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HomeUncategorizedMarch 26, 2019 Hernando BOCC run down

March 26, 2019 Hernando BOCC run down

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Hernando Sun Reporter


Bill Loomis continued a discussion of previous concerns regarding a frontage road in Ridge Manor. 

A Spring Hill resident spoke about loose trash littering roadways following trash collection.


County Administrator Garth Coller advised Loomis and the public in general that he cannot compel a commissioner to answer a question immediately when posed during Citizen’s Comments.

Acting County Administrator Jeff Rogers advised that he and the board are still working out issues with Republic and will get this issue in front of them for a resolution as well. 

1. Agreement With State Division of Library and Information Services for Library Services and Technology Act Public Library Innovation Grant Funding

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2. Application for Tax Deeds on Properties With Tax Certificates Held by County

3. Budget Amendment Realigning Funds for Ayers Road and Yontz Road Railroad Crossings Surface Replacement Projects

4. Budget Amendment Transferring Funds for Coverage of Workers’ Compensation Claims ($300,000)

5. Budget Resolution Recognizing State Aid to Libraries Grant Funding for FY 2018-19  

Hernando County is receiving $572,421 in total state aid to libraries grant funding for FY 2018-2019.

6. Designation of Entity Administrator for System Award Management Registration

7. Discharges of Order and Satisfactions of Code Enforcement Special Master Liens for Gary Deciucies; and Joseph Mages, Sr.

8. Donation of Surplus Fire Equipment to Campbellton Volunteer Fire Department

9. Modification of Mortgage for Dylan T. Scadden Through Homeownership Down Payment Assistance Program

10.Resolution Appointing Members to Affordable Housing Advisory Committee in Accordance With State Housing Initiatives Partnership Act

11.Resolution Proclaiming April 2019 as Child Abuse Prevention Month

12.Resolution Proclaiming April 2019 as Donate Life Month

13.Satisfactions of Various Mortgages Through Homeownership Down Payment Assistance Program

14.Settlement in Case of Barbara Resotko vs. Hernando County

The county will be paying a $10,000 deductible in resolving this claim.  Their general liability company is Travelers. 

15.Settlement in Case of Christopher Soto vs. Hernando County
This topic was covered in the March 29, 2019 issue of The Hernando Sun. 
16.Settlement of Workers’ Compensation Claim in Case of Dustin Benefield vs. Hernando County

According to agenda packet:
“During employment with Hernando County Fire Rescue, Dustin Benefield sustained multiple compensable work-related injuries.Both parties have reached a mutual agreement for complete settlement of these claims.  Until this case is officially closed, the details of the settlement are part of current litigation and are therefore confidential pursuant to Florida Statutes 440.125 and 119.071(1)(d)(1).”

17.Subordination Agreement of Mortgage for Barbara Brennert Through Homeownership Down Payment Assistance Program

18.Transmittal of List of Accounts Payable Disbursements for Weeks Ended March 8, 2019, and March 15, 2019

19.Various Satisfactions of Code Enforcement Public Nuisance Abatement Special Assessment Liens

20.Approval of Minutes for Regular Meeting February 26, 2019

21.Approval of Minutes for Workshop March 05, 2019

Added to the Consent Agenda:

22. Genesis adventures is organizing a coast-to-coast foot race, and they are requesting to use the Government Center parking lot from 5AM to 8PM on a Saturday morning for the runners to check in.  There is no financial impact to the county.

Consent agenda approved 4-0. No items were pulled.


1. Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Trust Fund Monthly Report for February 2019

2. Notice of Conditional Use Permit Actions Taken by Planning and Zoning Commission on March 11, 2019

3 .Notice of Purchasing Policy Exceptions for February 2019

4.Transmittal of Southwest Florida Water Management District 2019 Consolidated Annual Report

Acting County Administrator Jeff Rogers emphasized the inclusion of the annual report, which focuses on the nitrogen reduction in the area springs, and improvements in stormwater and sewer issues. 

Resolution Requesting Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Designate Specified Canals Located Within Spring Hill Adjacent to Hunters Lake as a Bird Sanctuary

This item appeared as an article in the March 29, 2019 issue of The Hernando Sun.


1. 2019 Board Liaison Member Committee Reassignment for Withlacoochee Regional Water Supply Authority

The board erred when appointing members to the committee.  Per the interlocal agreement, two primary members must be commissioners, and staff as alternates.  Commissioner John Allocco was appointed the second primary member.  Alternates were not mentioned during the meeting.

2. Summary of Discussion Topics From Planning Workshop Held on March 5, 2019

Since public comment was not held at the Planning Workshop, Rogers designated this segment for Citizen’s Comments pertaining to the workshop.   The complete article about the workshop appeared in the March 22, 2019 issue of The Hernando Sun. 

In regards to the workshop, Richard Ross commented on the topic of water quality.  Ross reports common retail availability of fertilizer that is over 50% nitrogen.  “People put it on their lawn, it turns green real quick, grows no roots, so they have to water (excessively) to keep it green and put more nitrogen into the ground.”

Regarding library rebranding, Ross suggested that libraries should increase their digital offerings. 

Ross also mentioned rebranding of Hernando County:  “I think there are things that we’re missing from this workshop for branding our county.”  He went on to mention various attractive features such as lower lodging rates, and less dense traffic and population, yet close to Orlando and Tampa.  These could raise bed taxes and bring more sales tax revenue to the area. 


