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CLK22-184 Notice of Housing Funds Available for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP)   Program 

Notice of Housing Funds 
Available for Fiscal Year  
State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP)  
The Hernando County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC)—with funding provided through the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program—are providing incentives to encourage the rehabilitation, construction, and sale of affordable housing in Hernando County.  The housing assistance strategies funded by the BOCC for FY 2022-2023 are listed below. 
State Allocation to Hernando County……………. $1,896,694.00 
Expenditures: Down Payment Assistance……….    807,025.00 
Special Needs Housing……………   300,000.00 
Non-Profit Construction …………     200,000.00 
Emergency Repairs………………        60,000.00 
Multi Family Affordable Housing .     340,000.00 
Program Administration………….     189,669.00 
All applications are on a first eligible, first serve basis.  Funding for applications for FY 2022-2023 strategies will be available beginning December 1, 2022 and continue until all funding is committed.  Email Tania Franklin at the Hernando County Housing Authority at [email protected] or call (352) 754-4160 ext. #3 for additional information. 
FY 2022-2023 Construction $672,025.00  
FY 2022-2023  Existing $135,000.00 
TOTAL: $807,025.00 
If your total gross household income is less than $69,000 for a single person, $78,840 for two persons, $88,680 for three persons, $98,520 for four persons, $106,440 for five persons and $114,360 for six persons; you may be eligible to receive a down payment assistance loan for the purchase of a new home, an existing home, or an existing home in need of renovations.   
Maximum award: $50,000.00   
*Applicant will be awarded SHIP funds in an amount necessary to cover the gap between the approved first mortgage and the sales price of the home. 
DPA Home Purchase only DPA Const. Asst. Max Award  
Very Low Income 25% of purchase price 0.00 *$30,000.00 
Low Income 20% of purchase price 0.00 *$25,000.00 
Moderate Income 15% of purchase price 0.00 *$20,000.00 
DPA Home Purchase w/ construction DPA Const. Asst. Max Award  
Very Low Income 25% of purchase price $20,000.00 *$50,000.00 
Low Income 20% of purchase price $20,000.00 *$45,000.00 
Moderate Income 15% of purchase price $20,000.00 *$40,000.00 
For more information contact the Hernando County Housing Authority located at 352-754-4160 or email
[email protected]    
  FY 2022-2023 $300,000.00 
The Special Needs Housing program is to assist local non-profit sponsors in developing special needs housing for eligible clients through acquisition, rehabilitation, and/or new construction of suitable units.  The maximum award is up to $75,000.00 per unit through a deferred loan agreement with the County.  Special needs groups shall generally include, “Persons Who Have Special Housing Needs” as defined in Rule 67-37.002(21), F.A.C.  Such units shall be utilized by the subject non-profit sponsor to meet short or long-term housing needs of eligible persons.  Eligible household gross income cannot exceed $46,000 for one person, $52,600 for two persons, $59,150 for three persons, $65,700 for four persons, $71,000 for five persons and $76,250 for six persons.  Operational costs after initial acquisition shall be the responsibility of the sponsoring agency.  Applications for funding will be accepted beginning December 1, 2022 and continuing until all funding is committed.  Contact the Housing Authority at (352) 754-4160 for more information. 
 Non-Profit Construction 
  FY 2022-2023 $200,000.00 
The Non-Profit Construction strategy provides funds to area non-profit housing agencies and non-profit housing developers to partially underwrite the costs of constructing or rehabilitating affordable single- family homes.  All homes develop utilizing these funds must be sold to households with incomes at or below 80% of Area Median Income (AMI).  Applications for funding will be accepted beginning December 1, 2022 and continuing until all funding is committed. 
Emergency Repairs 
  FY 2022-2023  $60,000.00 
The Emergency Repairs strategy helps qualified homeowners to make needed repairs to the home to renew their homeowner’s insurance.  Eligible household gross income cannot exceed $46,000 for one person, $52,600 for two persons, $59,150 for three persons, $65,700 for four persons, $71,000 for five persons and $76,250 for six persons. Applications will be accepted beginning December 1, 2022. 
Multi Family Affordable Housing 
  FY 2022-2023  $340,000.00 
The Multi-Family Affordable Housing Strategy Provides funding as the local contribution for the construction of rehabilitation of mult-family rental housing units in connection with Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s Multi-Family development programs.  
Additional information and applications are available at: 
Hernando County Housing Authority 
621 West Jefferson Street 
Brooksville, FL 34601 
352-754-4160 ext. 3 
Publish: 10/28/2022