Teacher Guide March 7 – 13, 2025

Newspapers in Education

Teachers and homeschool parents, please share this with your students. Using this guide will make your subjects more relevant and interesting to your pupils and will encourage creative thought. If you or your students have any suggestions or ideas for these teacher guides, please email Sarah Nachin – [email protected] This guide is based on the newest Florida Standards for grade school through high school.

Activities and Questions based on the Mar. 7, 2025 – Mar. 13, 2025 issue

Math Activity for High School: (MA.912.FL.2.5) Develop budgets that fit within various incomes using spreadsheets and other technology.
Read the article on pg. B-7 on saving money when inflation is high. Then devise a budget for a household of four (two adults and two children) on a combined income of $80,000 per year with both parents working. Calculate a realistic budget, allowing 5% of your income to go towards saving or investments. These are the following categories: Rent/Mortgage, Car insurance (2 cars), Utilities (Electric/Gas, Water, Sewage and Garbage), Homeowners’ insurance and property taxes (if you own your home), Transportation (Gasoline & Car repairs), Food (including eating out), Cell phone service, Entertainment (Cable/Dish & extra streaming channels, like Netflix), Clothing, Emergency/incidentals. Put these figures into an Excel spreadsheet. Remember to budget for your savings and/or investments. After you do that, create a pie chart showing these figures.

World History Activity for High School: (SS.912.A.6) : Understand the causes and course of World War II, the character of the war at home and abroad, and its reshaping of the United States’ role in the post-war world.
Read the article on pg. B-1 and A-4 about the 104-year-old veteran. Then research one factor that led to World War II. Discuss how this led to World War II. Your essay should be at least 500 words. Cite at least two sources, giving the title of the article or book, the URL if it’s online, and the date and author (if they’re given)

Science Activity for Middle School: (SC.8.E.5.12) Summarize the effects of space exploration on the economy and culture of Florida.
Read the article on pages A-1 and A-2. Then, write an essay of at least 375 words describing how this launch will affect Florida’s economy. You will need to use at least one outside source for your essay. Give the title of the article or book, the URL if it’s online, and the date and author (if they’re given).

Composition activity for Middle School: (ELA.6.R.2.2) – Analyze the central idea(s), implied or explicit, and its development throughout a text.)
Read the article about the fossil find on page A-4. Then, summarize the article in your own words. Be sure to have a good opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention and introduce your main idea, at least three sentences to expand on that idea and a conclusion that sums up your information or even asks a question of the reader. Your essay should be at least 350 words.

Composition activity for Elementary School: (ELA.1.C.1.4) Write expository texts about a topic, using a source, providing facts and a sense of closure.
Read the article about the splash pad on pages A-1 and A-6. Then, summarize the article in your own words. You should have at least four sentences. These should state the main idea, at least two details expanding on the main idea and a conclusion that sums everything up. Your summary should be at least 275 words.

Art Activity for Elementary School: (VA.K.C.2.2) Identify media used by self or peers. Read the article on page B-5 about Art in the Park. Write an essay of at least 275 words describing the different art media on display at the event. These would be the ones listed in paragraph two (painting, ceramics, etc.) Then, expand on one of those media, describing it and giving an example of one well-known artist who creates in that media.

If you wish to submit any of your compositions from this week to the newspaper for us to consider publishing, please email to [email protected]. Be sure and include your name, age, grade level and school that you attend.