1. Request Submitted by Global Jetcare to Serve Alcohol at Ten-Year Anniversary Celebration Event Scheduled for April 6, 2019

2.T-Hangar Agreement With Hunter W. Havener for Hangar No. Dome 7 at Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport

3.T-Hangar Lease Agreement With Christopher Buell for Hangar 63 at Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport

All items were approved 4-0.


1. Award of Contract No. 19-B00019/DK to LSC Environmental Products, LLC, for Purchase of Landfill Alternate Hydraulic Cover Spray Unit for Solid Waste and Recycling Department (Cost: $113,502.37)

2.  Award of Contract No. 19-C00010/BK to Goodwin Bros. Construction, Inc., for Marsh Wren Avenue, Piping Plover Avenue, and Nordica Avenue Area Road Paving Municipal Service Benefit Unit Projects (Cost: $523,455.19)

3.  Award of Contract No. 19-C00011/BK to Goodwin Bros. Construction, Inc., for Dolquieb Lane Road Paving Municipal Service Benefit Unit Project (Cost: $348,257.28)

Acting County Administrator Jeff Rogers pulled topics #2 and #3 for discussion.  The costs for these items have increased over time.  The board voted to cover the cost of the increase, rather than split the cost with the MSBU.

4. Award of Sole Source Purchase From Physio Control, Inc., for Two LUCAS Chest Compression Systems; Two LUCAS Desk-Top Chargers; Two LUCAS Power Supply; Four LUCAS Rechargeable Batteries; and Two LUCAS On-Site Service Plans for Hernando County Fire Rescue  (Cost: $40,388.00)

5.Award of Term Contract No. 19-T00021/DK to John Mader Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a Mader Electric Motors and Florida Armature Works, Inc., for Motor Pump Repair, Rewind, and Machine Work for Utilities Department (Cost: $145,000.00)

6.Award of Term Contract No. 19-T00056/DK to Ms. Twister for Mowing Services and Ground Maintenance of Hernando County Parks (Cost: $91,350.00)

7.Continuation of Discussion Regarding Approval of Ranking Order and Authorization of Contract Negotiations With Highest-Ranked Firms for Airport Engineering Services RFQ No. 18-RG0128/PH

Commissioner Wayne Dukes moved to pull this item until the next regularly scheduled meeting all five commissioners are present to vote.  

8.Final Close-Out of Contract No. 4PYZ-004 With Johnson Controls, Inc., for Energy Savings Contracting (Final Payment Amount: $74,356.20)

9.Final One-Year Renewal of Contract No. 10-0002 With Recycling Services of Florida, Inc., for Proposed Changes to Recycling Services (Cost: $300,000.00)

10. Request for Qualifications for Architectural Design Services for Hernando County Court Facility Construction Project

This topic was covered in the March 29, 2019 issue of The Hernando Sun.  It was pulled for discussion during Wunderle’s presentation of topics due to the high-visibility of this project. 

All other Purchasing topics were approved 4-0.


Presentation Regarding Construction and Demolition Debris Cell Located at Northwest Solid Waste Facility

This topic was covered in the March 29, 2019 issue of The Hernando Sun. 


1.Commissioner Steve Champion:  Absent

2.Commissioner John Mitten:  Regarding the presentation by Judge Merritt and the space needs for the Government Center, “It’s important that the taxpayers of Hernando County recognize that we have two major costs that this board must deal with in some capacity.  There has to be funds raised for these costs.”   Focusing on responsibility, Mitten said, “It’s something we know has been coming.  It’s inevitable, so this commission has to figure out what to do with it.”

3. Commissioner Wayne Dukes:  Commented on once having $17-million in a fund for expansion of the courthouse, but eventually those funds when toward another project.

4. Commissioner John Allocco:  Regarding Dukes’ statement, said, “I think it’s important that on a regular basis, at least annually, if not more frequently, whatever commission that is here, sits down and discusses what the long-term needs are of the county.   In the future, boards are to know that there is a major obstacle coming to the taxpayer as far as cost.”   Allocco stressed that the longer projects are deferred, the more costly they become.  The next generation of taxpayers are the ones to pay.

5. Chairman Jeff Holcomb:  “It’s an education process with our citizens,” Holcomb added.  He also recommended involving the Public Information Officer and more outreach through social media. 

6. Acting County Administrator Jeffrey Rogers: Mentioned the recent promotion of a female firefighter to Captain.  Awards from HCFR were given to several members of the department.  Rogers also recognized several staff members.  
Rogers also mentioned appropriations for the Airport Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion is currently in a bill in the state House and Senate for around $500,000.  Extension of the airport runway is also still alive.  Appropriations for renovations for Fire Station #2 is still open as well, but its future is unclear.  Other appropriations may not be funded this year. 

Rogers reminded the board that there are new regulations that may affect the county, House Bill 3 and 5 may affect local votes on sales tax.  These bills may require a 66% vote from citizens in order to pass certain local ordinances, most notably sales tax.

Also by state mandate, the county will lose approximately $100,000 in communications taxes. 

Rogers also addressed near-term and long-term financial tasks, the near-term being the correction of the county’s $11-million deficit, and in the long-term, the two significant projects that the county will need to fund. 

7. County Attorney Garth Coller had no additional comment.


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