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HomeOpinionWelcome to a woke communist-leaning economy

Welcome to a woke communist-leaning economy

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“Wokism” has subtly introduced many communist ideas into US politics. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging are concepts if totally adopted by our culture, will destroy our capitalistic system and work ethic. This would bring our nation’s economy closer to a dysfunctional one. Eventually, the wonderful-sounding communist promises of a welfare state of equally sharing societal wealth according to need rather than production will become reality. It sounds humane, but is it? This could be sufficiently attractive to enough US citizens who adopt it to become a non-capitalist nation.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging are concepts that sound reasonable on the surface but are unworkable for an efficient nation’s economy. DEIB does not motivate people to do their best work possible since they must possess a certain race, low economic status, gender, and sexual identification. The reality is DEIB criteria do not select on the ability to do a specific job but on meeting an arbitrary quota to fulfill a pledge of politicians. The politician is motivated by gaining a voting base to get or remain in power. It is not about economic efficiency for maximizing production for the nation. It is about inserting Marxism into our nation through the corporate world, with leftist politicians passing laws to mandate this transition.

Diversity in the workforce means a certain ever-changing mixture of race, age, sexuality, disability, gender, and other considerations. These goals must be met to fulfill political promises in order to remain in power. These objectives are political and not devised to increase economic output.
Equity is a way to distribute financial wealth from people who have it to others who do not. It is an actual robbery from some to give to others who have not earned it. It internally weakens the playing field, for too many individuals have little motivation to work hard. These factors do not consider how that affects the economic motivation of the workers who already earned their status to be considered middle class.
The hard-working, skilled, productive workers who would be released, not for their lack of effort or for their lack of ability to produce the product, but for not meeting specific gender, race, or other criteria, is inherently unfair. These government mandates in this moment of history are going to be devastating to the well-being of the nation’s economy.

This does not consider how the wealth was generated, where the wealth came from, or how it was made. If a person robs money from the rich who did not earn it distributing it can be somewhat justified, like the glorious Robin Hood scenario. However, taking it from a person who has worked hard to earn it is a crime of government theft and incompetence, not justice.

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Recently the DEI has added the letter B for Belonging. Our society is realizing that when an incompetent person is placed in a position without the necessary ability or motivation, they will fail. They are over their heads. Instead of realizing this system will not work, our government has added the letter B for belonging. This is to appease those workers who are fed up with the unfairness of the DEIB criteria. The US government bureaucracy has arbitrarily assigned government employers hiring quotas without considering the impact on comradery and production. These vital details are placed by the government in the lap of the corporate hierarchy to solve.

Not hiring knowledgeable people to meet government mandates for DEIB creates an artificial image of a perfect setting for equality, but it is nothing more than a farce. Business needs workers that are efficient, motivated, and dependable to do the best they can do. It is necessary to produce a quality product at the lowest price and not meet social mandates to please left-leaning government bureaucrats.

These concepts, such as DEIB, are driven by social-political goals, not economic ones. It will not bring the lower class up to the middle class, it will bring the middle class down to the lower class. No money will be taken from the wealthiest citizens since they are the protected class. Some wealthy might lose their status, and some new people might become wealthy, but this class will flourish. The rich will be richer, the middle class will become poorer, merging into a larger poor class, and the economy will become increasingly less productive. Welcome to a declining economy but a vastly more communist-leaning one.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books, and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN, and a new just published book entitled IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at www.drmaglio.blogspot.com.

Dr. Domenick Maglio
Dr. Domenick Magliohttp://www.drmaglioblogspot.com
Dr. Domenick Maglio holds a Ph.D. in Human Development with more than forty years of experience in the field of education and mental health. During his career, he has worked as a clinical psychologist in the Florida prison system. He served as the director of Hernando County Domestic Violence program for ten years. He also served as the director of Open Door for Mental Health, a program helping mentally ill patients transition from state mental hospitals to the community. He taught for a decade in higher education and served as a board member with the National Independent Private Schools Association.

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