To avoid reporting inaccurate information the Hernando Sun has decided to only report on news stories that are at least a hundred years old. Often the initial reporting around a story is found to be inaccurate. This has led the Hernando Sun to wait a hundred years or more before reporting on stories.
Co-Founder of the Hernando Sun Rocco Maglio remarked that “It is necessary to wait a while for the story to settle down.” The other co-founder of the Hernando Sun Julie Maglio responded that “there is a tradeoff between accuracy and timeliness and this is why we choose to not wait a thousand years.”
President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated Saturday, April 15, 1865, in the Ford Theater while watching a special performance of the comedy, “Our American Cousin.” The assassin is believed to have been John Wilkes Booth, stay tuned for more details.*
*April Fools