72.2 F
Spring Hill
Sunday, March 16, 2025


U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs Acquisition of Real Property 
Outpatient Clinic
14540 Cortez Boulevard,
Brooksville, FL
The U.S. Department of Veteran
Affairs (VA) is proposing the
acquisition of the Pine Brook Regional
Medical Center located at 14540
Cortez Boulevard, Brooksville, Florida.
The medical complex is owned
by Hernando County, and the VA
currently leases approximately 25% of
the facility for the existing Community
Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) that
services veterans in the area. With purchase of this medical complex, the
VA intends to expand the CBOC to
provide greater outpatient services to
an increasing population of veterans in
Hernando County.
Proposed Action
The VA’s Proposed Action involves
the VA acquisition of the Pine Brook
Regional Medical Center with the
expansion of the existing CBOC
operations in general compliance
with VHA Directive 97-036 for clinic
operations. This action will require
interior facility modifications and
alterations for the expanded CBOC
services, and building envelope
repairs, but will not require any
alterations to the facility footprint or
the taking of additional land. The
expanded services would continue
to include primary care services,
with added/expanded services for
audiology & speech, radiology, mental
health, physical therapy, podiatry,
prosthetics, pathology, pharmacy
services, anticoagulation monitoring,
laboratory (including phlebotomy),
nutrition, and social work. These
services are consistent with the
original design of the Pine Brook
Regional Medical Center, and the
Proposed Action will only require
interior alterations and modifications to
accommodate the physical expansion
for a centralized clinic layout.
Actions Completed
Pursuant to Section102(2) (c) of the
National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) of 1969 as implemented by
the Council on Environmental Quality
(CEQ) regulations (40 CFR Parts
1500-1508), the U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA) gives notice that
a Draft Environmental Assessment
(EA) has been prepared.
The Draft EA identifies, analyzes and
documents the potential physical,
environmental, cultural, and economic
impacts associated with the VA’s
Proposed Action. The Draft EA also
evaluates the potential direct, indirect
and cumulative impacts resulting from
the Proposed Action. The proposed
action and the no action alternative
are considered.
Draft Environmental Assessment
The public is advised that it has 30
days to respond from the date of
this publication with comments. The
public comment period runs from July
28, 2020 to August 28, 2020. Hard
copies of the Draft EA are available
for public review at the Hernando
County Public Library (238 Howell
Ave, Brooksville, FL; and 6335
Blackbird Ave, Spring Hill, FL), and at
the VA CFM Environmental Programs
website https://www.cfm.va.gov/
For further information please
contact Marianne Marinucci, CFM
Realty Specialist, 425 I Street,
NW, Washington DC 20001, at the
following phone number: (202) 632-
5458 or email: Marianne.marinucci@
Comments on the Draft EA shall be
submitted to Marianne Marinucci,
CFM Realty Specialist, at 425 I Street,
NW, Washington DC 20001, or by
email at [email protected].
(08/14/2020), (08/21/2020),