When Dr. Charley Ferrer set out to create an art exhibit in honor of breast cancer patients and educate the public about the disease that they fight against heroically every day, she built this exhibit around a symbol of empowered, radiant womanhood: the mermaid.
“The mermaid is beautiful and strong—and so is the breast cancer survivor,” said Ferrer, a clinical sexologist and award-winning author of several books on breast cancer. “By showing mermaids with breast cancer, I wanted to show those fighting the disease that they are still women. And that they are still beautiful.”
The Breast Cancer Mermaid Art Exhibition, curated by Ferrer’s Cancer Tamer exhibit, is on display on the lower level at The Brooksville Art Gallery at 201 Howell Ave, Brooksville, throughout July. This art exhibition displays images of mermaids and mermen living through various stages of this disease, including paintings, digital art, pottery, and shell creations, many of which were created by Hernando artists.
“The image of the mermaid draws the eye and brings the viewer in,” Ferrer explained. “Then we can educate them.”
Many local creatives answered the Breast Cancer Mermaid Call for Artists through a national art competition! The winner was this area’s own Johan Casadiego, whose oil painting “Graceful and Stronger” (40” x 30”) depicts a mermaid breast cancer survivor.
“I wanted to represent a beautiful and strong mermaid in her own environment,” said Casadiego. “She is very elegant and confident, and even though she has a scar on her left breast, she still keeps her magical presence.”
“I wanted to create a special piece that would motivate women who have cancer,” he explained. “I wanted to utilize my art to show my support in some way to this important organization created by Dr. Charley Ferrer (Cancer Tamer).”
Many Breast Cancer Mermaid artworks debuted in May at the Hernando Beach Front Porch Art Walk. Under the guidance of organizer Diane Greenwell, Hernando County Fine Arts Council, the art walk conducted a fund-raising event to benefit Cancer Tamer.
“Hernando Beach Front Porch Art Walk had many of our regular artists participate in the May 4th event, so Hernando Beach Front Porch Art Walk decided to support our artists and Cancer Tamer’s efforts,” said Greenwell. “Hernando Beach Front Porch Art Walk put together a fundraiser raffle with 28 artists donating items for a raffle. Two of our local businesses, Silver Dolphin Restaurant and Weaver Group Realty, made donations as well, bringing the total contribution from Hernando Beach Front Porch Art Walk to $1,210 in four hours.”
“We are appreciative of the donations from local artists to support this cancer awareness program and of our local businesses, who made contributions and hosted the events,” added Greenwell. “My mother was a breast cancer survivor of 33 years. I remember the struggles she had and wish there would have been more organizations like Cancer Tamer she could have turned to. With breast cancer touching so many lives all the stories can be told of how so many groups came together in support.”
Artists featured in the Breast Cancer Mermaid Exhibition include Johan Casadiego, Robby Smith, Catherine Crippen, Manjit Vohra, Jo M. Orise, Angela Farinelli, Kaytriel Daglia, Tana Jacks, Jordan Tygrett, Anne Doyle; Alicia Lowe; Alyssa Gilleo; Andi Hazelden; Barby Dusky; Candy Mucciolli; Chris Gallo; Clara Barandica; Dana Watson; Jasmine Cora; Jennifer L. Stahl; Julia Pasqua; Loren Petroccia; Lyn Bechtel; Princess Link: Robbyn Smith; Roxanne Campbell; Andrea Moulding; Peggy Hughes; and VA Breast Cancer Group representatives.
Bechtel is a breast cancer survivor. “I am most pleased with this exhibit, as a breast cancer survivor, as is my daughter,” she said. “Anything that brings more awareness of breast cancer should be advocated, which is why I contributed a watercolor to the exhibit. I will encourage everyone to see the exhibit in Brooksville City Hall.”
“With this piece, I wanted to highlight the artists who tattoo nipples for those who cannot/do not want a nipple reconstruction after a mastectomy/lumpectomy/reconstruction,” said Alyssa Gilleo. “I wanted to try to represent a few of the different decisions one can make after surgery in one artwork while subconsciously addressing some common misconceptions about breast cancer. I hope this piece helps at least one survivor feel seen.
Know there is at least a dozen artists who participated in this project who see you as the ethereal being you’ve always been, regardless of your current or lasting struggles.”
This project is personal for Tana Jacks of Spring Hill.
“I made this submission in honor of my mother-in-law, Catherine Jacks. She passed away from breast cancer in 2019, my husband Paul and I moved here from Michigan to be here with her in 2018 and we did not get as much time with her as we had hoped to,” she said. “She fought so hard to stay alive and never complained. She was the bravest and strongest human being I ever met; breast cancer treatment is brutal and she fought like a champ to the end. She never got to ring the bell at the cancer center, which is why I showed the mermaid with her hair growing in and her fish friends smiling while she rang the bell. I wish Catherine could have. She was an artist and has always inspired me to paint. I miss her so much.”
Ferrer appreciates the support of Hernando artists and arts organizations. “First, I have to say that Diane Greenwell was a wonderful inspiration in her willingness to collaborate with us during our inaugural Health Expo and our concept of the Breast Cancer Mermaid™. This unique look into breast cancer not only opens the door to artists but also to talking about breast cancer in all its phases, opening the door to further understanding and support. Of importance is the fact that Cancer Tamer and HBFPAW collaborated, joining forces for the betterment of our community,” said Ferrer. “As for Johan Casadiego’s artwork….wow….I can’t say enough about how amazing it is. He not only gave his character grace and showed her inner strength through the vibrantancy of the character, but showed how “life” goes on in the background as it was in his painting. I also want to thank the HCFAC for helping us get the word out to artists about the Breast Cancer Mermaid™ Art Project.”
Ferrer seeks artists for a round of mermaid murals; write [email protected].
“It’s all about hope,” said Ferrer.
I am most pleased with this exhibit as a breast cancer survivor, as is my daughter. Anything that brings more awareness of breast cancer should be advocated, which is why I contributed a watercolor to the exhibit. I will encourage everyone to see the exhibit in Brooksville City Hall.

[Photo courtesy of Dr. Charley Ferrer]