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HomeElectionsAug. 20 Primary Meet the Candidates: Hernando County Commission District 3

Aug. 20 Primary Meet the Candidates: Hernando County Commission District 3

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County Commission District 3 – Aug. 20 Primary
This not a Universal Primary Contest, so the candidates will only appear on republican Primary ballots. The winner of this election will run against Burton Frederick Melaugh (NPA) and Luciano Vignali (DEM) in the General Election on Nov. 5. Candidates must reside in the area of the county they are running to represent. All voters in the county vote for candidates from a single district. Each candidate was given the opportunity to provide a 150-word bio and respond to our questions within 700 words.


Commissioner John Allocco and his wife, Randi, live with their youngest child of four, Alannah, in Weeki Wachee, and much of their family lives in the county as well. He has been a licensed physical therapist since 1999 and earned a BS from the University of Florida and an MPT from the University of St. Augustine. John and his wife founded their physical therapy business with a pair of locations in Spring Hill and Hudson until they sold their practice at the end of 2022. Commissioner Allocco has served twice as a chairman and has also served in leadership roles within the Republican Party of Florida, helping to elect Donald Trump, Ron Desantis and others. Allocco is a licensed real estate agent.

What inspired you to run for county commissioner? Or why are you seeking re-election?
I am inspired by my love of Hernando County. When I completed my graduate school education and was beginning my career, I chose Hernando County. I met my wife here, we raised our 4 children here, and now we have grandchildren growing up here. I want them to all have the opportunity to have successful careers, build businesses, and raise families here too!

Please describe up to three county projects that are most important to the county and why.
The Dr. Dennis Wilfong Center for Citizens Success is a collaboration between the County, the School District, and Pasco-Hernando State College. This is designed to provide the educational experiences and skills needed for today’s technology, manufacturing, and aerospace jobs and to attract those industries to our county. This collaboration has also included our Congressman, Gus Bilirakis, in a joint effort to bring aspects of Space Florida to Hernando County. The project is a game changer for the future of Hernando County.

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The upgrading and expansion of our wastewater treatment facilities doesn’t sound exciting, but this is crucial to the future of Hernando County. Water is a critical need for a healthy community. This project will provide high quality, low nitrogen water to directly recharge our aquifer ensuring we have quality water for decades to come. This upgrading and expansion is also an example of preparing for the future needs of our county.

Do you see any areas where the county needs to increase funding? How could this be paid for?
The cost to build and expand roads has become a nationwide problem due to insane levels of inflation, soaring oil prices, and labor shortages which lead to higher costs. Gas taxes which are paid by the gallon, are a flat or declining revenue source due to more efficient vehicles and reduced miles driven due to high costs. This is typically the only recurring source for building roads. Increasing impact fees to pay for roads expansion is something I have advocated for over 4 years to do, but I have not had board consensus. I believe this is crucial for our community.

Do you see any areas where funding/the budget can be cut?
Government is expensive. Coming from the private sector as a business owner, I believe that anytime we can provide a service through the private sector, it should be considered. Fleet vehicle management is a potential area of saving, so is facilities maintenance, and engaging the community for public/private partnerships to expand recreational opportunities throughout the county. Eliminating redundancy in government organizations is another way reduce the tax burden without reducing services. I have also advocated for the sharing of resources and potentially facilities with our School District.

In hindsight, is there anything you would change about how the county handled the recent ransomware attack? What measures would you like to see enacted to help prevent future attacks? I.T. attacks are unfortunately not going away. Everyday our banks, credit card companies, and government entities at all levels, are fending off these attacks. Occasionally an attack is successful. I DO NOT LIKE that the communications were vague and lacked transparency, however due to the type of crime committed and the international nature of the crime, the authorities involved were unwilling to risk the investigation. As far as measures to prevent or reduce future attacks; this is one area where redundancy is favorable, increased investment in technology that unfortunately becomes outdated quickly, and reduced access to county data systems is necessary. It is also important not to lose the skills and the ability to function without technology, especially when it fails.

Describe your position on the county’s efforts to increase revenues through the one-cent sales tax. Do you feel future boards will respect the promise to rely less on property taxes if the one-cent sales tax is passed? I dislike all forms of taxation, but personally I believe a sales tax is the fairest form. Good roads and properly trained First Responders are a benefit to everyone that lives, works, or plays in Hernando County. The benefit of a sales tax is that 20-30% is paid by tourists and visitors to our county. The revenue sources to pay for roads and first responders are currently limited to gas tax and property taxes. This provides for the broadest base while items like food, medication, personal hygiene and sanitary products, diapers, and healthcare services remain exempt. If passed, I am confident that the residents of Hernando County will hold any and all future boards accountable.


Marvin Baynham is a Christian, Husband, Father, Firefighter and Conservative. Marvin has a Bachelor of Science from Georgia Southern University. Marvin and his wife live in Royal Highlands and are the proud parents of a six year old and a three year old. Marvin has a background in public service and community involvement. Marvin has been a firefighter for the past 7 years saving lives and protecting property. Marvin understands the critical need for servant leadership in Hernando County. Marvin is eager for the opportunity to serve you on and off duty.

What inspired you to run for county commissioner?
Our community deserves better leadership. My opponent John Allocco promised to run for two terms and voted to raise taxes consistently. Our county deserves a leader that has integrity and a passion to serve the will of the people. Citizens are fed up with the direction our county is headed and would like to see change. Career politicians have a different agenda than that of their constituents. I’m fully invested into the community and its well being, and would like to see A Better Hernando County for all citizens. Leadership is a privilege and I’m going to give this community 110%.

Please describe up to three county projects that are most important to the county and why. (Example: Additional recreation, Airport development, etc… )
Infrastructure – Our infrastructure is reaching its breaking point and needs to be addressed. It’s a result of being reactive instead of proactive. At 200,000 plus residents we can no longer sit back and not plan for the future. Be cognizant of the infrastructure needs and develop strategic means of addressing them.
Public Safety – As population increases public safety can experience a direct negative effect. We should closely monitor statistics and performance of Hernando County Sheriff and Hernando County Fire Rescue. As the community grows we must retain the same level of service.

Do you see any areas where the county needs to increase funding?
I believe the county is adequately being funded with no further increase needed at this time.

Do you see any areas where funding/the budget can be cut?
I believe the government is growing too much. We need to identify waste and remain steadfast on fiscal responsibility with taxpayers dollars.

In hindsight, is there anything you would change about how the county handled the recent ransomware attack? What measures would you like to see enacted to help prevent future attacks?
I think transparency and accountability is a duty we owe to the citizens of Hernando County. A public address of ransomware attack was warranted. Many citizens had to deal with speculation when the county could have addressed the situation within legal parameters. I would like to see a SWOT analysis be conducted on the IT department within the Clerk of Court office. Follow up by addressing the staff identifying resources and education needed to protect all data the county possesses.

Describe your position on the county’s efforts to increase revenues through the one-cent sales tax. Do you feel future boards will respect the promise to rely less on property taxes if the one-cent sales tax is passed?
I am against the 1% sales taxes increase for a number of reasons. The first being in the current economy citizens can not afford anymore taxes. The duration of this tax for 29 years is too long. It’s estimated to generate 1 Billion dollars in taxes. Many BOCC members state it has to be for 29 years to bond projects and it’s not true. Many counties started with 10 year durations and renewed for longer after the expiration. I feel the board needs to be more aggressive on millage reduction in order build trust and rapport with citizens. I’m not confident future boards will work aggressively to decrease millage if the referendum is passed.


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