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What Matters at the BOCC 9/24/19

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Development Matters


Sunset Landing Construction Drawings approval


Sunset Landing is a 75-lot residential subdivision located in the eastern terminus of Scottville Street and Centennial Street.  The construction drawings are complete and ready for consideration by the Board. These plans have been reviewed by the affected County agencies and are in compliance with the County’s current development standards.  The developer will have 12 months to begin construction and 18 months to complete construction of the subdivision improvements to keep the approval active.


Master Mining Plan Approval Application Submitted by CEMEX Construction Materials Florida, LLC, for Bronson Extension


This application was approved 5-0, though there was extensive discussion regarding the amount of information regarding the project vs. the amount of information included in the Complete Agenda packets.  Commissioner John Mitten summarized, “It’s not a confidence vote, it’s a vote on an application whereby things are required to be attached to it, presumably germaine to the application, and if I’m going to sit in a quasi-judicial function, then I would like to have that evidence in hand.”


County Attorney Garth Coller stated that any materials not included could be produced during the day, and include it as part of the record.

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The board however was eager to move the process forward.  Attorney Darryl Johnston presented the application for discussion on this day.  Johnston submitted the MAMPA application into the record at this time, based on the discussion immediately beforehand.  The submittal required a board approval, which passed unanimously.


According to Johnston, all the paperwork required at the time was in place, otherwise, the item at this hearing could not be heard.  


Cooperative Extension Services Matter


Update Regarding Cooperative Extension Services Program Approval of MOU with University of Florida (consent agenda item)


The original Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the University of Florida for the provision of Extension Services was approved by the Board on August 9, 2011.  On July 25, 2017, the Board approved the First Amendment as an update to Exhibit A, 2018 projected annual expenses, consistent with the final approved budgets for the County and the University.  Per the MOU, Exhibit A is subject to annual approval by the Board of County Commissioners.


The attached updated FY 2020 Exhibit A to the MOU provides that the annual expenses for all personnel, travel and training will be handled by the University.  The County share of these expenses will be handled as a contracted service with the County being billed quarterly for actual expenses incurred. The proposed budget for these expenses was submitted to the County by the University during the budget process.  Other operating expenses will continue to be budgeted by line item in the Cooperative Extension budget.


Total payroll:                 $271,324.50

Travel Due to UF                 $10,300.00


Total                        $281,624.50


Utility Services matter


RES-2019-151 : Resolution Adopting Revised Rates, Fees and Charges for Water and Wastewater Utility Services Provided by Water and Sewer District


The board voted 4-1 to adopt revised rates and fees.  The new rates will increase 4.0% each year from FY 2020 until FY 2023, where fees will be increased by 2.5% for FY 2023 and 2024.  Commissioner Steve Champion opposed the resolution based on the rate of increases by year. 


The existing water minimum billing charges and consumption rates should be increased uniformly based on the following percentages:


Fiscal Year 2020 – 4.0%

Fiscal Year 2021 – 4.0%

Fiscal Year 2022 – 4.0%

Fiscal Year 2023 – 2.5%

Fiscal Year 2024 – 2.5%


Every five years, the Utilities Department employs an agency to conduct a study to review water and sewer rates and service charges.   Robert J. Ori of Raftelis Financial Consultants presented the firms findings and rationales at the September 24th meeting. Raftelis is formerly known as Public Resources Management Group, Inc. (“PRMG”).


Ori began by explaining that the Utilities Department operates as an Enterprise Fund, which is separate from the County’s General Fund.  An Enterprise fund is financed and operated in a similar manner to private businesses that provide services, meaning primarily through user charges.  


Currently around 96% of the revenue received by the utilities department are from fees for service. Miscellaneous service charges and interest income make up the balance of revenues.  Revenues increase based on customer growth, however margins are currently reduced due to inflation outpacing customer growth and the cost of initiating service right now is exceeding recovery.  According to the study, the only other way to increase revenues is through future rate adjustments. 


Commissioners Steve Champion and John Mitten both addressed the aspect of expenditures rising, asking if costs could be contained in their reduction.  Ori reported that many expenses are out of the control of the department such as personnel costs including insurance and other human resource related costs. 


Reserves matter


Suspension of Budget Reserve Policy No. 29-01 Due to Inability to Meet Required 18.5 Percent Reserve Balance


This item passed with a 3-2 vote. 


This was a formality to keep the board from being in violation of the policy.  The official budget cannot be approved if it violates policy. Due to the current budget deficit resulting in the inability to keep Reserves at the required 18.5%,  The Budget Office sought a suspension of the policy until budget remedies bring reserves back to their required level.   


According to Budget Director Stephanie Russ during the September 11, 2019 Budget Meeting, current reserves are at approximately 16.3-16.5%.  


Commissioners Steve Champion and Wayne Dukes opposed the suspension, as they later opposed the approval of the final budget. 


Recycling matters


Interlocal Agreement With Alachua County for Recycling Processing


Solid Waste Manager Scott Harper introduced the agreement, which is simply an agreement with Alachua County to accept Hernando County’s recyclables should the need arise.   The board approved unanimously. 


Harper reported that currently, recyclables are processed by a private company, and that this process is also up for a bid. “But if we have any major capital improvements to the facility, I need someplace to take the recyclables, and (Alachua County) is willing to help us.”


Even though China cut recycling services off to the USA two years ago, Harper states there is still a market for recyclable materials.  “Except glass. There is still no market for glass.”


