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Tuesday, March 11, 2025
HomeOpinionAn Important Question: "Do you feel sorry for President Biden?"

An Important Question: “Do you feel sorry for President Biden?”

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We had planned a trip to north Georgia to put our boat in on the waterway called Lake Allatoona, a Tennessee Valley Authority project of building dams to create power (as well as supplying jobs) around the time after the great depression. The trip north and our time out on the lake was great (and I was planning this story time to expound on the subject), but an incidental conversation with a relative about our President took precedence!

Once we were done with boating, we all had dinner and settled in for the evening to have a little wine and a lot of conversation. It was hardly any time at all until the subject of politics came up. As we were speaking of the current “installed resident” of the White House (President Joe Biden) and of all the gaffes he had made during the now historic Presidential debate, the subject of Mr. Biden’s “situation” took a different (and unexpected) turn. My brother-in-law “George” asked me, “As a Christian American, did you feel sorry for what “Joe” is going through?”

I thought that my answer was both quick AND decisive, and told him just how I felt about the life and times of “the Prez.” How George countered my answer caught me off guard, but it was not long before his state of mind was illuminated. Now, George is a Conservative Republican American, and his sentiments regarding what the “Dems” are doing to our great nation (through their “puppet president”) nearly made him (George) sick to his stomach. The reasoning for his query (concerning “J.R.B.” stemmed from a previous traumatic time in his (and our) lives. You see, Carolyn (his devoted wife of 61 years) was struck with the dreaded Alzheimer’s disease. “A neurological disorder, and the most common type of dementia” (as per the Google inquiry). The rest of us loved ones watched her mental and physical decline, but George was right there watching it happen to his “other half” (and best friend for over 61 years)!

So, I had to put my “other glasses on” to try to see his point of view. My initial answer to him regarding feeling sorry for him (or anything else, for that matter) was one of “He made his bed, now he (J.R.B.) must sleep in it.”

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My secondary reply was, “Karma is real, and Joe is getting his share of Karma payback!”
Now, it may be true that President Biden has this type of medical issue. The hurtful part of this story (through my eyes) is that those powerful people who put him at his “station” are not going to let him go “quietly into the night.” They are going to squeeze every bit of under-the-table political postulating that they feel they paid for (and that includes the millions “loaned” to his family by China)! As the saying goes in politics, “There is no such a thing as a free ride!” This is not the first time that “people of power” have been forced to stay in the game longer than they can handle (or control) themselves. This same thing happened to Diane Feinstein near the end of her life.

Since Biden’s absolute disaster (with regard to the big debate between him and former President Donald Trump), it was like a major bomb going off on the Democrat’s side of the political “war games.” Most knowledgeable Americans will tell you that Joe Biden’s chances of re-taking the presidential elections are slim (if not totally non-existent). So, this must now be stated: the Democrats are NOT going to give up their position of power without a “no holds barred” fight! (Here comes more of my opinion). It seemed very advantageous that as the 2020 election time drew near, that COVID – 19 came upon us all, causing the nation (and the world) to be shut down, and with that, the voter ballot boxes were set out (unchecked) in “blue” cities, for gathering “supposed” official votes! The movie “2,000 Mules” (showing the “harvesting” of voters’ ballots) showed the corrupt measures taken to boost Mr. Biden’s count! As much as I want to see former President Trump win the election for the 47th President of these United States of America, I genuinely fear for his (and his family’s) lives!

In 2016, the votes couldn’t stop him, and all the impeachment and “lawfare ” tactics didn’t scare him off either. The Democrats are aware that if he (D.J.T.) wins the 2024 election, and if by chance the voting public (or God’s PROVIDENCE) allows both the House of Representatives and the Senate to get a republican majority, there will be hell to pay, and Guantanamo jail cells to aptly stay! (And that is all that I have to say)! Y’all have a blessed week!

Steve Goodwin is a recently retired Christian conservative veteran (of the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division), who still feels that “duty to country” did not end when the military uniform got hung up. He and his wife Cecelia live on the edge of a beautifully wooded tract of land just south of the bypass, and are involved in not only church activities, but also attend school board meetings and local community action events as well.

Steven Goodwin
Steven Goodwin
Steve Goodwin is a recently retired Christian conservative veteran (of the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division), who still feels that "duty to country" did not end when the military uniform got hung up. He and his wife Cecelia live on the edge of a beautifully wooded tract of land just south of the bypass, and are involved in not only church activities, but also attend school board meetings and local community action events as well.

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