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HomeOpinionLiving Peaceably, Grounded in Godliness

Living Peaceably, Grounded in Godliness

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With the Republican victory over the Democrats, many are reflecting on the direction of the United States. For the Trump side, this outcome brings hope and a sense of relief that the country can start heading in a better direction. For the Democratic side, there is concern, uncertainty, and even despair that a progression toward a more liberal agenda has been hindered. Whatever your views, God wants us to have a response that is grounded and guided by timeless biblical principles, regardless of who is president.

The Commander in Chief is a powerful position, but we also realize that whoever holds this title can only do so much. The government is massive and has many moving parts, namely people who hold positions of authority. It seems there are so many connections and collaborations within the huge spider web we call government, that it’s difficult to imagine how all of these “chains” operate. Many times good and bad ideas are stopped by the majority of votes, so again, the president needs bipartisan cooperation.

In I Timothy chapter 2 and verses 1-4, the apostle Paul wrote and I will use the New Living Translation, “I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.” I realize it’s difficult to graciously lose, but this passage contains three important messages that help us put the election process into perspective.

The first thing we notice is that Paul is instructing Christians to pray regardless of personal opinions and convictions. If we are supporting a certain candidate and administration and they do not win, we still have a responsibility to pray for those in authority. Can we rise above our differences and trust the Creator is in control? Most people believe they are correct in their speculations and principles, but the spiritual concept of prayer is to intercede for God’s will to be done rather than what we want to see. He is not dependent on us, we are dependent on Him. Sure we all have preferences, but God is the one with the perfect plan.

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The next point we notice is that if we can take the higher road and sincerely pray for those we disagree with, it will provide us with an attitude of rest where we can live in spiritual peace instead of being agitated and depressed. What does this mean and how can we do it? Living in God’s peace means we are walking on an even keel, steady and consistent with patience and integrity, even when others are against us. As those around us notice our self-control, we become a more effective witness for Christ. Of course, this applies not just to our prayers but to our thoughts and actions as well. Having Jesus as our Lord means that we ask Him in faith to help us have more stability and strength under pressure, and He will.

Our last thought is to be reminded that often we are merely peeping through a crack in the fence when God is seeing everything all at once. We agree with Paul here, in that our highest priority is to see everyone saved and comprehending the truth. Living by God’s Word is our purpose and is truly beyond any social or political movement. People and ideas are here one day and gone another, but God’s truth is eternal. Whatever we support and are involved in let us remember we are contributing to God’s ultimate purpose and that is to draw more souls into His kingdom. I pray this is the focus and foundation of our prayers.

Yes, a lot is at stake in the natural realm, but this natural earthly environment is not our eternal home. God’s children are citizens of heaven and He is our eternal Lord and King! The Almighty has been carefully guiding the world since He created it, and His plans have never been in jeopardy! This election is not just about the price of a chuck roast, it’s about being submissive to God’s voice as He helps us prepare for the tribulation, the return of Christ, and the millennial reign. He has an eternal plan – not just a four-year plan.

Dr. Holland lives in Central Kentucky with his wife Cheryl, where he is a minister, Christian author, and community chaplain. Read more about the Christian life at: billyhollandministries.com


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