The Hernando Sun – Newspapers in Education Oct. 28 – Nov. 3
Contact: Sarah Nachin ([email protected]) or Christina Ottersbach ([email protected])
Page/Article: B 12-13, Comics
Cut up some popular comic strips, provide each student with one complete strip, and ask students to put the comics back in the correct order.
ESE/ESOL: Arrange students into groups, provide each group with several cut-up strips from the same comic, and ask them to separate the panels into strips and arrange the strips in the correct order. Have students read and present comic to class and explain how they determined the correct sequence.
Standard: ELA.3.C.2.1: Present information orally, in a logical sequence, using nonverbal cues, appropriate volume, and clear pronunciation.
Page/Article: B 13, Adoptable lovelies
Activity: Determine the adoption fee
Using the clues provided in the description, have students determine the cost of adoption for each dog.
ESE/ESOL: Complete activity in a small group.
Standard: MA.4.NSO.1.3: Plot, order and compare multi-digit whole numbers up to 1,000,000.
Page/Article: B 11, Sisters collect candy wrappers for Halloween
Activity: Read article and discuss article in a whole group. Assign students to collect candy wrappers for community contribution to help a good cause. Extension activity could include graphing who collected the most or least.
ESE/ESOL: Collect a wrapper from each type of candy to make into a book to help with pre-reading skills.
Standard: SS.1.C.2.3: Identify ways students can participate in the betterment of their school and community.
Page/Article: Any article in paper
Assign each student a letter of the alphabet. Ask students to browse through the newspaper, find five unfamiliar words beginning with the assigned letter, and look up the definition of each. Then have each student create and illustrate a dictionary page containing the five words and their meanings. Combine the pages into a classroom dictionary.
Variations of this activity could include looking for any of the following: words with a particular suffix or prefix; words containing a particular vowel sound or consonant blend; compound words; words in the past, present, and future tenses; possessives; plurals
Extension could include looking for examples of similes, metaphors, irony, hyperbole, and satire.
ESE/ESOL: Provide student 5 specific words from one article. They will then look up the definition and illustrate.
Standard: ELA.V.1.3 Apply knowledge of context clues, figurative language, word relationships, reference materials, and/or background knowledge to determine the connotative and denotative meaning of words and phrases, appropriate to grade level.
Page/Article: A4, Hernando schools get $1 million in recognition awards
Students find the median (average), median (middle number), mode (shows up the most), and range (smallest # – greatest #) for the schools listed in the article.
ESE/ESOL: Pull small groups to guide through process. Round numbers to the nearest 100,000
Standard: MA.DP.1.2: Given a numerical data set within a real-world context, find and interpret mean, median, mode, and range.
Page/Article: B 3, American Women Quarter Series
Activity: Have students work individually or in small groups to create a web for the two women in the article: Nina Otero-Warren and Anna May Wong. Have them identify several common facts, such as: birth/birthplace, death, career, nationality, and legacy
ESE/ESOL: Highlight the paragraphs where students can find the answers to the questions.
Standard: SS.A.4.3: Examine the experiences and perspectives of significant individuals and groups during this era of American History.
Page/Article: Any article in the paper
Remove the headlines from several of news stories. Display the headline-less stories on a classroom bulletin board. Provide students with the headlines and ask them to match each to one of the stories. As students replace the missing headlines, ask them to point out the words in the headlines that helped them find the correct story. Then distribute headlines from less prominent stories and ask students to choose one and write a news story to go with it. When the stories have been completed, provide each student with the story that originally accompanied the headline.
Sample Questions: How close was your story to the original? How effectively did the headline convey the meaning of the story?
ESE/ESOL: Select 3 short articles that can be read aloud by the teacher or as a small group.
Standard: ELA.V.1.3: Apply knowledge of context clues, figurative language, word relationships, reference materials, and/or background knowledge to determine the connotative and denotative meaning of words and phrases, appropriate to grade level.
Page/Article: Any article in the paper
In a small group or individually, figure out the percentage of space on a given page for ads, pictures, stories, and headlines using a ruler. Complete assignment with the front page as an example for whole group instruction. Follow up by comparing data.
ESE/ESOL: Complete the activity in a small group
Standard: MA.912.GR.4.4: Solve mathematical and real-world problems involving the area of two-dimensional figures.
Page/Article: B 3, American Women Quarter Series
Activity: Have students work individually or in small groups to create a web for the two women in the article: Nina Otero-Warren and Anna May Wong. Have them identify several common facts, such as: birth/birthplace, death, career, nationality, and legacy
ESE/ESOL: Highlight the paragraphs where students can find the answers to the questions.
Standard: SS.A.4.3: Examine the experiences and perspectives of significant individuals and groups during this era of American History.
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