At the School Board Workshop on March 9, 2021, member of the board Jimmy Lodato asked for clarification on an $800,000 expenditure which was never discussed at a workshop. Director of Safe Schools, Jill Renihan explained the item and what it means for the school district.
The board approved the item which calls for a “purchasing consortium” with the two companies, Omnia Partners and Iron Bow, allowing for the purchase of materials and labor to complete cabling at area schools for security cameras and communications tools. According to Renihan, this practice will make $800,000 from the school board go a lot further.
The expense is part of state and federal grant matches, including a school hardening grant that followed the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018. Renihan explained that 100 cameras for 1 high school could “easily cost $100,000.”
Further grants are expected in the next school year.