Teachers and homeschool parents, please share this with your classes. Using this guide will make your subjects more relevant and interesting to your students and will encourage creative thought. If you or your students have any suggestion or ideas for these teacher guides please email Sarah Nachin – [email protected] This guide is based on the newest Florida Standards for grade school through high school.
Activities and Questions based on the Nov. 8- 14, 2024 issue
Civics & Government activity for High School (SS.912.CG.2.10) Analyze factors that contribute to voter turnout in local, state and national elections.
Read the article on page A-2 about the recent election. Then, write an essay of at least 450 words explaining why there was such a high turnout of voters in Hernando County. Elaborate on at least two factors and explain how they related to the local, state and national races.
Composition Activity for High School: (ELA.12.C.4.1) Conduct research on a topical issue to answer a question and synthesize information from a variety of sources.
Read the article on page B-5 and B-6 about the hurricane in the Philippines in 1956. Write an essay of at least 450 words describing what happened, and how it affected the military and how it affected the people involved in this event. Then, research another severe weather event in the past (going back at least 100 years) and explain how this event affected a particular military operation. (Hint: If you Google “historical impact of severe weather on warfare,” you’ll find several good resources).
Comprehension Activity for Middle School: (ELA.K12.EE.2.1) Read and comprehend grade-level complex texts proficiently.
Read the article on page A-1 and A-4 about the food pantry for hurricane victims. Then answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. Why are groups and individuals having food drives?
2.What is one of the schools hosting a food drive?
3. Who have they partnered with for this food drive?
4. Name three individuals or groups (besides the two mentioned in the above questions) that have helped with the food drive?
5. What does the school do with leftover bread?
Vocabulary activity for Middle School: (ELA.6.V.1.3) Apply knowledge of context clues, figurative language, word relationships, reference materials, and/or background knowledge to determine the connotative and denotative meaning of words and phrases, appropriate to grade level.
Read the article on page B-4 about the free clinic. Based on how the word is used, choose the best meaning for each word in the article. Then tell what part of speech the word is and use each word in a sentence demonstrating that you know the meaning of the word. Try not to use a dictionary.
1. extravaganza: a) an elaborate show or event; b) an assignment you do for extra credit; c) an item added on to another item
2. asset: a) an animal similar to a donkey; b) something worthwhile; c) another name for your rear end
3. administrative: a) applying to managing or directing something; b) giving punishment to someone; c) allowing someone to enter a room or building
4. practitioner: a) a preacher; b) someone who does something over and over until they get it right; c) a skilled person who specializes in a job or profession
5. diagnosis (the word in the sentence is “diagnoses.): a) a drawing of something, like a diagram; b) a cure for a disease; c) a conclusion made after careful study of something
6. impressive: a)amazing; b) an item that makes an imprint on something, like a footprint in mud; c) harsh
7. chronic: a) a series of books, like the Chronicles of Narnia); b) incurable; c) happening all the time or for a very long time
8. devoted: a) changing your mind after you have chosen someone for a political office; b) caring deeply for someone or something; c) disloyal
9. convivial (the word in the sentence is “conviviality”): a) friendly; b) unsociable; c) trying to talk someone into doing something
10. monitor: a) the screen of a computer; b) warning device; c) watch closely
Composition activity for Elementary School: (ELA.3.C.1.4) Write expository texts about a topic, using one or more sources, providing an introduction, facts and details, some elaboration, transitions, and a conclusion.)
Read the article on page B-7 about the Veterans Festival. Then, write an essay of at least 300 words (in your own words) about one other local organization that helps veterans. If you use a direct quote in your essay, be sure to put the name of the article you got it from and the date. Go to www.hernandosun.com and type “veterans” in the search box for information.
Science activity for Elementary School: SC.2.E.7.5 State the importance of preparing for severe weather, lightning, and other weather-related events.
Read the article on page A-1 and A-4 about the food pantry. Then list at least five things that people need to do to prepare for a hurricane and expand on each one.
If you wish to submit any of your compositions from this week to the newspaper for us to consider publishing, please email to [email protected]. Be sure and include your name, age, grade level and school that you attend. If you’re home-schooled mention that. Submission is not a guarantee that your work will be published. Submissions may be edited due to space restrictions.