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What matters at the BOCC Meeting? 07.16.2019

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Development Matters

First Public Hearing to Consider Ordinance Amending Land Development Regulations Regarding Subdivision Regulations

The board voted 4-0 to accept the changes to the ordinance and move to a second public hearing. 

Changes to the ordinance adds the language, “In the event the proposed subdivision will connect to county water and/or sewer facilities, the engineer of record shall prepare a capacity analysis in accordance with County standards and requirements to ensure that the distribution and collection network can accommodate the additional projected flows.”   The intent is to move the capacity analysis to an earlier point in the planning phases.

Also added is language that administratively approves construction plans, “Upon determination that the construction plans are in conformance with all required rules and regulations…”

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Considerable changes were also discussed regarding roadways, especially the avoidance of creating half-roads within subdivisions.

Rezoning Petition Submitted by Sport Fisherman’s Landing Inc. (H1833)
The board voted 4-0 to postpone the rezoning of this subject from CM-1 to PDP-CM.

Rezoning Petition Submitted by Arnoldo Naranjo Rivero (H1911)
This petition was withdrawn by the applicant.  The board approved 4-0.

Rezoning Petition Submitted by HR Hernando, LLP (H1905)
Intended use is for an RV (recreational vehicle) park.  The board approved 4-0.

Rezoning Petition Submitted by Bowlersmart, LLC (H1914)
Intended use is for wholesale and distribution.   The board approved 4-0.

Rezoning Petition Submitted by Hafcortez 17, LLC (H1915)
Intended use is for self-storage with outdoor storage for boats, RVs, etc.  The board approved 4-0, with modification conditions that the buildings along the property line will not exceed 20 feet in height.   The southern boundary will also include an 8 foot PVC fence. 

Rezoning Petition Submitted by Susan Compton (H1917)
Intended use is for a veterinary clinic with short term boarding.  The board approved 4-0.

Master Plan Revision Petition Submitted by Rivard Development, LLC (H1909)

The intent is to develop The Trails at Rivard, Phase II.  Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) voted 4-1 to deny this petition due to lack of capacity at district schools, the entire development has a single point of access (one way in and out), and differences in lot sizes.

After considerable discussion, primarily about access and roadways, the BOCC voted to approve the petition, with several modifications.  An agreement will need to be reached with the school board to address the student capacity issue.

Money Matters

Resolution Increasing Annual Solid Waste Disposal Assessment Rates

The board voted 3-1 to approve a $6.10 increase in Solid Waste Disposal Assessments for Fiscal Year 2020.  The board will revisit this item for subsequent fiscal years.  The maximum assessment may not exceed $95.00 for single family residences, or $86.65 for multi-family residences up to four units.

Commissioner Steve Champion was the dissenting vote.

The county provides the following information in the agenda packet:

“The Solid Waste Disposal Assessment has been in effect since 1990. This Assessment is paid by every residential single-family and multi-family unit in the County to cover the cost of disposal of their trash. The amounts collected pay for the operations of the landfill and convenience centers and are not used for collection services. The rates are currently $63.05 (single-family) and $57.50 (multi-family) per unit. The rates have not increased in over 15 years during which Hernando County has had an estimated population increase of more than 37,000 residents. The Department is now requesting an increase in the Solid Waste Disposal Assessment rates. This increase is necessary due to rising operational costs, major capital projects and the need to provide for storm debris removal. The increase will provide for construction and maintenance of a new $16 million garbage cell, which will provide disposal service to County residents for many more years.
“The increase will also be used to allow for a storm debris removal fund. The necessity of this fund developed after Hurricane Irma, when there was a need for the County to pay for debris removal. Since FEMA does not reimburse 100%, the County must be prepared to fund storm debris removal so that the County can fully recover after a major disaster.
“The assessment for each parcel of property will be based upon each parcel’s classification and the total number of assessment units attributed to that parcel. The following tables reflect the proposed solid waste disposal assessment schedules.”

