56.9 F
Spring Hill
Thursday, March 20, 2025



The Planning and Zoning Commission of Hernando County, Florida, will hold a Public
Hearing in the John Law Ayers County Commission Chambers, Hernando County
Government Center, 20 North Main Street, Room 160, Brooksville, Florida on Febru- ary 7, 2022. The meeting starts at 9:00 AM and the case will be heard thereafter
in the order established when the agenda is published.
APPLICANT: Sofia Vogt FILE NUMBER: SE-21-14 REQUEST: Special Exception Use Permit for a Congregate
Care Facility, Namely a Group Home for 6 or Less
Residents GENERAL LOCATION: Northwest corner of the terminus of Westshire Court PARCEL KEY NUMBER: 947694
Interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard on this matter. You are further advised that if a person decides to appeal any quasi-judicial decision made by the
Board, Agency or Commission with respect to any matter considered at such hearing
or meeting, he or she will need a record of the proceeding, and that, for such purpose,
he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which
record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
Documentation may be reviewed by the public at the Hernando County Planning
Department, 1653 Blaise Drive, Brooksville, Florida 34601, between the hours of 8:00
AM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, legal holidays excepted or may be viewed
one week prior to the meeting via the County’s website at www.hernandocoun ty.us –
follow the Board Agendas and Minutes link to the specified public hearing. Questions
may also be directed to: Omar DePablo, Planner II, at 352-754-4057, Extension
28028, email: [email protected]; or Michelle Miller, Senior Planner, at
352-754-4057, Extension 28027, email: [email protected].
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities need- ing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Jessica
Wright, County Administration Building, 15470 Flight Path Drive Brooksville, FL 34604,
telephone 352-540-6452, no later than three (3) days prior to the proceedings. If
hearing impaired, please call 1-800-676-3777 for assistance.
/s/ Ronald F. Pianta, AICP
Director of Planning and Zoning Services
Hernando County Planning Department
REF: 02-07-2022 SPEX.LGL
Publish: January 28, 2022
Published: January 28, 2022