SPRING HILL- A home sustained $10,000 worth of damages, according to the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), after a car crashed into it on the evening of June 30.

FHP states that 29-year-old Ann Marie Estevez, driving a Toyota sedan, was traveling eastbound on Spring Hill Drive and lost control of her vehicle. Estevez told FHP that another vehicle pulled out in front of her causing her to drive into a nearby home at 1370 Autumn Road. The home was occupied by two adult residents; there were no injuries.
Hernando County Fire Rescue responded to the scene as well and reported that the structure was deemed safe by building officials.
The FHP Trooper arrested Estevez for DUI as she admitted to drinking earlier in the evening. She refused field sobriety testing and the breath test.
She was released from Hernando County Jail on July 1 on a $500 bond.