Contracts matter

Sept. 10 & 24 meetings


Sept. 24


Commissioner John Mitten requested that going forward, “Financial Impact” statements in Agenda Packets denote if an item is funded by the General Fund.  Additionally, Commissioner John Allocco requested grant funding be denoted also. Purchasing and Contracts Manager James Wunderle answered that he would provide this information in the future. 


All of the following were approved 5-0 by the board. 


Award of Contract to D.A.B. Constructors, Inc., for Highpoint Gardens Resurfacing Project



Award of Contract to Pave-Rite, Inc., for Sergeant Lea Mills Boulevard Roadway Repair Project and Associated Budget Resolution  ($188,859.71)


Award of Contract to RMS Orlando, Inc., for Jail Annex Building Re-Roofing Project ($152,550.00)


According to County Administrator Jeff Rogers, this is funded by the HCSO Revenue Fund, which is generated by housing Federal and Pasco County inmates.  


Award of Contract to U.S. Water Services Corporation for Quality Drive Lift Station Rehabilitation Project ($869,394.29).


Award of Term Contract to J.E.M. Landscaping and NDL, LLC, for Mowing Services

and Ground Maintenance of Various Municipal Service Benefit Units

(Contract No. 19-T00155/TPR; Amount: $46,321.00)


Award of Term Sole Source Contract to Technical Resource Management, LLC, d/b/a Cordant Health Solutions for Laboratory Testing Services for Adult Drug Court (Contract 19-TS0183/CH; Amount: $90,000.00)


“Technical Resource Management, LLC, offers a wide-ranging variety of testing options to the Hernando County Drug Court Program to ensure continued success in the clients’ pursuit for sustained sobriety.  As well as being screened for the most commonly used intoxicants via urinalysis screens or oral fluid tests, Technical Resource Management, LLC provides the ability to test for trendy synthetic drugs and the metabolic breakdown of hard-to-detect intoxicants. Approximately $75,000.00 will be Grant funded, about $60,000.00 from the SAMHSA Grant, and $15,000.00 from the JAG Byrne Grant.  The other $15,000.00 will be funded from local money.”


Final Close-Out of Contract and Change Order No. 3 With Florida Safety Contractors, Inc., for Forest Oaks Boulevard at Deltona Boulevard Intersection Improvement Project


Change Order No. Three (3) reduction of estimated materials actually used to decrease the Contract amount by $10,819.00 from $764,795.56 to $753,976.56. The work has been completed and the Florida Safety Contractors, Inc. has submitted its Final Pay Application No. Ten (10) in the amount of $77,786.81.


Professional Services Agreement With BayCare Behavioral Health to Expand Substance Abuse Treatment Capacity in Adult Treatment Drug Courts


“On April 18, 2019, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) awarded a grant in the annual amount of $397,268.00 to Hernando County in support of the Expansion of Substance Abuse Treatment Capacity in Adult Treatment Drug Courts.  As part of this grant, the BOCC has contracted with BayCare Behavioral Health. 


“BayCare Behavioral Health will provide the following treatment and services to Hernando County Drug Court Expansion clients:  Intensive Outpatient, Residential, Peer Support, Coaching and Navigation, Case Management, HIV Testing/Counseling, HEP Testing/Counseling, Drug Screen/Breathalyzer, and Links to Ancillary Services. 


“Clients will attend local clinics and facilities as determined by staff to receive treatment services.  BayCare Behavioral Health staff will attend Drug Court Staffing each week to give status updates and discuss any progress or barriers encountered by clients of the Drug Court Expansion.”


Annual funding for five (5) years will be paid to BayCare Behavioral Health in the amount not to exceed $200,218.90 to be reimbursed through the SAMHSA grant.


Sept. 10 


The following items were approved unanimously during the September 10, 2019 meeting:


Award of Contract to Air Mechanical and Services Corporation for Hernando County  

Detention Center Alpha Rooftop Air Conditioning Unit Replacement Project (Contract No. 19-C00008/BK; Amount: $400,500.00)  


Award of Contract to American Track Generations, LLC, for Railroad Signalization and Track Inspection Services at Brooksville – Tampa Bay Regional Airport (Contract No. 19-T00084/DK; Amount: $53,396.85) 


Award of Contract to Guardian Community Resource Management, Inc., for Grant Application Writing and Administrative Services for Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Programs (Contract No. 19-RG0009/BK)


Award of Contract to Lengemann Corporation for Purchase of GPS System and Software Maintenance at Landfill (RQ No. 191039; Amount: $73,030.00)


Award of Contract to Specialized Property Services, Inc., for Pristine Place Sidewalk Repair Project (Contract No. 19-R00007-5; Amount: $66,170.00) 


Award of Contract With Robert A. Buckner and Associates, Inc., for Realtor/Marketing Agent Services (RFP No. 19-R00103/PH)


Award of Professional Services Agreement With Lutheran Services Florida Health Systems to Expand Substance Abuse Treatment Capacity in Adult Drug Courts (PSA No. 19-PSG151) 


Final Close-Out of Contract With D.A.B. Constructors, Inc., for Osowaw Boulevard Resurfacing Local Agency Program Project (Contract No. 18-CG0076/BH; Amount: $49,804.37)


Request by Tourism Development for FY 2020 Funding for Promotional Advertising With Hour Media, LLC, in Various AAA Publications to Promote Florida’s Adventure Coast


Utilization of State Contract With Department of Management Services and Bank of America, N.A., for Purchasing Card Services (Contract No. 84121500-15-01) 

Lisa MacNeil
Lisa MacNeil
Lisa MacNeil is a reporter for the Hernando Sun as well as a business technology developer, specializing in website development, content management systems, and data analysis.

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