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HomeUncategorizedMay 14, 2019 Hernando School Board meeting highlights

May 14, 2019 Hernando School Board meeting highlights

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Hernando Sun Reporter

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance – Board member Kay Hatch led the invocation. Students from Pine Grove Elementary School led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Adoption/Modification of Agenda  Board Chair Susan Duval stated she approved the removal of item # 3651 (approving the agreement with Sunrise Consulting). Gus Guadagnino moved to approve the modification. Jimmy Lodato seconded the motion. The modified agenda was approved with a 5-0 vote.

Student Representative to the Board – Springstead High School student Ryan Bradley stated the delegates had their final meeting that day. They reflected on the year’s successes and plans for the next year. 

• Brooksville Elementary received new computers.
• Deltona Elementary held a dance. Representatives from the Sheriff’s Department gave a talk on safety.
• Pine Grove Elementary celebrated the end of FSA testing. The Run Club received an award. The school held a field day. 
• Challenger K8 held dances for 5th and 8th grade and field trips. The school is emphasizing ways to implement kindness.  
• Winding Waters K8 held the state history fair and a band concert night. The school is having “Gradventure.”  
• Hernando High School held elections for next year’s National Honor Society. They are also planning for graduation.
• Weeki Wachee High School held their first Graduation Walk to prepare the 8th grade students for high school. The seniors will have a Buccaneer Bay field trip. Students will represent the school at the State History Fair. The school celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week.
• Chocochatti Elementary is raising money for a new playground. The Crime Stoppers Micro went to the Sheriff’s Department.
• Moton Elementary had PBS awards and the 5th grade dance. The Grad Bash is scheduled.
• Suncoast Elementary donated supplies to a local shelter. They held their 5th grade dance. The Locomo field trip is scheduled. 
• Explorer K8 has scheduled their 3rd book fair this year. A Treehoppers field trip is scheduled. 
• Fox Chapel Middle School held a Leadership Day and Self-Esteem Day. 
• Nature Coast Technical High School held elections for the Beta Club, National Honor Society, and Student Government. They participated in a local food drive, held their Grad Bash, and celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week. 
• Springstead High School held their Night of Excellence, celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week, National Honor Society Induction, and Senior Sign-out.

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Bradley thanked the student delegates’ faculty advisor, Ms. Selby, and district staff for their support. She also thanked Duval and the school board members and Superintendent John Stratton. She thanked the parents, school faculty advisors and the delegates.


• Ed Keith of Life South explained the 5 Points of Life Marathon. The program is coordinated with Oak Hill Hospital. The district’s K-8th grade students learn about wellness and log miles throughout the year. The final 1.2 of the 26 miles was completed on 04/06/19. Pine Grove Elementary won both awards that Life South presents: the highest number of participants and the highest percentage of participants. This is the second year that Pine Grove Elementary has received both available awards. Keith presented a check for $1,000 to the students. 
Rick Ahrens and students at Hernando High School were recognized for their excellence at the BSFFA Agriscience Fair. Locally, there were 100 participants with 80 projects. The students begin the projects in August. In June, a total of 50 projects from across the state will be judged, and 11 of them are from Hernando High School. Four of the students were presented with certificates. 

• Victoria Selby, advisor to the student delegates, discussed the process for selecting a Student Representative to the Board. She explained the program and the work the students have done as they represented their schools, complimenting the students’ presentation skills. She said she appreciated the schools that hosted meetings and looks forward to expanding and continuing the program. Bradley and Selby presented certificates to all the student delegates.  
Karen Jordan presented a special trophy to Ryan Bradley from the members of the School Board for her leadership skills. Duval addressed Bradley, saying that during discussions Bradley was well spoken and insightful. “You taught us to listen even more carefully to what students are saying,” Duval said, thankful for the awareness that Bradley brought to her and the board members.

• Tammy Brinker (Hernando County Education Foundation) shared the donations received and awarded. AT&T supported two STEM grant projects at $2,000 each: Nature Coast Technical High School (Human Impacts on the Aquatic Systems) and Chocochatti (Micro Society Sustainable Farms). LaRocca Chiropractic donated $6,000 for a stadium project at Jerome Brown Center. Brinker listed donations to classrooms, teachers, and schools from individuals and other companies totaling $35,750.  
Guadagnino moved to approve the donations. Lodato seconded the motion. It passed with a 5-0 vote. Lodato thanked Brinker for her work with HCEF and during the campaign for the Half-Cent Sales Tax. 

•  Scott Piesik, Principal of Suncoast Elementary, presented the idea behind Decency Day, a desire for a return to civility by treating others with respect, kindness, and tolerance. Suncoast is the first school in Florida to participate. Pieski read a letter from the movement’s founder, Lisa Cholnoky. May 14, 2019 is acknowledged as Day of Decency. Students from Suncoast Elementary read the proclamation. 

• Cathy Dofka, Director of Exceptional Student Support Services, presented the proclamation for Florida School Nurse Day, designated as 05/08/19. The Florida legislature wanted to recognize the importance of school nurses. Dofka also thanked the Health Department which assists the school district with daily needs due to the limited number of nurses in the schools. 

Approval of Minutes from the 04/23/19 Meetings – Hatch made the motion to approve the minutes of all three meetings. Lodato seconded the motion. The minutes were approved with a 5-0 vote. 

Citizen Input (Green Forms) – None were submitted.

