Public Proclamation and Declaration of Nativity for Nevaeh Leigh Lago
For the record, I, Krystal Leigh Lago and my spouse, Pete John Lago, do hereby proclaim and announce that we have created a child whose appellation and title shall be Nevaeh Leigh Lago born June 13, 2023, weighing 6 lbs 12 oz in Hernando County, Florida and we claim our new creation as our true legitimate natural born daughter, heir, and dependent. We jointly agree to emancipate her when she becomes of the age of majority. We further declare that she is not a ward of the state, nor a stateless person, U.S. citizen, resident, or any artificial person classification. Our child is subject only to the divine creator of the universe.
/s/ Pete John Lago and Krystal Leigh Lago, All Rights Reserved
Published: November 17, 2023