The Florida Legislature 2021-2022 final budget is $101.5 billion.
- Community substance abuse and mental health services: $1.051 billion
- Homeless programs challenge grants: $3.2 million
- Resilient Florida trust fund and program: $500 million
- Septic-to-sewer/stormwater improvements: $626 million
- State housing initiatives partnership (SHIP): $146.7 million
- Florida job growth grant fund: $74 million
- Emergency rental assistance program: $1.5 billion
Four of our projects were able to be proposed to the Governor and three of them passed.
Appropriations Request that were passed: total approved by the governor is $912,000
- Brooksville sewer rehab phase IV, supported by the reps of Ingoglia and Senator Hooper – $360,000
- Brooksville stormwater quality improvement, supported by the reps of Ingoglia and Senator Hooper – $387,000
- Brooksville Lamar water drinking plant, supported by the Reps of Ingoglia and Senator Hooper – $175,000
- SB 2006: Emergency Management
- SB 50: Taxation (Gruters)
- HB 403 Home-based businesses / SB 266 Neutral
- The bill provides that local governments may not enact or enforce any ordinance, regulation, or policy, or take any action to license or otherwise regulate a home-based business in a manner that is different from other businesses in a local government’s jurisdiction.
- HB 35 Legal notices
- HB337 Impact fees
- HB 421 Governmental actions affecting private property rights
-The bill modifies the Bert Harris Act.
- HB 1059 Construction permits
- SB 64 Reclaimed water
- SB 2514 Resilient Florida trust fund
- HB 667 Building inspections
Revenue Estimates:
General Revenue collections have been in positive territory against the lowered expectations of the post-pandemic environment for eight consecutive months. Marking the ninth month, April also gained to estimate, but at this time coming in $797.2 million (23.5 percent) over the new estimates adopted by the General Revenue Estimating Conference on April 5, 2021.