Consent Agenda
Lodato requested that four items be removed from the consent agenda. Guadagnino moved to approve the modified consent agenda. Hatch seconded it. The motion was passed with a 5-0 vote. 

Personnel Recommendations
3691 : Approval of Personnel Recommendations Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 

All Other Academic Services Division Agenda Items
3700 : Approval of the 2019-2025 NEFEC Athletic Coaching, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and Prekindergarten Disability Endorsement Plans Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 

3697 : Approve Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget Amendment No. 3 for Quarter Ending March 31, 2019 Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 

 3684 : Approval of the Site License Agreement with Crown Castle South LLC, for Use of Tower Space Only. Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous]

 3685 : Approve the Deletion of Surplus Property from District Inventory Records Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 
3694 : Approve the Recycling of School District Property of Obsolete and Broken Electronics through STS Electronic Recycling for the Approved Per Unit or Container Price Paid to the District Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous]

All Other Purchase Order/Bid Agenda Items
3653 : Approval to Piggyback Sarasota County School Board Bid No. 19-0086, Custodial Floor Cleaning Equipment Awarded to Multiple Vendors and Authorize the Purchase of the Goods and Services for an Estimated Annual Amount of $50,000 Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 
3672 : Approve the Issuance of an Additional Purchase Order in the Amount of $5,000.00 to Community Rehab Associates, Inc. to Provide Contract Services as Set-Forth in the Service Agreement for 2018-2019 that was Board Approved on June 7, 2018 for the Extended School Year (ESY). Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous]

3673 : Approve Cannibalization and Removal of Obsolete Property Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous]
3686 : Approve the Agreement with IU LLC, Dba Accessible Communication for the Deaf, Inc. (ACD) to Provide Sign Language Interpreting Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the Amount of $20,000.00. Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 

 3687 : Award Bid No. 19-200-29, Food Service Uniforms, to Brown & Bigelow, Inc. and Approve the Contract and the Purchase of Uniform Tops for Food Service Employees with an Estimated Expenditure of $20,000.00 for the 2019-2020 School Year Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] Comment
3693 : Approve Piggybacking the State of Florida Contract for the Purchase of Tires, Tubes and Services Awarded to the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company and Authorize the Purchase of the Goods and Services for an Estimated Annual Amount of $125,000.00 for the Term of the Contract Including Renewals Adopted by the State. Hernando County Schools Bid No. 19-863-35 PB Has Been Assigned for Internal Tracking Purposes. Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 

3695 : Award Bid No. 0252-201-1901, Pine Grove Elementary School Chilled Water Piping Replacement, to Air Mechanical & Service Corp., and Approve the Contract and the Purchase of the Goods and Services in the Amount of $620,000.00 Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 

3701 : Approve Renewal of Piggybacking the School District of Osceola County, Food & Supply Distribution Services (Large Food Bid) Bid #15-393-01 CO-OP for Purchases of Food and Supplies Awarded to US Foods for an Estimated Annual Amount of $5,000,000.00. Osceola County Serves as the Lead Agency for the P.O.W.E.R. Buying Group. Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 

3702 : Approve the 2019-2020 Letter of Agreement to Purchase from the Main-Line Food and Supply Contract Issued by the Osceola County School District and to Participate as a Member in the Power Buying Group Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous] 

3703 : Approve the Purchase of a Nearpod District License for Grades 6-8 for an Estimated Amount of $23,000.00 Approved By Consent Vote [Unanimous]

Items pulled for discussion were:
#3676 – Approval to renew annual subscription to Frontline. This is to monitor professional development and evaluation. Lodato asked about the cost, which was $30,000 more than the previous year. The discount last year was a signing bonus with the new company. The product will be reviewed next year. Hatch made the motion to approve, and Lodato seconded. The motion passed 5-0.

#3678 – Approve purchase of Youth Mental Health First Aid participant manuals. The SEDNET manager for five counties (Hernando, Citrus, Marion, Sumter, Lake) is based in the district. A state grant of $223,000 covered the initial cost. The training manuals cost $10,000 and will be used across the five counties. Hatch made the motion to approve, and Linda Prescott seconded it. The motion passed. 5-0.

#3679 – Approve purchase of mini-grants from the Youth Mental Health Awareness and Training Grant. Each county receives a percentage of the grant funding. Hatch made the motion to approve, and Linda Prescott seconded it. The motion passed 5-0.
#3689 – Approve agreement and authorize purchase of 2019-2020 Legislative Management System. Public Information Officer Karen Jordan explained the software is what allows the School Board to function – streaming, voting, etc. Guadagnino made the motion to approve, and Lodato seconded it. The motion passed 5-0.

Citizen Input (Pink Forms) – None were submitted.
Lodato asked Gregg Laskoski to come to the podium to explain the distribution of funds from the Half-Cent Sales Tax monies the district receives. In September 2015 there were 21-22 schools with infrastructure needs or repairs. The needs were prioritized, but over time the list has been updated depending on unforeseeable repairs or emergencies. Laskoski said the committee does not micromanage the Facilities Department. 

School Board Comments
Prescott stated she and Hatch attended the Night of Excellence at three high schools. She said students have been awarded almost $6 million in scholarship funds. Ryan Bradley received $33,000 in scholarships. She praised the work of teachers and staff, the students, and the parents who support them. 

Hatch agreed with Prescott’s comments and congratulated those who were recognized at the meeting. 

Superintendent John Stratton congratulated the State History Fair winners and Central High School’s baseball team for advancing to regionals. He congratulated the Team Leadership Hernando 2018-2019.  



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