Single-Family Residential $69.40
Multi-Family Residential (2 to 4 units) $63.30

Single-Family Residential $95.00
Multi-Family Residential (2 to 4 units) $86.65″

Resolution Adopting Revised Fees for Solid Waste Disposal of Construction and Demolition Debris Located at Northwest Solid Waste Facility

The Board voted 3-1 to approve revised fees, which will be on a per use basis.  Champion again voted ‘no’. 

Approval of Debt Management Policy

The County does not have a Debt Management Policy. Historically, any debt of the County has adhered to the criteria outlined in this proposed Policy but adopting a policy will formalize those practices for the future.

This Policy was prepared from:
1. A combination of policies from other counties
2. Inclusion of best practices recommended by the Government Finance Officers
3. Input from Hernando County’s debt management professionals (Financial Advisor
and Bond Counsel)
4. Input from the County Attorney’s Office and County Administration.

The board voted 4-0 to approve.

Budget Amendment Reallocating Funds Within Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller
FY 2018-19 Budget for Capital Expenses

The Clerk’s Office has a need for additional items that are capital in nature. The Clerk has prepared a Budget Amendment to move budgeted funds from Operating Expenses to Capital Expenses. The net result of the budget amendment is zero and does not increase the total for the Clerk Budget.

This item was approved 4-0

Contracts Awarded, Purchases and Changes

The Board of County Commissioners voted 4-0 to approve the following contracts that were not pulled for discussion.   The discussed items were voted upon separately.

1. Approval of Change Order No. 3 to Purchase Order With American
Construction Services, Inc., for Americans With Disabilities Act Bus Stop
Improvements Project, Phase II (Contract 18-CG0121/BH; Total Project
Amount: $261,477.13)
2. Award of Contract to Augustine Construction, Inc., for Deltona Boulevard
Sidewalk Project From Spring Hill Drive to Begonia Street
(Contract No. 19-CG0046/BK; Amount: $482,627.00)
3. Award of Contract to Daly & Zilch (Florida), Inc., for Stoney Brook Lift
Station Rehabilitation (Contract No. 19-C00100/BK; Amount: $858,594.00)
4. Award of Contract to Goodwin Bros. Construction, Inc., for Frontage Road
Addition at SR 50 and I-75 (Contract No. 19-C00102/BK;
Amount: $2,064,687.76)

5. Award of Contract to Jones Edmunds for Engineering Services for
Wastewater Master Plan (RFQ No. 18-R00043/PH; Amount: $798,284.00)

Utilities Director Gordon Onderdonk requested he explain this item. 

A grant from DEP (Department of Environmental Protection)  will help fund the wastewater master plan.  A big part of the master plan will be the feasibility study  of dealing with septic tanks in the county.  Onderdonk reports a possible $500,000 state grant.  

The board approved 4-0

6. Award of Contract to Midcoast Construction Enterprises, LLC, for
Hernando Beach Boat Transfer System Replacement
(Contract No. 19-C00078/BK; Amount: $523,000.00)

Commissioner John Mitten pulled this item. There was a 4% interest increase in this amount.  Approved 4-0

7. Award of Contract to Mid Florida Diesel, Inc., for Generator Maintenance
and Emergency Repair (Contract No. 19-T00085/DK; Amount: $74,010.00)

8. Award of Contract to Pavement Management Group, Inc., for Road and
Pavement Condition Survey Services (Contract No. 19-T00068/TPR; Amount: $38,785.00)

9. Award of Contract to Pave-Rite Inc., for Department of Public Works Warehouse Parking Lot Expansion Project (Contract No. 19-C00088/BK; Amount: $134,367.69)

10. Award of Sole Source Purchase From ZOLL Medical Corporation for ZVent Portable Ventilators for Hernando County Fire Rescue District (Amount: $81,474.20)

11. Award of Term Contract to ACJ Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., Air Mechanical and Service Corporation, and Tampa Bay System Sales d/b/a Tampa Bay Trane for Air Conditioning Repairs of Systems Up to Five Tons (Contract No. 19-TF0083/DK)

12. Award of Term Contract to Island Ice House, LLC, for Ice House Concessions at County Parks (Contract No. 19-T00044/DK)

Was pulled for discussion. Originally there were to be two locations; one at Little Rock Cannery and one at Nobleton Wayside Park.  The board voted 4-0 to only have the Ice House location at the Nobleton location. 

