The next installment of Academia Hernando’s Spring Lecture Series will spotlight legendary filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock in a presentation titled “Alfred Hitchcock—The Master of Suspense,” delivered by entertainment historian Jason Fortner. The lecture takes place on Friday, Jan. 17, 2025, at The Welcome Om Center, 4260 Lake in the Woods Dr., Spring Hill, beginning promptly at 10 a.m.
Fortner, a seasoned lecturer with more than 25 years of experience at Eckerd College, will take attendees on a journey through Hitchcock’s storied career. The two-hour lecture, including a 15-minute intermission, offers a fun-filled look at the iconic director’s films, television shows and interviews, showcasing his macabre sense of humor, legendary cinematic techniques and playful cameos in each of his movies.
Attendees will explore Hitchcock’s evolution from a visual artist to a master of suspense, revisiting milestones from his first film, “The Lodger,” to “Family Plot” and his groundbreaking television series. Fortner will also delve into Hitchcock’s unique ability to blend humor, horror and suspense, creating a legacy of storytelling that remains unparalleled in the world of cinema.
Fortner has captivated Academia Hernando audiences for over seven years with lectures on topics ranging from Broadway Showstoppers to the Marx Brothers and Romance on the Silver Screen. His deep knowledge and engaging style promise another unforgettable experience.
The full series of weekly lectures cost $90. To register, visit to download the registration form. Completed forms and checks payable to Academia Hernando, Inc. should be mailed to Linda Young at 8409 Charleston Dr., Weeki Wachee, FL 34613. Registration forms must accompany payment, and a canceled check will serve as a receipt.
Academia Hernando invites adult learners to join a vibrant community of curiosity and discovery through its diverse and engaging lecture series. Whether you’re passionate about history, art, or entertainment, the Spring Lecture Series offers something for everyone. For more information, visit