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HomeOpinionGender Reassignment Does Not Change the Sex

Gender Reassignment Does Not Change the Sex

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Gender dysphoria probably has appeared to some degree throughout the existence of man.

This attitude of a person who wants to be recreated as the opposite sex than they were born is nothing new. This attitude that the opposite gender is treated would be congruent with human nature. Although attempting to change one’s sex through reassignment surgery does not change the gender even though a coalition of transgenders is advocating for science to legitimize and concoct a process that works.

One of the first and most notable cases of gender realignment goes back to WWII. George Jorgencien became Christine Jorgencien. George could not become a woman, nor does a transexual biological woman become a man. Instead, the male becomes an impersonator of a woman the same way a biological woman will impersonate being a man, but their DNA remains the same as they were born. This is like a transexual who is biologically a male participating in women’s sports.

From the beginning of time until just a few years ago, anyone born with male anatomy was immediately labeled as a boy. Newborns born with female anatomy were identified as girls. This was not questioned. It was a definitive assessment that determined the sex of a child all over the world.

In our present, woke culture, things have radically changed. These traditionally accepted scientific, self-evident physiological differences have been abandoned. Presently, the sex of infants, which is usually determined by the anatomy at birth is instead being decided by the parents. In some cases, hospitals are not putting the sex of the child on their birth certificate: TBD, To Be Determined later confirms societal pressure to make the definition more amorphous. We are witnessing some parents and family members who are attempting to decide if the child should be defined as the opposite of their physiology and should be treated as such for the rest of their future.

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Instead of insisting that youngsters be considered the boy or girl they were born as some of our population has been indoctrinated by pseudo-scientific hogwash. The message to them is mannerisms and overall appearance should be the major deciding factor in labeling the sex of the child, not the physical factors and their DNA.

Even sexual organs should not be the determining factor. The child’s reactions to traditional male or female roles are considered major determiners of their sex. Three-year-old girls who play with trucks can now be considered to be born in the wrong body by a University of North Carolina study.

Transexual communities in our “woke” culture have become sufficiently powerful to ignore historical tradition and scientific evidence. In many people’s minds, they have replaced it with subjective, dubious indicators, such as the child acting and thinking like a girl when they are playing.

Years ago, an athletic and aggressive teenage girl was called a “tomboy,” and a quiet, non-aggressive boy was considered “girlie”. In North Carolina, where medical gender intervention was made illegal, a nine-year-old-biological girl who identifies as a boy is suing the state to have a gender reassignment operation. If this young biological girl wins the case in North Carolina, it will open the floodgates for more sexually confused children to make decisions that will change the direction of their lives forever.

In some schools in our country, teachers are making statements that are confusing their students as to their gender. Some teachers express their feelings that a child should have gender reassignment surgery. Some adults are now asking children if they want to be a boy or a girl instead of going along with their biological gender. This confuses the child. Sometimes, schools treat the child as a different gender and do not inform the parents. Teachers say they are more highly educated than the parents and, therefore, have the right to supersede the parental authority.

At this stage of our wokeness, anything that is radically different or novel is more attractive to most woke believers. Women’s and men’s dress allows unisex clothing or even dressing as the opposite sex. The distinction in dress, employment, and recreation no longer exists as different for males and females.

Women and men should be proud of their unique gifts from God. Each should utilize them to be the best of their sex they can be.

Attempting to change one’s biological traits and nature cannot be accomplished. We can operate, remove, and sculpt new sex organs that change the appearance of the person, but DNA cannot be changed as it is in every cell in the body.

If an individual wants to pretend to be of the opposite sex, it can artificially be done but the God-given DNA in every cell of one’s body cannot be reversed.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at www.drmaglioblogspot.com.

Dr. Domenick Maglio
Dr. Domenick Magliohttp://www.drmaglioblogspot.com
Dr. Domenick Maglio holds a Ph.D. in Human Development with more than forty years of experience in the field of education and mental health. During his career, he has worked as a clinical psychologist in the Florida prison system. He served as the director of Hernando County Domestic Violence program for ten years. He also served as the director of Open Door for Mental Health, a program helping mentally ill patients transition from state mental hospitals to the community. He taught for a decade in higher education and served as a board member with the National Independent Private Schools Association.

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