Century 21
Alliance Realty
Photo provided.
Did you know that our Hernando County Association of REALTORS® is the largest professional trade association locally and that Florida REALTORS® is the largest professional trade association within the state of Florida, and the National Association of REALTORS® is the largest professional trade association within the United States? Collectively we are over 1,525,000 strong.
Why is this important one might say? It’s important because as REALTORS® we believe it is our responsibility to those we serve, to our communities, and to our profession to protect and defend private property rights. Which means our strength in numbers allow us to work tirelessly to advance public policy to build strong communities, protect private property rights and promote vibrant business environments through grassroot efforts that flow all the way to Tallahassee and DC.
Every year during our state’s legislative session hundreds of Florida REALTORS® come together in Tallahassee to meet directly with our legislators to advocate for policy initiatives that promote and protect fundamentally sound and dynamic legislation. As a matter of fact, REALTORS® from Hernando County, including myself, and from all around our great state met this week in Tallahassee with our legislators to provide information, discuss current bills, and to share ideas about sound legislation that promotes homeownership and property investments.
From affordable housing, transportation and infrastructure to rising property insurance costs, water quality and environmental funding, business rent tax and other bill monitoring, as the voice of real estate in Florida you will find Florida REALTORS® working every day to make a difference and helping to shape policy initiatives that strengthen the ability for all to own, buy and sell real property.
In past years, Florida REALTORS® have been instrumental in legislation that:
Massively cut the state sales tax on commercial leases
Provides important insurance reforms to help keep premiums affordable
Allocates significant funding for improved water quality throughout the state
Caps certain fees charged by community associations
Protects homeowners from excessive flood insurance increases
Authorizes online/remote notaries for more streamlined transactions
Provides new tools for closing open and expired permits
And much, much more
Florida REALTORS® serving as the voice of Real Estate in Florida.