For more than 30 years, the Beautification Board’s City of Brooksville Annual Holiday Light Decorating Contest has challenged city residents to bring light and festivity to the city, with businesses and residences vying to be the brightest of them all!
“The winners of this competition are those whose designs, in our opinion, show the most spirit,” said Kathy Middleton, president of the City of Brooksville Beautification Board. During the early years of this competition, which debuted in 1989, judges drove throughout the community to identify potential competitors, with each contest typically boasting about 15 competitors. “Now residents and business owners submit designs themselves,” said Middleton.
Dec. 9 is the deadline to apply for this year’s competition. Participants can enter into Best Residential Christmas Display or Best Commercial Christmas Display. They are encouraged to submit four digital photos with their name, property address, and phone number to [email protected]. You can apply for the competition starting Nov. 26.
“Through the years, we see a variety of themes and designs,” said Middleton. “Some designs are spiritual; others boast reindeer and sleds. Many have lights all over, front and back, the whole house. They go all out.”
The Beautification Board and the Brooksville City Council will recognize competition winners during the council’s regular meeting in Jan. 2023. Those with questions can contact the City of Brooksville City Clerk at 352-540-3810.
In the eyes of Kathy Middleton, all of these bright light designs have something in common. “These lights make the community proud, lifts their spirits,” she said. “They feel proud, and our neighborhood is beautiful.”