adjustment is $3,030,024, for general funds including salary and benefits. The cost for the previous fiscal year was $2,766,782.22 The approximate cost of the Best and Brightest bonus is $278,800, for general funds including salary and benefits. The approximate cost of performance pay and market adjustment is $192,293, for federal funds including salary and benefits. Total cost is approximately $3,501,117”


This item incorrectly appears on the district’s agenda as having been pulled.  It seems to nave been approved by board members with other consent agenda items.

9. 3595 : Approve the New Position for the Food and Nutrition Services Coordinator-Special Initiatives Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 

“The Director of Food and Nutrition Services, on behalf of the Superintendent of Schools, hereby requests Board approval of the new position for the Food and Nutrition Services Coordinator Special Initiatives. This position would implement initiatives that are promoted by USDA which need time and attention to execute properly at the school site level. Some of the initiatives this position would tackle are; Farm to School, Local Healthy School Teams, School Gardens, Florida Healthy School District, District Vending and Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program. ”

“Financial Impact Highest increase to Food Services Salary budget- $48,614.00.”

10. 3597 : Approve the Revision to the Job Descriptions for Select Entry Level Positions Within Support Operations Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 

All Other Purchase Order/Bid Agenda Items


Item 14 incorrectly appears on the agenda as having been pulled for action.  It seems to have been approved by board members with other consent agenda items.

15. 3593 : Approve the Purchase of Instructional Materials and On-Site Professional Development, and Issuance of a Purchase Order to Language Circle Enterprises, Inc. for an Estimated Amount of $18,317.00. Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 


17. 3598 : Approve the Agreement and Authorize the Purchase of the License from SchoolMint, Inc. in the Amount of $38,632.20 Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 


3592 : Approve Out of State Travel for Lori Drenth, Susan Zanatta and Holly Longo to Attend the Food Service Design Boot Camp in New Orleans, LA, March 26-29Th, 2019

“Estimated expenditures are $4,818.00 (see attached budget sheet) The cost for the previous fiscal year was $0”

This item incorrectly appears on the agenda as having been pulled for action.  It seems to have been approved by board members with other consent agenda items.

3578 : Award Bid #19-595-19 RA Mulch-Playground Purchase and Installation to Boyett Timber and Mulch, Inc., and American Mulch & Groundcover, LLC for the Purchase and Installation of Playground Mulch at District Schools for an Estimated Annual Amount of $60,000.00. Approved [Unanimous]

“This might be my legacy: mulch,” said Gus Guadagnino.  He explained that they were spending quite a lot of money on mulch when he first came on the board. He said they were buying it from a company in Orlando and now they are purchasing it locally.

3579 : Award Bid #19-725-21: Motorola Mobile/Portable Radios Installation and Repair Services to Bearcom, Radio One, Inc., and Tri-Co Communications, Inc for Installation and Repairs to the Districts Motorola Networked Radio System for an Estimated Annual Amount of $150,000.00. Approved [Unanimous] 

Jimmy Lodato was wondering when this was presented to the Board- He didn’t recall ever seeing it as an agenda item for discussion.  He asked for additional explanation.  Director of Fire and Safety Bill Hall said this is a new system they’ve been installing over the past couple years.  It went through the workshop process “back then.”  The radios are for school safety and communication.  They rely on the system for pickup, bus dismissals, or any type of emergency that may take place.  This is replacing an antiquated analog system.  

3581 : Approve Piggybacking TIPS-USA Cooperative Request for Proposal 180503-Software for Food Service Software Awarded to Titan School Solutions, INC. and Approve the Contract and the Purchase of Goods and Services in the Amount of $113,000.00 Year One and Then $57,385.00 Annually Approved [Unanimous] 

Mr. Lodato asked when this item was presented to the board as well.  Director of Food Services Lori Drenth explained that the food service software is not something that she has workshopped.  She explained that they are looking at switching the software that they use in food services that deals with inventory, production records, menuing, nutrient analysis. They currently have a system, but she stated that it’s not working well for them.  In looking for another software, they’ve looked at what other school districts are using and what would best work for this school district.

Mr. Lodato questioned the higher transaction fee with this software ($2.60 compared to the current software $1.95).  Ms. Drenth said that the software is more user friendly, more parent friendly.  There has been a lot of complaints about the current payment system.

They discussed the school’s free meal program for all students.  Currently they are in year 1 of a 4 year program.  
Drenth said that she does not anticipate any problems in terminating the contract with the current provider.  They’ve used the current software for 5 years.

