74.2 F
Spring Hill
Sunday, March 16, 2025

CASE NO.: 2019-SC-1090

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2019-SC-1090 DIVISION: CIVIL ACCURATE CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC PA Plaintiff(s), vs. DANIEL RIVERA Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION – CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE TO: DANIEL RIVERA YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action for debt collection has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on counsel for Plaintiff, whose address is 5329 Commercial Way, Spring Hill, Fl, 34606 on or before 35 days from Date of First Publication of this Notice, and file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on Plaintiff’s attorney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint filed herein. The Date of First Publication of this Notice is October 2, 2020. Person Giving Notice Accurate Chiropractic Clinic 12082 Cortez Blvd Brooksville, FL 34613 (352) 684-2707 Attorney for Person Giving Notice: /s/ Brian S. Brijbag, Esq Florida Bar: 1022680 Service Email: [email protected] Law Firm of Brian S. Brijbag PLLC 5329 Commercial Way Spring Hill, Fl, 34606 (352) 358-5880 (352) 358-5817 – FAX (10/02/2020),(10/09/2020), (10/16/2020), (10/23/2020)