71.9 F
Spring Hill
Sunday, March 23, 2025

Kathleen Mary Jones

Kathleen Mary Jones (Kat) , 64 , was a warrior among many things , she fought illness her entire life as she struggled through the daily trials and tribulations while always encouraging others along the way..She was a woman fiercely loved by her children, grandchildren, family and friends who admired her for her many amazing traits. A woman who honored her mother and father while protecting and providing for her children , she often took in others who called her Momma Kat also and treated them as her children too. Always helping others and selflessly doing without so others could have , always uplifting and encouraging others with kind words and deeds as well as a beautiful smile. Kat was a light upon this earth and walked upon the ways of the lonely ones always crying with the ones who hurt , she will be missed with a heartache that can only be consoled by the strength of Jesus Christ whom she believed in with everything she was made of. Kat always spoiled everyone she loved with gifts and affection , a true blessing of a human being with a heart of gold. Her close family Son Christopher , Daughter Athena , Daughter Jessica, Daughter In law Danielle , Daughter in law Kita , Grandson Jupiter , Granddaughter Jesusanity , Grandson Devin , baby girl toots and everyone else among both family and friends are encouraged to celebrate her life by emulating the beauty of her character always willing to uplift another or give her last to help them. Until we see her again , everyday will be a day closer to meeting her in heaven and may our tears , good deeds and faith in Jesus Christ build the road to that lovely place where she walks with Angels without her oxygen hose!! We love you Momma and miss you already.