Titan is used extensively in California and on the West Coast, it’s not in the Florida market.

Board Chair Susan Duval questioned Ms. Drenth about the contract’s termination clause and where the funding is coming from.

Attorney Dennis Alfonso said that there is no provision that requires for cause termination and the contract can be terminated with 90 day written notice.
Funding for the software: “Food services did receive notification from the state that we do have excess funds that we need to expend.  This is one of those expenditures,” explained Ms. Drenth.

Superintendent Stratton clarified that the funds can only be spent for food services.

Mr. Lodato asked how she was able to avoid the bid process.  Ms. Drenth explained that they are using the piggyback method, which allows them to “piggyback” on another entity’s contract with Titan.

Mr. Lodato asked “Why would you want to go with something that hasn’t been tested in the state of Florida?”  

She said that the current program went through an RFP process and she is familiar with the software other counties in Florida are using.

She said that there are probably 67 different programs used by the directors across the state.

3584 : Approve the Issuance of an Additional Purchase Order in the Amount of $24,875.93 to CareerStaff Unlimited, Inc. to Provide Contract Services as Set-Forth in the Service Agreement for 2018-2019 that was Board Approved on May 8, 2018.

This item incorrectly appears on the agenda as having been pulled.  It seems to nave been approved by board members with other consent agenda items.

3594 : Approve the Purchase of Access Codes from Certification Partners, LLC for $1400.00 Approved [Unanimous] 

Mr. Guadagnino was wondering why they are voting on something with such a low value.  Mr Stratton explained that there is a board spending limit of $24,999.  Once they exceed the $25,000 it does have to become board approved.   This is an add-on to a previously approved expenditure exceeding the $25,000 mark.
Mr. Guadagnino asked if they have accountability in place to prevent items repeatedly coming back to the board.  “When do we say enough is enough?”  He also said that it is inefficient and can potentially hold up projects when staff has to repeatedly come back to the board.
Students use access codes to access software.  The need for additional codes is a good thing said Board Member Prescott- it means that you have more students.  Ms. Duval remarked that you can’t always pinpoint the number of access codes that you will need.



Pam Everett: She was concerned about a workshop item about a committee to do the right thing.  “We should already be doing the one on one with the teachers and student relationships.”

Uniformity of schools- schools get their own say, but we need to have some kind of guideline where we’re all level across the board.  She referred to dress code rules between schools.  This affects school choice because parents may choose to send their children to a school because they are more lenient.  We need to get on the same page.

Danielle Underwood: Spoke about emails sent to Mr. Stratton. “We are forwarding you stuff that comes from teachers. I wasn’t even aware of what was going on. There are teachers that are afraid to come forward.  Why I don’t know.  I find you very approachable so I don’t understand why- but they are coming from teachers.”  She congratulated Spring Hill Elementary and Mr. Maine for the amazing things they are doing.  She then remarked that ESE students are falling through the cracks.  There are students not being properly identified and remediated.  IEPs are not being followed and who is held accountable, she questioned.


I. 3561 : Technology Totals July 2018 – December 2018
1. Technology Totals Qtr 2 July 18 -Dec 18

A total of $817,587 has been spent with $133,143 being instructional and $684,444 being administrative.

J. 3562 : Second Quarter Lottery Report July 2018-December 2018
1. QTR-2 Lottery expenditure report 2018-19
Schools spent a total of 78,524.50.
2. QTR-2 Lottery chart 2018-19

No Comments


Gus Guadagnino: Anthony Palmieri’s health is improving. He will be home tomorrow.  “I’m sure he’ll be here at our next board meeting. We miss you guy.”

Jimmy Lodato: Made several thank you’s.

Ryan Bradley: Thank you to Hernando High students  who came to talk during workshop and congrats to science fair winners.  Excited about the strong student delegate program this year.

Linda Prescott: Congratulations to Science Fair winners, Central High School’s Envirothon team and the History Fair winners, students who have received their college acceptance letters. Big thank you to school board delegate Ryan Bradley for the success of our student delegates.

Kay Hatch: Watching the growth of the students from one student delegate meeting to another was inspiring and encouraging. Ms. Hatch visited with the 4th grade environmental science students.  Report from the achievement gap committee- we have a lot to be encouraged about and proud of.

Stratton:  Visited Floyd and Chocachatti.  Microsociety at Chocachatti is truly amazing. Sat in on their court.  Echoed Ms. Hatch’s comments about the achievement gap committee report. A testament to the incredible things our staff and students do on a regular basis- all in the name of making a connection with each other- beyond an achievement point.



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