13. Purchase of Plumbing Materials From Charlie’s Plumping, Inc., for Improvements at Hernando County Detention Center (Amount: $119,111.63)

14. Ratification of Change Order No. 1 to Lamphier & Company for County Health Department Exterior Refinishing Project (Amount: $18,652.00)

Progress Matters

Update Regarding Ongoing Board Directives by County Administrator Jeff Rogers

#4:  Review of user fees for parks and boat ramps. Determine which parks should be funded from ad valorem and which parks should be funded from user fees.  Per County Administrator Jeff Rogers, the board is not moving forward with this item.  It will be removed from the list. 

#9: Sale of property at Gulf Winds Circle has been completed.

Rogers added “Stormwater Regulations” to review permitting processes to make sure double-permitting isn’t taking place. 
The board continues to review Building Department ordinances.

Ongoing BOCC Directives:

Issue/ Board Date/ Responsible Party/ Anticipated Completion Date/ Comments

1.  Review and sell properties that are a surplus/ 2/12/2019 / Paul Molle / 8/13/2019 / RFP for new realtor services issued; sealed proposals due 7/17/19.

2. Strategic Plan reviewed and tiered priorities established / 3/5/2019 / Jeff Rogers / TBD / No progress.

3. Economic incentives and alternate incentives reviewed instead of financial incentives provided. / 3/5/2019 / Valerie Pianta / 8/27/2019 / Team has met to determine options.

4. Review of user fees for parks and boat ramps. Determine which parks should be funded from ad valorem and which parks should be funded from user fees. /  3/5/2019 / Harry Johnson  and Gordon Onderdonk / 6/25/2019 / Complete

5. Mandatory connection Ordinance for Sanitary Sewer.  / 3/5/2019 / Gordon Onderdonk  /10/8/2019 / Ordinance in legal review.

6. Convention Center – Meet with TDC to discuss saving part of TDC funding for future capital investment in County. / 3/5/2019 /Tammy Heon / Jeff Rogers / Commissioner Mitten / 9/23/2019 / In proposed FY 20 budget for TDC.

7. Libraries Rebranding. / 3/5/2019 /  Susan Kiley  / 10/8/2019  / Presentation being developed to discuss opportunities for
increasing Library awareness.

8. Phone menu changes to allow for option to speak to individual. / 4/9/2019 / Karolyn Anthony / 6/25/2019 / In progress, 25 out of 27 menus updated.

9. Purchasing Policy Review. / 5/14/2019 / James Wunderle / TBD / Purchasing staff is reviewing policies and recommending changes.

10. Vacation Rental Registry. / 5/28/2019 /  Tammy Heon / 7/30/2019 / Memo discussion options for BOCC to consider in draft form.

11. Revision of code to restrict Tent Sales in County. / 5/28/2019 / Ron Pianta /  9/10/2019 / Draft Ordinance Approved by
Legal; Advertising for P&Z.

12. Sale of property at Gulf Winds Circle. / 6/11/2019 / Paul Molle / 7/30/2019 / Complete

13. Gun Range Feasibility Study. /  6/11/2019 / Valerie Pianta / Jeff Rogers / TBD / Memo discussion options for
BOCC to consider being developed.

14. Building Division Ordinance Review. / 6/25/2019 /  Jim Friedrichs / TBD / Existing specialty licenses will
be reviewed by Board of Construction and Regulation.


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