On Thursday, November 10 at the Greater Hernando County Chamber of Commerce from 8:30 to 10:30 am there will be a free presentation on the basics of cybersecurity by FBI agent Andrew Sekela and Rocco Maglio, CISSP, MSIT Cybersecurity. The Chamber of Commerce is located at 15588 Aviation Loop Drive.
Billions of dollars are lost to cyber criminals every year. If you run a business it is important to understand the threats that are out there. Training is one of the strongest defenses that we have against cyber attacks. A well-trained staff that can detect anomalies and raise alarms can stop attackers in their tracks.
All individuals need to understand key indicators that something is not right. In an email, this could be that the web address is not from the company that supposedly sent the email. If someone is asking for gift cards that is another indicator. It is common that the bad actor is someone you do not know well or who would be unlikely to ask for the gift cards since they are easily spent and difficult to trace.
Attending cybersecurity training provides you with information that can be used to form intuition on when something seems a little off. This is your spidey sense to detect cyber attacks.