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CLK22-096 Hernando County, Florida Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Second Public Hearing Notice

Hernando County, Florida
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Second Public Hearing Notice
Hernando County plans to apply to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) for a FFY 2020 and/or FFY 2021 as needed to receive funding, Housing Category Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) of $750,000. The activities, dollar amounts and estimated percentage benefit to low-and moderate- income persons are as follows:

Activity No.
Activity Name
CDBG Funding
LMI Benefit
Local SHIP Leverage

Housing Rehabilitation/Demolition/Replacement
$625,500 100% $50,000 11 Units
Temporary Relocation $12,000 100% $0 11 Units
Administration $112,500 N/A $0 N/A
TOTAL PROJECT $750,000 100% $50,000 11 Units

The County will provide housing rehabilitation to serve approximately eleven (11) homes of low to moderate income households within the unincorporated Hernando County.
Hernando County does not expect that anyone will be displaced as a result of CDBG-funded activities. If any persons are displaced as a result of the planned activities, Hernando County will assist them as described in the County’s anti-displacement and relocation policy, which is available for review at 621 West Jefferson Street, Brooksville, FL 34601.
A public hearing to provide citizens an opportunity to comment on the application will be held at the Hernando County Public Library in downtown Brooksville, near the Courthouse, 238 Howell Avenue, Brooksville, Florida on Thursday June 2, at 6:00 p.m. A draft copy of the application will be available for review at Health and Human Services, 621 West Jefferson Street, Brooksville, FL 34601 by noon on May 27, 2022. Persons wanting to submit written comments on the application should send them to Veda Ramirez, Hernando County Health and Human Services Manager, by e-mail at [email protected] or by mail to 621 West Jefferson Street Brooksville, FL 34601. A final copy of the application will be made available for review during normal business hours in the Health and Human Services Department, 621 West Jefferson Street Brooksville, FL 34601 no later than Friday, July 30, 2022. The application will be submitted to Florida Department of Economic Opportunity or before July 21, 2022. To obtain additional information concerning the application and the public hearing, contact Veda Ramirez, Health and Human Services Manager at (352) 540-4338 or by e-mail at [email protected].
The public hearing is being conducted in a handicapped accessible location. Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in the hearing is asked to advise the County at least five days before the hearing by contacting Veda Ramirez at (352) 540-4338. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the County using the Florida Relay Service, 1(800) 955-8771 (TDD) or 1(800) 955-8770 (Voice).
Any non-English speaking person wishing to attend the public hearing should contact Veda Ramirez at (352) 540-4338 at least five days prior to the hearing and an interpreter will be provided.

Published: May 20, 2022